[4RM4] over at the Stuttgart hackerspace Shackspace ran into a guy selling individually addressable RGB LED strips when he attended the 29th Chaos Communication Congress last December. He had a Raspberry Pi with him, and after a little bit of work he rigged up an LED display that wrapped around a trash can. A respectable hack, but not quite ready for prime time.
After getting back to the Shackspace, [4RM4] decided to go in a more classic direction by building an RGB Snake clone. A few neat features were implemented like a high score list, a free play bot, and a clock.
To control his pixel-munching snake, [4RM4] used a Wii Nunchuck controller hooked up to the Raspberry Pi’s GPIO pins. It looks like a whole lot of fun, and given the absurdly high scores shown in the video after the break, it looks like this build is getting a lot of use at the Shackspace.
A big shift from Arduin-a-day to Rasp-a-day…
Kind of seconded.
a bit of overkill
I bet that Dijkstra algo for pathfinding of the bot sure as hell needs a bunch of computing power.
when did overkill ever become a reason not to do something? ;)
Better yet, Wheres yours?
I thinh you have to build your own.
I’m ok with this shift
Scoring 43380 points might be some work, actually, but it’s not “absurdly high”. If you want it, you can get it!
Kind regards,
h0uz3 (HZE)
Where can we buy these magical strips too?
Ebay, HL1606 RGB LED strip. Though the HL1606 can’t be dimmed very easily, you basically have on/off. There are better ones from adafruit that use a different chip (LPD8806), but they are considerably more expensive. I paid 40€ including shipping for 5m of HL1606 5050 RGB from china, whereas the LPD8806 are $30/m from adafruit.
Actually this looks like a great project.
Here I am trying to bit bang out something through the GPIO port and it really looks like talking through the SPI port to a little extra hardware is the right way to go.
of course the high score may be due to the tendency of people to compete with each other, someone gets the high score and brags about having the high score, then somebody decides to beat it and the process repeat itself and the score keeps getting higher and higher
And then there are others who are just practicing procrastination like a boss. :D