as cool as the minty mp3 is, you’ll probably want a minty amp to go with it so you can hear your fresh tunes at proper jaw rattling volume. and unlike limor’s awesome mp3 player, this one is a great way for a beginner to get started with hacking audio electronics.
For “Beginners”??! I think not! Did you actually read the pages before you submitted the story? It appears to me she didn’t want to make it easy on some of us, being she’s a graduate of MIT.
i wana to be hacker …
“For ‘Beginners’??! I think not!”
don’t confuse the ‘do it yourself amp’ with the ‘minty mp3’. doing the former is fun. attempting the latter makes you an electrical engineer.
This is a super easy amp to build. You can get almost all the parts at Rat Shack, although the quality will be very poor. Dont try to take any homemade stuff on an airplane, but if you have hard to drive headphones, this will be a nice addition to any mp3 player….you’ll gain more bass, volume and a greater depth in the soundstage.
Good luck and have fun.
Here’s an idea….
Buy better headphones.
This is spot on – a little trickier than stuff i’ve done before, but the parts are cheap enough to allow for some screw-ups.
Yay! Maybe I can use it to listen to my guitar without plugging in that 200w s.o.b. What am I saying?! Bring on the deafness! This looks like a fun project but I can’t find a real good reason to actually go buy the parts. :/
hey metalhead, the better the headphones, the more power you’ll need to drive them. If you use something like Etymotic, or beyerdynamic, you’ll have to have an amp to get a good sound.
Additionally, diy amps are designed to bypass the stock amp. All stock amps are designed to power crappy little headphones that came with your player. IF you use something like this or any of the other hundreds of headphone amps, you’ll be very impressed.
Now, dont be so quick to judge.
Didn’t you already post this hack a few months ago?
i dont think hes posted this before, i sent this to him on AIM yesterday, building one today too :)
This seems way similar to the Smokey Cigarette Amp ( I think I might make this in a Cigarette pack with plexy glass inside to prevent crushing. Cause you always need a mint after a smoke anyway. That would turn more heads the the headphone into the altoids tin. I could even save a space for a cig or two.
and don’t smoke. It’s bad for you ^_^
yep, I submitted this the other day as well. about to build one myself.
yep, I submitted this the other day as well. about to build one myself.
I bet anyone who gets caught at the airport with any of the minty devices probably will not be having a fun time tring to explain that it is only a MP3 player and amp.
>Posted Jan 17, 2005, 4:27 AM ET by dan anrom
>For “Beginners”??! I think not! Did you >actually read the pages before you submitted >the story? It appears to me she didn’t want >to make it easy on some of us, being she’s a >graduate of MIT.
Its pretty simple. My 8 year old Daughter made one as a project.
>Posted Jan 17, 2005, 4:27 AM ET by dan anrom
>For “Beginners”??! I think not! Did you >actually read the pages before you submitted >the story? It appears to me she didn’t want >to make it easy on some of us, being she’s a >graduate of MIT.
Its pretty simple. My 8 year old Daughter made one as a project.
very cool
i’ve been looking for a not-so-technical amp building guide
hackaday comes through with great hacks once again
can you send me a full set of schematic of the project, the instruction you have are in great details to much for me a schematic and list of parts you used will be great thanks.
when u build this, are you supposed to wire the 2 9V batteries in series or parallel? help would be much appreciated
i could do this and im only in high school i have made 3 different versions of this
Im sorry but this is not difficult but it is very similar to the smoky amp which i have modded and im only in secondry school. I think people that cant build it should keep their opinions to themselves cause there only messing it up for the rest of us.
how much louder will this amp be able to amplify sound, 2X 4X, Higher? Lower?
this looks ok, but from radioshack it will be something like 25 dollars.
i bought a 5 dollar personal radio and found out how to hack it to add a male audio jack. it goes loud. srry, i didnt take many pics along the way. if i did i would put it up here…
hi, i was wondering if it was possible to add a speaker to this amp so that you could hook it up to your guitar or something like that?
Please, prune me to spend(pass) the planes to do this amplifier, I want to do one to touch with the guitar. My mail is from already thank you very much!!!
Very good and impressive