i have a phone line in the house, but haven’t plugged a phone in to it in over 3 years. i keep it around since i use dsl, but now that i’ve seen this neat project, i think i’m going to make a batphone. this how-to has pretty much all you need, i think i might make a slightly different version where the bat phone is a bluetooth headset, then i don’t need to use the phone line.
Author: Phillip Torrone120 Articles
Brushed Metal Ipod
my 3g ipod is officially scratched up, ipods are great–but only meant to be viewed behind glass and perhaps with white gloves if you need to touch it. so, i was thinking of painting the whole thing black, bono style, but i think i’ll make it look brushed metaly. here’s a site that shows how.
and just a site update, we now have categories–so, for example, you can go to or click ipod.hackaday.com and see all our ipod hacks.
Add Bluetooth To An Ibook (permanently)
man, oh, man–i love when you’re working on a hack and then see someone else do it and figures out stuff you didn’t think of. i had been using my ibook with the external bluetooth dongle, but was thinking of putting one internally in the ibook, this hack shows you how to do this. the only downside with this is the usb port can’t be used for anything else, i think another way might be to solder in a small usb hub then add the bluetooth inside.
Usb Pez
this “hack” is making the rounds, so i wanted to get it up here. with usb drives getting smaller and cheaper, there’s pretty much no end to where you could potentially put them. in this example, a pez dispenser. i’m pretty sure companies like pez may even be offering up these of their own soon with content on the drives along with that sweet sweet candy. post up other weird things that can or have been used a usb drive
Minipov: An Inexpensive Persistence Of Vision Toy
a couple years ago i made a pair of shoes that spelled words in the air as you walked, the cost was a little high for mass production, but now it’s looking like i can do this on the cheap
Provide Access To The Google Desktop Search Service From Remote Machines
i’ve been moving all my media, back ups, docs and music to one server that i can access from any anywhere in the house. it’s coming along slowly, but i wanted to have some fast searching on it–and with the new google desktop search it’s almost possible, but it can only search the local machine. well, here’s the google desktop proxy which will allow you do search a machine with the google desktop search app from another computer.
be careful with this one, someone could potentially search your machine get your info, also be nice and don’t do anything bad with this :-]
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Microwave Hacks: Fun With Microwaves
cds, toothpicks, light bulbs, tinfoil, florescent bulbs, christmas tree ornaments, soap and grapes– all things that can potentially be put in a microwave.