Old 3D Printer Parts Repurposed Into DIY Camera Slider

What do you do with an old 3D printer? They’re full of interesting components, after all, from switches and motors to lovely smooth rails. [Mukesh Sankhla] had a great idea—why not repurpose the components into a motorized camera slider?

The heart of the slider is the 4020 V-slot aluminum profile. It’s upon this that the camera carriage rides, running on rubber rollers to keep things smooth. A stepper motor and belt are then used to move the slider at a constant speed up or down the rail while the camera gets the necessary shot. The build relies almost entirely on salvaged components, save for an ESP32, OLED screen, and a few buttons to act as the control interface. There are also the TMC2208 stepper motor drivers, of course, but they came from the salvaged Ender 3 unit as well.

This is a classic project. Many old 3D printers have pretty much the perfect set of parts to build a camera slider, making this build a no-brainer. Indeed, others have tread the same path. There are plenty of other potential uses around the lab or for soldering.

Meanwhile, the proof is in the pudding. Scope the slider’s performance in the video below.

7 thoughts on “Old 3D Printer Parts Repurposed Into DIY Camera Slider

    1. Looking at the design, I was curious how stable that side-loaded (gravity) wheel-in-slot configuration would be. It seems like it might try to steer out of the slot and cause vibration as it is forced to correct. I don’t know how hard/sticky/grippy the rubber is on the wheels.

      Thinking of using a similar arrangement for something similar, but optically much less sensitive. My gut tells me to put a set of wheels on top, but that could be the totally wrong thing to do.

      1. Not something to worry about, I have a motorised imaging platform where the elevation axis is a printed inner gear with the outside having a groove matching the wheel profile. The outer side sits on two wheels with a third wheel on top holding everything in place. The 2.5kg of camera and optics(400mm F/8 lens) sits on a shelf sticking out from the gear about 7.5cm.

      2. The wheel-platform looks similar to the original 3D printer configuration. The eccentric spacers on two of the wheels allows dialing in the V-wheel pressure, side or top mounting shouldn’t matter, the wheels are very firm.
        Good project to repurpose a no-longer-used Creality printer.

      3. The wheel-platform looks similar to the original 3D printer configuration. The eccentric spacers on two of the wheels allows dialing in the V-wheel pressure, side or top mounting shouldn’t matter, the wheels are very firm.
        Good project to repurpose a no-longer-used Creality printer.

  1. I did the same thing this month with less impressive results. Kind of at least – stabilization in post helps.
    I gave it a go with a Nema17, adiscarded A4988, a GT2 belt and a linear rail assembly from an old custom (2D) printer(one side out of two) mounted on a piece of angled aluminum , and two 3D printed idlers with skateboard bearings inside to align the belt with the mount point.
    The ball bearing assembly is too small to handle the weight of the camera but as long as gravity is similar along the rail it doesn’t jerk.
    The worst is the visible steps of the A4988 – I imagine it could be better if I could just match the frame rate.
    You can see the results in the beginning of my most recent video if you’re interested.

    I’ll probably upgrade to a less jerky driver first and then upgrade the rail.

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