The Last Acorn BBC Computer Wasn’t A BBC Micro

For home computer users, the end of the 1980s was the era of 16-bit computers. The challenge facing manufacturers of 8-bit machines through the middle of the decade was to transfer their range and customers to the new hardware, and the different brands each did this in their own way. Commodore and Atari had 68000-based powerhouses, and Apple had their 16-bit-upgraded IIGS for the middle ground below the Mac, but what about Acorn, makers of the BBC Micro? They had the Archimedes, and [RetroBytes] takes us through how they packaged their 32-bit ARM processor for consumers.

The A3000 was the computer you wanted if you were a geeky British kid at the end of that decade, even if an Amiga or an ST was what you got. Schools had bought a few of the desktop Archimedes’, so if you were lucky you’d got to know Arthur and then RiscOS, so you knew just how fast these things were compared to the competition. The video below the break takes a dive into the decisions behind the design of this first ARM consumer product, and along the way it explains a few things we didn’t know at the time.  We all know what happened to Acorn through the 1990s and we all use ARM processors today, so it’s a fascinating watch. If only an extra two hundred quid had been in the kitty back then and we could have bought one ourselves.

If you have never used an Archimedes you can get pretty close today with another Cambridge-designed and ARM-powered computer. RiscOS never went away, and you can run it on a Raspberry Pi. As we found, it’s still pretty useful.

Continue reading “The Last Acorn BBC Computer Wasn’t A BBC Micro”

Chirality Could Kill Us All, If We Let It

In our high school chemistry classes we all learn about chirality, the property of organic molecules in which two chemically identical molecules can have different structures that are mirror images of each other. This can lead to their exhibiting different properties, and one aspect of chirality is causing significant concerns in the field of synthetic biology. The prospect of so-called mirror organisms is leading to calls from a group of prominent scientists for research in the field to be curtailed due to the risks they would present.

Chirality is baked into all life; our DNA is formed of right-handed molecules while our proteins are left handed. The “mirror” organisms would reverse either or both of these, and could in theory be used to improve biochemical production processes. The concern is that these organisms would evade both the immune systems of all natural life forms, and any human defences such as antibiotics, thus posing an existential risk to life. It’s estimated that the capacity to produce such a life form lies more than a decade away, and the scientists wish to forestall that by starting the conversation early. They are calling for a halt to research likely to result in these organisms, and a commitment from funding bodies not to support such research.

Warnings of the dangers from scientific advances are as old as science itself, and it’s safe to say that many such prophecies have come from dubious sources and proved not to have a basis in fact. But this one, given the body of opinion behind it, is perhaps one that should be heeded.

Header: Original: Unknown Vector: — πϵρήλιο, Public domain.

Use Your RTL, In The Browser

The web browser started life as a relatively simple hypertext reading application, but over the 30+ years since the first one displayed a simple CERN web page it has been extended to become the universal platform. It’s now powerful enough to run demanding applications, for example a full software-defined radio. [Jtarrio] proves this, with an application to use an RTL-SDR, in HTML5.

It’s a fork of a previous Google-Chrome-only FM receiver, using the HTML5 WebUSB API, and converted to TypeScript. You can try it out for yourself if you have a handy RTL dongle lying around, it provides an interface similar to the RTL apps you may be used to.

The Realtek digital TV chipset has been used as an SDR for well over a decade now, so we’re guessing most of you with an interest in radio will have one somewhere. The cheap ones are noisy and full of spurious peaks, but even so, they’re a bucket of fun. Now all that’s needed is the transmit equivalent using a cheap VGA adapter, and the whole radio equation could move into the browser.

British Spooks Issue Yearly Teaser

As a British taxpayer it’s reassuring to know that over in Cheltenham there’s a big round building full of people dedicated to keeping us safe. GCHQ is the nation’s electronic spying centre, and just to show what a bunch of good eggs they are they release a puzzler every year to titillate the nation’s geeks. 2024’s edition is out if you fancy trying it, so break out your proverbial thinking caps.

The puzzle comes in several stages each of which reveals a British landmark, and we’re told there’s a further set of puzzles hidden in the design of the card itself. We know that Hackaday readers possess fine minds, so you’ll all be raring to have a go.

