Mike Szczys and Elliot Williams talk news and great hacks from the past seven days. Sad word this week as Maker Media, the company behind Make Magazine and Maker Faire, have closed their doors. There seems to be a lot of news about broken hardware and software to discuss, with ADS-B problems grounding hundreds of flights in the US, Hackaday itself having a site outage, the Raspberry Pi 3 B+ can be bricked with a really easy mistake, and Lewin wrote a great overview of the Takata airbag debacle. Don’t worry there are still plenty of hacks as we look at old computers that sing, microcontrollers that chiptune, beat boxes that are actually boxes, and some very neat cartridge hacks for NES and Arduboy.
Take a look at the links below if you want to follow along, and as always tell us what you think about this episode in the comments!
Take a look at the links below if you want to follow along, and as always, tell us what you think about this episode in the comments!
Direct download (60 MB or so.)
Episode 023 Show Notes:
New This Week:
- Maker Media Ceases Operations
- GPS And ADS-B Problems Cause Cancelled Flights
- The Day Hackaday’s Theme Was Broken
Interesting Hacks of the Week:
- Vintage Speech Synthesizer Croons The Oldies
- SOICbite: A Program/Debug Connector For An SOIC Test Clip
- Play To The Beat Of This Robotic Drummer In A Box
- Doom On The NES
- The ArduBoy Community Rolled Their Own Cartridge
- Unconventional Drone Uses Gas Thrusters For Control
Quick Hacks:
- Mike’s Picks:
- Elliot’s Picks:
Loving the podcast. Playing through all of them.