Keep Others From Snooping In Your Digital Life

In our digital age prying eyes are everywhere. The sad thing is that they may even belong to your own government. But no matter who it is, there are some things you can do to keep your private digital devices and content as secure as possible.

The link above goes to [Jerry Whiting’s] discussion on the topic. He’s certainly an interesting speaker, but make sure you’re using headphones at work as the language can be a bit sultry once in a while. He aims the lesson at the Occupy movement, but it’s a fun listen for any conspiracy theorist out there. The topics run the gamut, starting with the specter of physical access, then moving on to protecting your network through traffic analysis and using key pairs. This Security 101 segment comes in two parts (the first one is embedded after the break), each a bit more than thirty minutes. He’s planning to post a second lesson covering hashes and encryption.

NSFW: Language


21 thoughts on “Keep Others From Snooping In Your Digital Life

  1. What kind of crypto is really necessary for a lego arduino mashup?

    I mean unless it’s network controlled, what is the Lego machine going to strangle you in your sleep because you wrote disparaging things about the government? :D

  2. If I may interject here, I’m the guy in the video. This was a relatively informal teach-in I did for fellow #OccupySeattle folks. It was at my favorite watering hole, Beveridge Place Pub, hence the background sounds. Camera? A modest Flip on the table in front of me. Explanation, not excuses.

    Back to our regularly scheduled program, already in progress…

      1. Not to get too far off topic, but the occupy movement did get a lot of attention, and that is one important part of the war for freedom.

        If you mean the war to free me from my earnings, and free businesses from being able to conduct business, or free people from being able to walk through public spaces without having to step in human feces, then yes, the occupy movement is definitely part of the war for freedom.

        Interesting that the occupy movement’s definition of “freedom” includes creating a bigger, more powerful government at the expense of personal liberty.

  3. Note to those that like to do videos like this, buy a lapel mic and use it to cut out background noise. A little education in the process makes a big difference in the quality of the end product.

  4. Why are you being such a pussy about spicy language at work lately?

    There’s a few weird things about the warning being presented in such a way. There’s places other then work where you wouldn’t want to watch a video with such language, and work is the last on my mind. If you’ll be so specific as who to direct it to, Kindergarten kids in class would be a better direction. Besides, when you’re watching videos at work on break or w/e, is it still work? Honestly, this gives me such a more boring and commercial feel then what Hackaday had back in 2004. Whatever. I’ll quit my nagging like an old lady who’s complaining about her husband gone limp.

  5. If anyone found anything useful in that irritating waffle tell me at what time point, please.
    I ask why would anyone put such an annoying version of a talk on the web when it would be so easy to do it better.

    1. I think it was directed at the less-savvy ‘brothers&sisters’,even though much of the language
      used would go over their heads(Anyone who understands what u meant by A,B,T,E and M without having already read-up on crypto from that description is doing well)

      Mind you this is all stuff I find my self explaining to friends etc.. constantly, although now I usually just shorten it to: Use HTTPS whenever you can, use strong passwords UNLESS (and Terry didn’t mention this in the vid)you are on normal http in which case just use a series of throw-away basic passwords as u have no privacy there anyways.. etc..

      @Rob : Please let us know when you (easily)do the better video as I would be keen to watch it.(seriously xD )

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