We stumbled onto [Staci’s] videos a while ago when we posted this big tesla gun. While it wasn’t the first portable coil we had seen, it was certainly an impressive implementation. In the comments we found [Staci] had already been making these for a while. Hers were big and small, had awesome modulation, and looked freaking cool too.
It also should be pointed out that [Staci] donates her coils to people when she’s done! Let me say that again, she gives them away to groups of people that could use them. That deserves some respect.
Unfortunately, [Staci] didn’t document her builds in great detail at the time. She has added some information recently though. You can read about her first working prototype from 2006, or a slightly more modern one here.
Of course, the real fun is in seeing them work.
Continue reading “[Staci Elaan]’s Awesome Portable Tesla Coils.”