CES: Augmented Reality


I got my hands on a set of augmented reality glasses that were displayed with a Monkey-Ball style game. This wasnt anything too new as far as the augmented reality goes, however the glasses that were used with the game featured stereo cameras on the center of the outside of the lens, which allowed a true 3D augmented vision that you wouldn’t have to stare into a screen for. These glasses were still in the demo stage, but if they ever make it out into retail, I think that they would be exactly what could bridge AR from a fun toy to a useful tool. Another review video after the break.

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CES Update: CES Badges

In a previous post we had given one of our badges out to [Bre Pettis] at the MakerBot booth. We have been called the “Skull Guys” around CES and were stopped multiple times by people that did not know of this site. [Bre] got an extra of the size we are wearing around. [Leo Laporte] received the very first prototype which he promptly placed in his mouth. The badges are made from natural ABS plastic in [Devlin]’s CupCake CNC machine. There will be a post-CES follow-up with the release of the STL files to make the badge on Thingiverse as well as a step-by-step breakdown of the build process.

CES: 3d Laser Projection System

We really really wanted to see this system. It supposedly created a 3D projection in the air. They didn’t have a system on the floor, but invited us to their hotel room for a private showing.  We did manage to find the room and were welcomed in to the sight of a smaller unit that made a roughly 4×4 inch projection inside a cylinder.

It was truly 3D. It was not the old angled glass trick. They would not let us take pictures, or video. The guy wouldn’t really answer any questions at all. We are speculating that it was just intersecting lasers. You could clearly see the vertexes, as you can see in the pictures above and there was a scanning refresh effect that was visible to the naked eye. We really wished we could have seen the big unit that projected into the air instead.

Edit: One of our readers managed to find a video of what we were talking about, thanks [alex]! Video after the break.

Continue reading “CES: 3d Laser Projection System”

CES: Haier Wireless TV


We received a couple requests via email to get a look at Haier’s wireless TV. They used both wireless power and WHDI to show off a zero wire concept. Sure, the giant 2001: A Space Odyssey looking monolith behind it is a bit imposing, but for something that could be embedded into a wall, we’re pretty impressed. Wireless power is a big thing here, and we cant wait for hackers to take up the reins and integrate this into some consumer products.

[Nick]- There are a few companies here that are pushing wireless power products, but this definitely one of the cooler implementations that we’ve seen.

CES: Glove Input

The peregrine looks like it could actually be a useful tool. We’ve seen several people make glove input devices over the years and this looks like a quick and easy way to get one going. It touts over 30 touch points that are user programmable. Really, it works more like a keyboard wrapped around your hand than any kind of motion or flex sensing. It could probably save you some time if you are headed that direction, but at $250 you might just want to build your own.

[James] – For those looking to make your own, Adafruit offers both flex sensors and force sensitive buttons that could help you work on something like this.