Internet Of Smells: Giving A Machine The Job Of Sniffing Out Spoiled Food

Has the food in your pantry turned? Sometimes it’s the sickening smell of rot that tells you there’s something amiss. But is there a way to catch this before it makes life unpleasant? If only there were machines that could smell spoiled food before it stinks up the whole place.

In early May, I was lucky enough to attend the fourth FabLab Asia Network Conference (Fan4). The theme of their event this year was ‘Co-Create a Better World’. One of the major features of the conference was that there were a number of projects featured, often from rural areas, that were requesting assistance throughout the course of the conference.

Overall there were many bright people tackling difficult problems with limited resources. This is how I met [Yogesh Kulkarni] who runs a FabLab in Pabal, a farming community not far from Pune, India. [Yogesh] has also appeared on TED Talks (video here). He explained to me that in his area, vendors sell milk-based desserts. These are not exactly refrigerated, and sometimes people become ill from eating them. It would be nice if there was a way for the vendors to avoid selling the occasional harmful product.

I’ve had similar concerns with food safety in my area (Vietnam), and while it has been fine nearly all of the time, a few years ago I nearly died from a preventable food-borne illness. I had sufficient motivation to do a little research.

Continue reading “Internet Of Smells: Giving A Machine The Job Of Sniffing Out Spoiled Food”

Simple Ethereum Vending Machines With NodeMCU

Recently, we covered how to use the Etherscan API to query data (a wallet balance) from the Ethereum blockchain with NodeMCU. It’s a very useful method for retrieving information from a blockchain on embedded systems where storage and memory are an issue.

It has some limitations though. Most notably, it’s polling the API at some interval to retrieve information whether it has changed or not. I would like to be able to receive data more efficiently than this, and quickly enough to make simple vending machines possible. While we’ve seen videos of Bitcoin-based Red Bull vending machines before, they required an NFC card to use.

If we could receive information about Ethereum transactions quickly and reliably enough, we could build a similar vending machine without requiring an NFC card as an intermediary. Simply send to an address via some method, and receive goods!

It turns out we can do exactly that with NodeMCU using WebSocket. Like HTTP, WebSocket is a communications protocol that uses TCP connections (typically over port 80), but it allows full-duplex communication. In other words, you can establish a connection to a server, and send/receive messages without needing to poll the server.

As in the previous example, we’ll use a NodeMCU running Lua. You may wish to refer to it for compile options and information about the screen, which will be the same in this case. Unlike the previous article, you will not need an API key from Etherscan to use this service (not yet, anyway). As usual, we’ll start off by connecting to WiFi:

station_cfg.ssid="Your SSID"
station_cfg.pwd="Your Password"

Connecting to a server with WebSockets is easy, but since we’re not using HTTP, we’ll have to remove the https:// and replace that with ws://. (Note: not wss:// because we’ve not enabled encryption yet.)


Next, we need to report back when the connection is established as the trigger to run additional code. It will return an error code if the connection fails to be established. Handling these error codes in a sensible way is an excellent feature, but we’ll handle that later:

ws:on("connection", function(ws)
    print('got ws connection')

Now, we need to extend the above to subscribe to an Eth address, and add some new code to do something when a transaction occurs. Note that the API requires that you subscribe to an address within 60 seconds of connecting. It also states that you have to send a ping event to the server every 20 seconds to keep the connection alive, so we’ll need to set a recurring timer for that.

If you’re using ESPlorer, you can send the ping request manually by entering =ws:send('{"event": "ping"}') and pressing Send. This is a useful way to test the connection status.

