A guy's leg encased in a 3D printer showing a fresh printed tattoo

Do, Dare Or Don’t? Getting Inked By A 3D Printer

This unusual tattoo hack by [Emily The Engineer] is not for the weak of heart, but let’s be frank: we kind of know her for that. And she gives out a warning, albeit at a good 10 minutes in, to not do this at home. What she’s about to do takes creativity and tech obsession to the next level: to transform a 3D printer into a functional tattoo machine. Therefore, [Emily] ingeniously modified one of her standard 3D printers to operate two-dimensionally, swapped its plastic extruder for a tattoo gun, and, yes, even managed to persuade a willing participant to try it out.

The entire process can be seen in [Emily]’s video below, which humorously yet meticulously documents the journey from Sharpie test runs to actually inking skin. Aside from a lot of tongue-in-cheek trial and error, this project requires a sheer amount of problem-solving. [Emily] employs firmware edits to bypass safety checks, and clever hardware adaptations to ensure smooth transitions between strokes. One impressive upgrade is the emergency solenoid system, a literal panic button to stop the machine mid-tattoo in case of trouble—a critical addition for something with needles involved!

This hack sits on the edge of DIY body modification, raising eyebrows and technical questions alike. If you missed the warning and are now frantically searching for tattoo removal options, know we’ve covered some (but you might be rightfully scared of automating that, too, at this point). If you haven’t lifted a finger while reading this, just do the safe thing: watch [Emily]’s video, and tinker about the subsequent purposes this discovery creates for 3D printing or tattoo art.

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The Cyborg Artist – Tattoo Machine Arm Prosthesis

[JC Sheitan Tenet] lost his right arm when he was 10 years old. As most of us, he was right-handed, so the challenges he had to face by not having an arm become even harder.

Have you ever tried to perform mundane tasks with your non-dominant hand? If you’re right-handed, have you ever tried to feed yourself with your left? Or if you’re left-handed, how well can you write with your right? For some people, using both hands comes naturally, but if you’re anything like me, your non-dominant hand is just about useless.

The thing is, he wanted to be a tattoo artist. And he wasn’t giving up. Even facing the added difficulty of not finding a tattoo artist that wanted to take him as an apprentice, he did not gave up. So he became a tattoo artist, using only his left arm. That is, until some months ago, when he met [Jean-Louis Gonzal], a bio-mechanical artist with an engineer background, at a tattoo convention. After seeing [Gonzal] work, he just asked if it was possible to modify a prosthesis and attach a tattoo machine to it.

The Cyborg Artist is born. The tattoo machine in the prosthesis can move 360 degrees for a wide range of movements. [JC Sheitan Tenet] uses it to help with colours, shadows and abstract forms in general. It’s a bad-ass steam punk prosthesis and it’s not just for show, he actually works with it (although not exclusively) . This, it seems, is only the beginning, since the first version of prototype worked so well, the second version is already being planned by [JC] and [Gonzal]. We can’t wait to see what they’ll come up with, maybe a mix between current version and a tattoo robotic arm or a brain controlled needle?

Check it out in the video:

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Turning The Makerbot Into A Tattoo Machine


ENSCI les Ateliers, the famous design school in Paris, had a “Public Domain Remix” and hackathon recently, with teams splitting up to remix public domain and other free-to-use IP in projects. Most of the teams came up with similar ideas, but one team went above and beyond the call of duty; they turned a 3D printer into a tattoo machine, capable of inking a real, live human test subject.

The build began by plotting a circle with a pen onto a piece of paper. This evolved into printing a tool holder for a tattoo machine graciously provided by an amateur tattoo artist. Tests with “artificial skin” (any one care to hazard a guess at what that is?) were promising, and the team moved on to a human guinea pig.

The biggest problem the team faced is that humans aren’t flat. They tried a few tricks to tighten the skin around the area to be tattooed – metal rings, elastics, and finally the inner tube from a scooter. In the end, the team was able to tattoo a small circle on the forearm of the test subject.

It’s an extremely simple and small tattoo, and scaling this build up to a sleeve would be difficult. A better solution would be to create a point cloud of an arm before going for a much larger tattoo.

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