Hackaday Podcast Episode 290: IPhone’s Electric Glue, Winamp’s Source Code, And Sonya’s Beautiful Instructions

This week, Hackaday Editors Elliot Williams and Tom Nardi start things off by acknowledging an incredible milestone: 20 years of Hackaday! Well, probably. When a website gets to be this old, it’s a little hard to nail down when exactly things kicked off, but it seems like September of 2004 is about right. They’ll also go over the latest updates for the fast-approaching Hackaday Supercon, and announce the winner of another tough What’s That Sound challenge.

From there, the conversation makes its way from the fascinating electrically-activated adhesive holding the latest iPhone together to pulsed-power lasers and a high flying autonomous glider designed and built by a teenager. You’ll also hear about 3D printing on acrylic, home biohacking, and the Tiny Tool Kit Manifesto. Stick around to the end to hear the duo discuss the fine art of good documentation, and an incredible bodge job from Arya Voronova.

Check out the links below if you want to follow along, and as always, tell us what you think about this episode in the comments!

Download in DRM-free MP3 and savor at your leisure.

Episode 290 Show Notes:


What’s that Sound?

  • Congrats to [Davip] for getting a punch-tape reader/writer right.

Interesting Hacks of the Week:

Quick Hacks:

Can’t-Miss Articles:

3 thoughts on “Hackaday Podcast Episode 290: IPhone’s Electric Glue, Winamp’s Source Code, And Sonya’s Beautiful Instructions

  1. Why is it hard to pin down when Hackaday started ( at least started publishing)
    One of the ways the backend (frontend?) generates URL’s is by date. So the URL below shows the last pages from September 2004


    You can also add a day, that shows the articles published on that day, but you don’t get newer / older buttons. From the link above you can go though older pages, and then on page 4 it goes no further, and the first article is apparently:


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