The address I used seems to have frequent transactions so is reasonable for testing. Be advised though that sitting and waiting for a transaction to happen to test the code creates a slow development cycle so some patience is necessary here.

ws = websocket.createClient()
ws:on("connection", function(ws)
    print('got ws connection')
    ws:send('{"event": "txlist", "address": "0x2a65aca4d5fc5b5c859090a6c34d164135398226"}')

ws:on("receive", function(_, msg, opcode)
    print('got message:', msg, opcode)

You should see something like what follows below. The first message is a simple confirmation of connection, the second confirms your subscription to an address, and the third is what you get sent when a transaction occurs. You can subscribe to up to 30 addresses with a single connected device! Note that the data is all in JSON format, which is something we’ll take advantage of later.

got message: {"event":"welcome"} 1
got message: {"event":"subscribe-txlist", "status":"1", "message":"OK, 0x2a65aca4d5fc5b5c859090a6c34d164135398226"} 1
got message: {"event":"txlist","address":"0x2a65aca4d5fc5b5c859090a6c34d164135398226","result":[{"blockNumber":"5532531","timeStamp":"1525098009","hash":"0xe5ec497cb5b38811e8bf5db67a056a2bdd4aa9b68df5c8e8225cb300cbcfa413","nonce":"3363391","blockHash":"0xf446f77d92ed29c221e8451b8048113969ed305a7dd49177e10b422e8e2c4bda","transactionIndex":"172","from":"0x2a65aca4d5fc5b5c859090a6c34d164135398226","to":"0xec5fdfba35c01c6ad7a00085e70e8f30cd121597","value":"24418350000000000","gas":"50000","gasPrice":"4000000000","input":"0x","contractAddress":"","cumulativeGasUsed":"7896403","gasUsed":"21000","confirmations":"1"}]} 1

That’s quite a mess of transaction data, and unfortunately the datum of interest is in the ‘result’ field – which is nested JSON. In the last article, we converted simple JSON to a Lua table using the excellent sjson module. We’ll do the same here after verifying the message type is a transaction (txlist).

ws:on("receive", function(_, msg, opcode)
    print('got message:', msg, opcode)
    ok, ethdata = pcall(sjson.decode, msg)
    if ok then
        msgtype = (ethdata["event"])
        if msgtype == "txlist" then

The NodeMCU documentation specifically notes that nested JSON can cause out-of-memory errors. For that reason we use pcall (protected call) to contain any such errors when decoding our JSON message. Next, we extract the contents of the ‘value’ field, nested within the ‘result’ field:

if msgtype == "txlist" then
    wei = ethdata.result[1].value
    print (wei)
    eth = wei/1000000000000000000
    print (eth)

It took me a few hours to figure out how to deal with nested tables, but in the end it was actually quite clean and easy — I was just being dense. Now, we need to add a basic provision to handle errors when the websocket is closed:

ws:on("close", function(_, status)
    print('connection closed', status)
    ws = nil -- required to Lua gc the websocket client
    tmr.alarm(0,4000,tmr.ALARM_SINGLE,transact) -- This reconnects after 4 seconds

To wrap it all up, we encase the code in a couple of functions — first, one to establish a connection, subscribe to the right address, and notify when there is a transaction. Next we need one to display the amount of Eth transferred. Finally, we need a ‘ping’ function to call every 20 seconds or less to keep the connection alive. Overall this turned out to be more robust than expected and has yet to encounter an error. Check out the full code listing here. Note that I’ve also added a little code above to interface with a 128×32 OLED screen, the same one we used previously.

Now that it works, let’s consider im/practical applications. It’s a neat way to display Ethereum transactions in real-time, say if you do livestreaming and accept Eth donations and want them to trigger something fancy. Or, you could make a somewhat insecure vending machine. Clearly, getting a secure WebSocket up and running is the next order of business.

You could also set a timer where the length depends on the amount of Eth received. This would allow for things like public advertisements that go away for a while if someone pays a fee. (Please don’t do this!) Maybe a conference room for rent with the power controlled this way? Hackerspace membership payment? An electric bicycle that charges you for power used?

In any case, it’s not legal to use cryptocurrency as a form of payment in my country so I can’t implement any of the above examples at this time. If you’ve got a better application, please share it in the comments!

Accessing Blockchain On ESP8266 Using The NodeMCU Board

Blockchains claim to be public, distributed, effectively immutable ledgers. Unfortunately, they also tend to get a little bit huge – presently the Bitcoin blockchain is 194GB and Ethereum weighs in at 444GB. That poses quite an inconvenience for me, as I was looking at making some fun ‘Ethereum blockchain aware’ gadgets and that’s several orders of magnitude too much data to deal with on a microcontroller, not to mention the bandwidth cost if using 3G.

