Hackaday Links


more links. more fun. more sausage. wait, no.

Someone decided it’d be fun to take Yahoo! and Google and merge them into one search engine

Always remember to kick it old school when hacking [sc0rian]

Using a joystick to control and manipulate images

Multiplayer on the PSP with only one UMD [Roy]
Kick it with a Gundam Land Walker
light up that beige keyboard
duct tape = instant hammock
save xbox games on the psp, because you can

and for your true wardriving needs, ebay has it all

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Making An Aquapiano


There is the pianist. There is the fisherman. Then there is the guy with a lot of time who enjoys making pianos into aquariums which is totally awesome. He started with a television and then got the idea for a piano aquarium. So he hollowed out an old piano, wired up everything including the filter, lights, pumps, and heaters and then put it all back to look like a piano.

And get this, he plans on making the piano playable again.

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Hackaday Links


well what else would i have for you besides a fresh box of links?

i know it’s a monday, but we all need to just shut up and wake up [Kristina]
perhaps some coffee would help?

looks like it was only a matter of time before someone got an IRC client on the PSP
some guy is claiming he shoved 500 old school games into some thing that you put on your PSP memory stick, but we’ll see.

this man is determined to pet his chicken over the net [thx WMMNA]

with a little python fun, turn your blog into a gopher site
Mod a Nerf Gun into an NES Light Gun
hell, why not. make your own nerf rifle
who doesn’t want hi-def colecovision?
have a cold one at your pc easily

and of course, modding that xbox jewel never gets old

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Sneaker Power

sneaker power

just think about how much energy you waste when you pound your heels into the ground while walking or jogging.  you exert a lot of effort fighting gravity to lift your foot and body from the ground, only to let gravity take over, allowing your body to fall forward onto your heel again and wear another layer from the sole of your sneaker.

the kind folks at the mit media lab decided to do something about this.  by placing a piezoelectric element or a rotary magnetic generator into the heel of your shoe, you can effectively recycle some of your strut and use it for a mobile device.

it’s like regenerative braking for your feet.

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Hackaday Links – Portable Gaming Edition

hackaday links
for today’s links, i thought it would be a kick to round up all hacks portable gaming related.  several of these you may have seen before, several of them you may not have, but they are all worth investigating and may serve as some inspiration and technical instruction for your own portable gaming project.

benheck’s portables:
atari 2600 vagabond 2000
atari 2600 mass produciton prototype (phoenix)
playstation 2 portable
n64 portable

other portable conversions:
another cool n64 portable
ladyada’s gamegrrl

extend your portable:
ultimate gba game console
gameboy advance gps
gba robotics kits

gameboy programming
gba programming
ds programming

and, of course:
hackaday on your playstation portable
you can use our psp portal here

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Portable Atari 2600

atari 2600 portable

benjamin heckendorn of portable playstation 2 fame has been working on a prototype for a mass produced portable atari 2600, code named ‘phoenix’.

it has a 3.5″ screen, takes 6 aa batteries, uses standard atari game cartridges, and will someday allow me to play hours and hours of joust and moon patrol on international flights.

ben recently started a phoenix blog to help us stay on top of the latest phoenix development news.  thanks for the tip jesse!

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