The Guanella 1:1 balun. (Credit: Steve Arar)

Using Guanella Baluns As Impedance Transformers

Guanella Impedance Transformer. (Credit: FesZ Electronics)
Guanella Impedance Transformer. (Credit: FesZ Electronics)

Even before entering the mystical realms of UHF design, radio frequency (RF) circuits come with a whole range of fun design aspects as well. A case in point can be found in transmission line transformers, which are commonly used in RF power amplifiers, with the Guanella transformer (balun) being one example. Allowing balanced and unbalanced  (hence ‘balun’) systems to interface without issues, they’re both very simple and very complex. This type of transformer and its various uses is explained in a video by [FesZ Electronics], and also the subject of an article by [Dr. Steve Arar] as part of a larger series, the latter of which is recommended to start with you’re not familiar with RF circuitry.

Transmission line transformers are similar to regular transformers, except that the former relies on transmission line action to transfer energy rather than magnetic flux and provides no DC isolation. The Guanella balun transformer was originally described by Gustav Guanella in 1944. Beyond the 1:1 balun other configurations are also possible, which [Dr. Arar] describes in a follow-up article, and which are also covered in the [FesZ] video, alongside the explanation of another use of Guanella transformers: as an impedance transformer. This shows just how flexible transformers are once you can wrap your mind around the theory.

We have previously covered RF amplifier builds as well as some rather interesting balun hacks.

Heading image:  The Guanella 1:1 balun. (Credit: Steve Arar)

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Well-Engineered RF Amplifier Powers Ham Radio Contacts

Typically, amateur radio operators use the minimum power needed to accomplish a contact. That’s just part of being a good spectrum citizen, and well-earned bragging rights go to those who make transcontinental contacts on the power coming from a coin cell. But sometimes quantity has a quality all its own, and getting more power into the ether is what the contact requires. That’s where builds such as this well-engineered 600W broadband RF amplifier come into play.

We’re really impressed with the work that [Razvan] put into this power amp. One of the great joys of being a ham is being able to build your own gear, and to incorporate the latest technology long before the Big Three manufacturers start using it. While LDMOS transistors aren’t exactly new – laterally-diffused MOSFETs have been appearing in RF power applications for decades – the particular parts used for the amp, NXP’s MRF300 power transistors, are pretty new to the market. A pair of the LDMOS devices form the heart of the push-pull amp, as do an array of custom-wound toroids and transformers including a transmission line transformer wound with 17-ohm coax cable. [Razvan] paid a lot of attention to thermal engineering, too, with the LDMOS transistors living in cutouts in the custom PCB so they can mate with a hefty heatsink. Even the heatsink compound is special; rather than the typical silicone grease, he chose a liquid metal alloy called Gallinstan. The video below gives a tour of the amp and shows some tests with impressive results.

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