Having imagined a thin device that I could integrate into my mobile phone cover (or perhaps… a wallet?) dealing with the whole blockchain was clearly not a possibility. I could use a VPS or router to efficiently download the necessary data and respond to queries, but even that seemed like a lot of overhead, so I investigated available APIs.

As it turns out, several blockchain explorers offer APIs that do what I want. My efforts get an ESP8266 involved with the blockchain began with two of the available APIs: Ethplorer and Etherscan.

Continue reading “Accessing Blockchain On ESP8266 Using The NodeMCU Board”

A Blockchain, Robotics And AI Event In Vietnam

Blockchain Education Network Vietnam recently held an event titled “Building a Robotics & Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem with Blockchain”. The title alone has three of my favorite things in it, so when a client of mine asked me if I could put together a little hardware demonstration for the event, I jumped at the opportunity.

I also thought I’d take a moment to write about it, because I haven’t seen much coverage of emerging technology events in the developing world, and the fact is that there’s a consistently high level of interest. I’ve yet to go to an event that wasn’t filled to capacity, and I hope to share some of that enthusiasm with you.

Continue reading “A Blockchain, Robotics And AI Event In Vietnam”

Storm Detector Modules: Dancing In The Rain

Earlier, we had covered setting up an AS3935 lightning detector module. This detector picks up radio emissions, then analyzes them to determine if they are a lightning strike or some other radio source. After collecting some data, it outputs the estimated distance to the incoming storm front.

But that only gets you halfway there. The device detects many non-lightning events, and the bare circuit board is lacking in pizzazz. Today I fix that by digging into the detector’s datasheet, and taking a quick trip to the dollar store buy a suitable housing. The result? A plastic plant that dances when it’s going to rain!
Continue reading “Storm Detector Modules: Dancing In The Rain”

An Introduction To Storm Detector Modules

Lightning storm detectors have been around for a surprisingly long time. The early designs consisted of a pair of metal bells and a pendulum. When there was a charge applied, for example by connecting one bell to the ground and the other to a lightning rod, the bells would ring when a lightning storm was close by. In the mid 18th century, these devices were only practical for demonstration and research purposes, but very likely represent the earliest devices that convert electrostatic charge to mechanical force. A bit over a hundred years later, the first lightning detector was considered by some as the first radio receiver as well.

As soon as I found out about storm detector chips, I knew I would have to get one working. For about $25, I ordered an AMS AS3935 module from China. This chip has been featured before in a number of excellent projects such as Twittering lightning detectors, and networks of Sub-Saharan weather stations. While there’s an Arduino library for interfacing with this IC, I’m going to be connecting it up to an ESP8266 running the NodeMCU firware, which means digging into the datasheet and writing some SPI code. If any of the above tickles your fancy, read on! Continue reading “An Introduction To Storm Detector Modules”

Building A Portable Solar-Powered Spot Welder: Nearly Practical!

Last time, we covered storing and charging a 3000 Farad supercapacitor to build a solar-powered, portable spot welder. Since then, I’ve made some improvements to the charging circuit and gotten it running. To recap, the charger uses a DC-DC buck converter to convert a range of DC voltages down to 2.6 V. It can supply a maximum of 5 A though, and the supercapacitor will draw more than that if allowed to.

Capacitor charge current decreases with time as the capacitor charges. Source: Hyperphysics

After some failed attempts, I had solved that by passing the buck converter output through a salvaged power MOSFET. A spare NodeMCU module provided pulse width modulated output that switched the MOSFET on for controlled periods of time to limit the charging current. That was fine, but a constant-voltage charger really isn’t the right way to load up a capacitor. Because the capacitor plates build up a voltage as it charges, the current output from a constant-voltage charger is high initially, but drops to a very low rate in the end.

Continue reading “Building A Portable Solar-Powered Spot Welder: Nearly Practical!”