Many of us could use a general-purpose portable workstation, something small enough to pocket but still be ready for a quick troubleshooting session. Terminal apps on a smartphone will usually do the job fine, but they lack the panache of this pocketable pop-top Raspberry Pi workstation.
It doesn’t appear that [Michael Horne] has a specific mission in mind for his tiny Linux machine, but that’s OK — we respect art for art’s sake. The star of the show is the case itself, a unit intended for dashboard use with a mobile DVD player or backup camera. The screen is a 4.3″ TFT with a relatively low-resolution, so [Michael] wasn’t expecting too much from it. And he faced some challenges, like dealing with the different voltage needs for the display and the Raspberry Pi Zero W he intended to stuff into the base. Luckily, the display regulates the 12-volt supply internally to 3.3-volts, so he just tapped into the 3.3-volt pin on the Pi and powered everything from a USB charger. The display also has some smarts built in, blanking until composite video is applied, which caused a bit of confusion at first. A few case mods to bring connectors out, a wireless keyboard, and he had a nice little machine for whatever.
No interest in a GUI machine? Need a text-only serial terminal? We’ve seen that before too. And here’s one with a nice slide-out keyboard built in.
[via r/raspberry_pi]
nice post! raspberry pi is best.
Awesome. I was thinking using the 7″ LCD’s I have for something like this to integrate onto the Dashboard for review camera and more-so to replace the rear view mirrors and have screens for both as well as display other sensor data (ghosts ;-), RFI, EMI, noise, DEW’s, SDR, etc.). This got me thinking can add diagnostic tools integrated into the system for vehicle maintenance so not just used for rear view mirrors or maybe a highly advanced dash cam. Thanks Dan!
Dear Hackaday staff,
Please stop using a comma instead of a simple “and”. In the next article titled “ZEPHYR ADDS FEATURES, PLATFORMS, AND WINDOWS” it’s okay (although the second comma could also be redundant). This is really annoying when reading engadget and I’d hate to see it be a commonplace here too.
Dear Bert,
The Oxford comma is the official Hackaday style. It’s also the most common style in English throughout the world, with the ironic exception of England.
Why do we do it? Its use disambiguates.
“My most influential role models are my parents, Frank Zappa and Lady Gaga.”
We saw the hookers, Hitler and Stalin.
You are Frank Zappa’s and Lady Gaga’s Love Child!!!!
So, is Al Williams only a half-brother?
Isn’t the standard in journalism writing to not use the Oxford comma?
I can understand you desire to use it, I support it even, but doesn’t it break common journalism style guides?
Only because it saves on ink. Even the AP stylebook recommends it “If omitting a comma could lead to confusion or misinterpretation, then use the comma.”
While I do not care if you use journalistic shorthand, it is the missing “and” he is complaining about. An Oxford comma is almost always understood to be used with “and” or “or,” not in place of it.
You worry about a misplaced Comma, What about the misplaced intent of the article to generate links for the pi0 to increase advertising how about the other deceptive HAD articles doing the same, You all know that this project could’ve been done with a 555 timer and a handful of other passives and some grease paper and crayons as the screen.
D’oh! honestly, i’d be more interested in a project including Pi Zero with 555 timer, a handful of passives, some grease paper, and crayons. i’ve been creating and looking at Pi terminals for more than 5 years now. let’s see what a 5-year-old can do.
What about a Tattoo Gun a terminal …
Some people might even pay to see a stream of such a thing, ls -aR /
well headline space is expensive. I wait buying another magazine until one and every headline is only “OMG!!” that should cover it all
Yeah, I don’t think the comma used prior to “and” is required. I like long run on sentences and prophetically use commas and semi-colons when I can since breaking up the sentence doesn’t clearly define what is being communicated and the reader can begin to lose meaning of what is being communicated and I don’t like stopping to explain with a new introduction, body and conclusion since you can just keep detailing with the long run on sentence if you use commas wisely as well as and and or. Maybe I’ve read to many patents where the; where the device does stuff, is documented to the point of ad nauseam.
Cute !, want it
pinebook or good tablet with power etc.
Don’t forget the Gemini for all your pockety keyboardy needs. Not sure an Indiegogo campaign can be considered a hack as such.