Yes, that’s an SMS text messaging device. [Mdziewie] decided that texting on a regular cellphone was too boring and decided to build himself an old-school SMS gateway. Here’s a translated link but the formatting of the forum post gets screwed up with the machine translation.
The device he’s using is an ASR-33 Teletype machine, which was introduced to the market in 1963. It is connected to a GSM modem via an ARM microcontroller, the STM32F103. This chip, along with a few electronic components, let [Mdziewie] design an interface that doesn’t require alteration to the ancient hardware. The forum post linked above includes video of this sending and receiving texts. It’s awesomely loud as it hammers away at the paper, and seems to work as expected.
If you hunger for one of your own but don’t have half-century old equipment there’s still hope. Find yourself a typewriter and turn it into a teletype machine.
One thing that I’ve been considering for awhile is a morse code based SMS doohickey. It could be the size of a phone even with iambic paddles.
When I was a kid I actually used one of those as the user interface for the HP2100A minicomputer in my Dad’s lab. 110 baud with two stop bits and extra special time delay after a CR. Also, it didn’t do lowercase.
Ah the joy of current loop interfaces!
I always wondered if there was a patent conflict between the idea of the type cylinder on the ASR 33 and the IBM ‘golfball’ in the Selectric typewriters – nowadays the patent lawyers would have a field day.
This is the same stuff I do for a hobby. I love Hack-a-Day more for stuff this than all the other reasons. I’m going to have like a permanent smile on my face all day now
The shear irony is this is probably easier to use then the iphone virtual keyboard.
Jokes aside this hack just is pure awesome.
I thought about doing the same thing using a Morrow terminal I had or a tandy model 102 but this is just much cooler.
Uhmm.. I’ll be a loser and stick to cellphones for SMS, heh. But cool hack.
Machete dont text.. but he does teletype..
There’s also teletweety (using a model 28 Teletype.)
teletweety does text messaging with a GSM module as well, and also receives text-to-speech voicemail via google voice, regular email, and has its own twitter client which can tweet, read tweets, and send and receive direct messages. Since it uses the older 5 bit ITA-2 characters instead of ascii, it can’t render various characters like “@” so there are special escape sequences for entering those.
At least it will never Auto-Incorrect your messages ;-)
How does that work with the gsm carrier do you have to have a data plan?
It looks like he rigged it up to a GSM modem with a microcontroller doing the translation. I didn’t even know something like this was possible… Can you just buy GSM modules that can communicate on cell phone networks? How does this work with a cell phone plan?
Yes you can buy GSM modems, they act like a simple cell phone you put in a sim card with whatever service you want (regular contract, pay as you go) and then send it commands over a serial interface.
Great work.
Does anybody happen to know if the old BT Puma telex machines had a serial port?
And look, it keeps a hard copy of all your messages!
Hipsters these days…
The ASR-33 was an amazing piece of hardware, it actually encoded and decoded ASCII mechanically.
Man that reakes of WiN!!! Now steampunk that thing out and it will be best in show this year.
We’ve had text messaging working on our Model 15 Teletype for years. We set up a whole steampunk telegraph office at conventions, with machines going back to 1924.