How The Image-Generating AI Of Stable Diffusion Works

[Jay Alammar] has put up an illustrated guide to how Stable Diffusion works, and the principles in it are perfectly applicable to understanding how similar systems like OpenAI’s Dall-E or Google’s Imagen work under the hood as well. These systems are probably best known for their amazing ability to turn text prompts (e.g. “paradise cosmic beach”) into a matching image. Sometimes. Well, usually, anyway.

‘System’ is an apt term, because Stable Diffusion (and similar systems) are actually made up of many separate components working together to make the magic happen. [Jay]’s illustrated guide really shines here, because it starts at a very high level with only three components (each with their own neural network) and drills down as needed to explain what’s going on at a deeper level, and how it fits into the whole.

Spot any similar shapes and contours between the image and the noise that preceded it? That’s because the image is a result of removing noise from a random visual mess, not building it up from scratch like a human artist would do.

It may surprise some to discover that the image creation part doesn’t work the way a human does. That is to say, it doesn’t begin with a blank canvas and build an image bit by bit from the ground up. It begins with a seed: a bunch of random noise. Noise gets subtracted in a series of steps that leave the result looking less like noise and more like an aesthetically pleasing and (ideally) coherent image. Combine that with the ability to guide noise removal in a way that favors conforming to a text prompt, and one has the bones of a text-to-image generator. There’s a lot more to it of course, and [Jay] goes into considerable detail for those who are interested.

If you’re unfamiliar with Stable Diffusion or art-creating AI in general, it’s one of those fields that is changing so fast that it sometimes feels impossible to keep up. Luckily, our own Matthew Carlson explains all about what it is, and why it matters.

Stable Diffusion can be run locally. There is a fantastic open-source web UI, so there’s no better time to get up to speed and start experimenting!

DIY Bike Wheels Welded With Rebar

[Liebregts] is working on a trike design, and needed a pair of wheels to go up front. Regular bicycle wheels wouldn’t do, as they’re not designed to work with a single-sided support. They also wanted to be able to mount disc brakes. Thus, they set about building a set of custom wheels to do the job.

The build began with a regular set of 20″ bike wheel rims with all the spokes taken out. A ring of steel rebar welded on the inner perimeter gave the rims more strength. A set of hubs and axles were then fabbed up with a welder and lathe, with provisions for bolting on disc brake components. Lengths of rebar were then welded in as non-adjustable spokes. Next, it was time for a coat of paint. Finally [Liebregts] mounted the tires and brakes, and called the job done.

Obviously, it is possible to buy wheels specifically for trike builds. However, [Liebregts] found it difficult to find exactly what they wanted, particularly where the disc brake option was concerned. The best option was a custom build.  The resulting wheels are obviously much heavier than traditional bike wheels, but they’re also likely a fair bit stronger, too. If you need to weigh down a tarpaulin, for example, these wheels might just do the trick.

We’ve seen some other crazy wheels on trikes before, too! Oh, and who says wheels need to be a full circle, anyway? Creativity will never cease to amaze!