For this week we’re veering away from our habit of giving away things to help with your build and giving away something fun. 20 Hackaday Prize entries will receive a Bulbdial Clock kit. Getting into the running is easy, start your project on and make sure you officially submit it to the Hackaday Prize. Get it in by next Wednesday to be considered for this week’s prizes, and you’ll also be in the running each week after that as we work our way through $50,000 in prizes this summer before giving away the big stuff like a Trip into Space and $100,000 in cash.
The Bulbdial Clock has been a favorite of ours for years. Developed by Hackaday Prize Judges [Windell] and [Lenore] at Evil Mad Scientist Labs, it uses three rings of colored LEDs to cast shadows as clock hands. It’s a fun solder kit that will take time to assemble. In keeping with that ideal, your best bet at scoring one this week is to post a new project log showing off the solder work you’ve done on your prototype. If you don’t have one soldered yet, that’s okay too. Just post a new project log that talks about the component assembly you’ll be working on. This would be a great time to finally draw up a basic schematic, right?
Last Week’s 40 Winners of $50 Shapeways Gift Cards
Congratulations to these 40 projects who were selected as winners from last week. You will receive a $50 gift card from Shapeways so that you can get your custom parts 3D printed. We were on the lookout for projects that we thought would benefit most from custom parts. Some of these are far along in their development, some have just started, but all of them are awesome so browse the list and make sure to skull and follow the ones you like!
Each project creator will find info on redeeming their prize as a message on
- Redtree Hydra: A modular platform for robotics
- Eye drive wheelchair
- Aspirin for everyone
- Bicycle Computer
- Medical tricorder
- Wireless Batteryless Mouse
- EM-Drive
- UV-badge
- Small $100 Braille Printer
- ScrolLED watch
- Calculator For 3D Printed Parametric Motor
- 8-bit binary/hex/braille keyboard
- Open Ground Penetrating Radar
- NeoLimb
- Nutritional Content of Food with RamanPi
- low-field MRI
- Tact-Tiles
- Turbidity Sensor
- DIY Smartphone
- SubPos – Positioning System
- 100$ CT scanner – Xray (desktop) 3D scanner
- 6DOF Robot Arm
- Open source sport watch
- Density Altitude Gauge
- DC Motor Controller for CNC Router
- Pill Minder – Automatic Pill Dispenser
- Open-source USB CPAP machine
- Realtime PCR Diagnostic Device
- A tiny scientific calculator
- Very thin (but touch type-able) USB keyboard !
- Weather Controlled SmartWindow
- Pathfinder – Haptic Navigation
- TheSixthSense
- Impact
- Indoor air pollution reduction
- The Temperizer
- BloodWatch
- OpenVideoMagnifier
- Reagent Robot
- OpenBionics Affordable Prosthetic Hands
These should be preprogrammed with a count down timer for the HaD deadlines to remind the contestants… :)
Cool, two of my projects won. It just happens that I need to 3-D print parts for a tiny spectrophotometer. Thanks HaD!
That clock is awsome :)