Low-Resolution Fluid Simulation On An ESP32

Fluid simulations are a key tool in fields from aerospace to motorsports and even civil engineering. They can be three-dimensional and complicated and often run on supercomputer clusters bigger than your house. However, you can also do simple two-dimensional fluid simulations on very simple hardware, as [mircemk] demonstrates.

This build is almost like a simple toy that displays particles rolling around and tumbling as you turn it one way or the other. Behind the scenes, an ESP32 is running the show, simulating a group of particles responding to gravity in a fluid-like manner. The microcontroller isĀ  hooked up with an 3-axis gyroscope and accelerometer, which it uses to track motion and influence the motion of the particles in turn. The results of the simple fluid simulation are displayed on a screen made up of a 16 x 16 matrix of WS2812B addressable RGB LEDs, which add enough color to make the build suitably mesmerizing.

There’s something compelling about turning the display and watching the particles tumble and flow, particularly when they’re all set to different colors. [mircemk] also gave the build the ability to operate in several different modes, running “sand,” “liquid” and “gas” simulations and with dynamic coloring to boot.

We’ve seen some great videos from [mircemk] before, too, like this sensitive metal detector rig. Continue reading “Low-Resolution Fluid Simulation On An ESP32”

Microfluidic Motors Could Work Really Well For Tiny Scale Tasks

The vast majority of motors that we care about all stick to a theme. They rely on the electromagnetic dance between electrons and magnets to create motion. They come in all shapes and sizes and types, but fundamentally, they all rely on electromagnetic principles at heart.

And yet! This is not the only way to create a motor. Electrostatic motors exist, for example, only they’re not very good because electrostatic forces are so weak by comparison. Only, a game-changing motor technology might have found a way to leverage them for more performance. It achieves this by working with fluid physics on a very small scale.

Continue reading “Microfluidic Motors Could Work Really Well For Tiny Scale Tasks”

When Vortex Rings Collide

Intrigued by a grainy video from 1992, [Destin] from Smarter Every Day decided to jump in and fund his own research into the strange phenomenon of vortex ring collisions.

This hack started with a scientific publication and a video from back in 1992. The paper, written by Dr. T T Lim and TB Nichols, illustrated what happens when two vortex rings collide perfectly head-on. The rings collide and spread out forming a thin membrane. Then smaller rings form at a 90-degree angle to the original collision. It’s a beautiful effect when created with multicolored dye in water. But what causes it? There are theories about the fluid mechanics involved, but not much research has gone on since Dr. Lim’s paper.

[Destin] wanted to find out more about the effect, and get some video of it. Being the guy behind Smarter Every Day, he had the high-speed photography equipment and the funds to make that happen. Little did he know that this passion project would take four years to complete.

The initial prototype was built as part of a senior design project by a group of college students. While they did show the phenomenon, it was only barely visible, and not easily repeatable. [Destin] then got an engineer to design and build the experiment apparatus with him. It took numerous prototypes and changes, and years of development.

The final “vortex cannons” are driven by a computer controlled pneumatic cylinder which ensures both cannons get a perfect pulse of air. The air pushes a membrane which moves the dye and water out through an orifice. It’s a very finicky process, but when everything goes right, the result is a perfect collision. Just as in Dr. Lim’s video, the vortexes crash into each other, then form a ring on smaller vortexes.

Destin didn’t stop there. He’s made his data public, in the form of high-speed video – nearly 12 hours worth when played at normal speed. The hope is that researchers and engineers will now have enough information to better understand this phenomenon.

You can check out the videos after the break. If you’re a Smarter Every Day fan, we’ve covered [Destin’s] work in the past, including his backwards brain bikeĀ and his work with magnets.

Continue reading “When Vortex Rings Collide”