Sadly GCHQ would for perfectly understandable reasons never let Hackaday in for a tour, but we’ve encountered some of their past work. First the Colossus replica codebreaking computer at Bletchley Park was the progenitor of the organisation, and then a few years ago when they had an exhibition from their archive in the London Science Museum.

Ore To Iron In A Few Seconds: New Chinese Process Will Revolutionise Smelting

The process of ironmaking has relied for centuries on iron ore, an impure form of iron oxide, slowly being reduced to iron by carbon monoxide in a furnace. Whether that furnace is the charcoal fire of an Iron Age craftsman or a modern blast furnace, the fundamental process remains the same, even if the technology around it has been refined. Now details are emerging of a new take on iron smelting from China, which turns what has always been a slow and intensive process into one that only takes a few seconds. So-called flash ironmaking relies on the injection of a fine iron ore powder into a superheated furnace, with the reduction happening explosively and delivering a constant stream of molten iron.

Frustratingly there is little detail on how it works, with the primary source for the news coverage being a paywalled South China Morning Post article. The journal article alluded to has proved frustratingly difficult to find online, leaving us with a few questions as to how it all works. Is the reducing agent still carbon monoxide, for example, or do they use another one such as hydrogen? The interesting part from an economic perspective is that it’s said to work on lower-grade ores, opening up the prospect for the Chinese steelmakers relying less on imports. There’s no work though on how the process would deal with the inevitable slag such ore would create.

If any readers have journal access we’d be interested in some insight in the comments, and we’re sure this story will deliver fresh information over time. Having been part of building a blast furnace of our own in the past, it’s something we find interesting

Disc Film,When Kodak Pushed Convenience Too Far

Having a penchant for cheap second-hand cameras can lead to all manner of interesting equipment. You never know what the next second-hand store will provide, and thus everything from good quality rangefinders an SLRs to handheld snapshot cameras can be yours for what is often a very acceptable price. Most old cameras can use modern film in some way, wither directly or through some manner of adapter, but there is one format that has no modern equivalent and for which refilling a cartridge might be difficult. I’m talking about Kodak’s Disc, the super-compact and convenient snapshot cameras which were their Next Big Thing in the early 1980s. In finding out its history and ultimate fate, I’m surprised to find that it introduced some photographic technologies we all still use today.

Easy Photography For The 1980s

Since their inception, Kodak specialised in easy-to-use consumer cameras and films. While almost all the film formats you can think of were created by the company, their quest was always for a super-convenient product which didn’t require any fiddling about to take photographs. By the 1960s this had given us all-in-one cartridge films and cameras such as the Instamatic series, but their enclosed rolls of conventional film made them bulkier than required. The new camera and film system for the 1980s would replace roll film entirely, replacing it with a disc of film that would be rotated between shots to line up the lens on an new unexposed part of its surface. Thus the film cartridge would be compact and thinner than any other, and the cameras could be smaller, thinner, and lighter too. The Disc format was launched in 1982, and the glossy TV adverts extolled both the svelteness of the cameras and the advanced technology they contained. Continue reading “Disc Film,When Kodak Pushed Convenience Too Far”

Magic Eye Images In Your Spreadsheet

Ah, the 1990s. It was a simpler time, when the web was going to be democratic and decentralised, you could connect your Windows 95 PC to the internet without worrying much about it being compromised, and freely download those rave music MP3s. Perhaps you had a Global Hypercolor T-shirt and spent a summer looking like the sweaty idiot you were, and it’s certain you desperately squinted at a magic eye image in a newspaper (remember newspapers?) trying to see the elephant or whatever it was. If you’d like to relive that experience, then [Dave Richeson] has a magic eye image generator for Microsoft Excel.

Unfortunately a proportion of the population including your scribe lack the ability to see these images, a seemingly noise-like pattern of dots on the page computationally generated to fool the visual processing portion of your brain to generate a 3D image. The Excel sheet allows you to create the images, but perhaps most interesting is the explanation of the phenomenon and mathematics which go along with it. Along with a set of test images depicting mathematical subjects, it’s definitely worth a look.

You can download a template and follow the instructions, and from very limited testing here we can see that LibreOffice doesn’t turn its nose up at it, either. Give it a go, and learn afresh the annoyance of trying to unfocus your eyes.