It’s easy to become obsessed with music, especially once you start playing. You want to make music everywhere you go, which is completely impractical. Don’t believe me? See how long you can get away with whistling on the subway or drumming your hands on any number of bus surfaces before your fellow passengers revolt. There’s a better way, and that way is portable USB MIDI controllers.
[Johan] wanted a pocket-sized woodwind MIDI controller, but all the existing ones he found were too big and bulky to carry around. With little more than a Teensy and a pressure sensor, he created TeensieWI. It uses the built-in cap sense library to read input from the copper tape keys, generate MIDI messages, and send them over USB or DIN. Another pair of conductive pads on the back allow for octave changes. [Johan] later added a PSP joystick to do pitch bends, modulation, and glide. This is a simple build that creates a versatile instrument.
You don’t actually blow air into the mouthpiece—just let it escape from the sides of your mouth instead. That might take some getting used to if you’ve developed an embouchure. The values are determined by a pressure sensor that uses piezoresistivity to figure out how hard you’re blowing. There’s a default breath response value that can be configured in the settings.
TeensiWI should be easy to replicate or remix into any suitable chassis, though the UV-reactive acrylic looks pretty awesome. [Johan]’s documentation on IO is top-notch and includes a user guide with a fingering chart. For all you take-my-money types out there, [Johan] sells ’em ready to rock on Tindie. Check out the short demo clips after the break.
We saw a woodwind MIDI controller a few years ago that was eventually outfitted with an on-board synthesizer. Want to build a MIDI controller ? , like this beautiful build that uses hard drive platters as jog wheels.
A new word for me.
Not new to me.. my high school band director kept telling me that i need to work on my embouchure… it wasn’t until today that I knew what he was talking about ;-)
I wonder if this applies to other occupations and mouth placement those paid per play.
Kinda gauche…
this seems very similar to an electronic bagpipe chanter.
I’ve always wondered how people find random websites that interest them… yet… here I am.
This is very cool. To take this a notch up….or three, check out
Am I the only one who thinks it looks like an isolinear chip from Star Trek?
Retail wind MIDI controllers are oddly expensive, so it certainly pays to make your own.
Maybe a phone manufacturer should put it in a phone, attach a reed and play your phone, since they are always looking for gimmicks you know. That way the parts would be tweaked and miniaturized and mass produced and thus cheap.