Will A.I. Steal All The Code And Take All The Jobs?

New technology often brings with it a bit of controversy. When considering stem cell therapies, self-driving cars, genetically modified organisms, or nuclear power plants, fears and concerns come to mind as much as, if not more than, excitement and hope for a brighter tomorrow. New technologies force us to evolve perspectives and establish new policies in hopes that we can maximize the benefits and minimize the risks. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is certainly no exception. The stakes, including our very position as Earth’s apex intellect, seem exceedingly weighty. Mathematician Irving Good’s oft-quoted wisdom that the “first ultraintelligent machine is the last invention that man need make” describes a sword that cuts both ways. It is not entirely unreasonable to fear that the last invention we need to make might just be the last invention that we get to make.

Artificial Intelligence and Learning

Artificial intelligence is currently the hottest topic in technology. AI systems are being tasked to write prose, make art, chat, and generate code. Setting aside the horrifying notion of an AI programming or reprogramming itself, what does it mean for an AI to generate code? It should be obvious that an AI is not just a normal program whose code was written to spit out any and all other programs. Such a program would need to have all programs inside itself. Instead, an AI learns from being trained. How it is trained is raising some interesting questions.

Humans learn by reading, studying, and practicing. We learn by training our minds with collected input from the world around us. Similarly, AI and machine learning (ML) models learn through training. They must be provided with examples from which to learn. The examples that we provide to an AI are referred to as the data corpus of the training process. The robot Johnny 5 from “Short Circuit”, like any curious-minded student, needs input, more input, and more input.

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Stranded Motorist Effects Own Rescue Using A Drone And A Cell Phone

If you’re looking for a good excuse to finally buy a drone, you probably can’t do better than claiming it can save your life.

Granted, you may never find yourself in the position of being stuck in a raging snowstorm in the middle of the Oregon wilderness, but if you do, this is a good one to keep in mind. According to news stories and the Lane County Sheriff Search and Rescue Facebook page, an unnamed motorist who was trying to negotiate an unmaintained road through the remote Willamette National Forest got stuck in the snow. This put him in a bad situation, because not only was he out of cell range, but nobody knew where he was or even that he was traveling, so he wouldn’t be missed for days.

Thankfully, the unlucky motorist played all his cards right. Rather than wandering off on foot in search of help, he stayed with his vehicle, which provided shelter from the elements. Conveniently, he also happened to have a drone along with him, which provided him with an opportunity to get some help. After typing a detailed text message to a friend describing his situation and exact location, he attached the phone to his drone and sent it straight up a couple of hundred feet — enough to get a line-of-sight connection to a cell tower. Note that the image above is a reenactment by the Search and Rescue team; it’s not clear how the resourceful motorist rigged up the drone, but we’re going to guess duct tape was involved.

When he brought the drone back down a few minutes later, he found that the queued text had been sent, and the cavalry was on the way. The Search and Rescue unit was able to locate him, and as a bonus, also found someone else nearby who had been stranded for days. So it was a win all around thanks to some clever thinking and a little technology.

A display based on magnetic viewing film

Moving Magnet Draws Stylish Shapes On Flexible Film

[Moritz v. Sivers] has a knack for making his own displays, which are typically based on some obscure physical effect. Magnetic viewing films, those thin plastic sheets that change color in response to a magnetic field, are his latest area of interest, as you can see in his Magnetic Kinetic Art Display.

The overall idea of the display is similar to a kinetic sand art table, in which a ball traces out shapes in a pile of sand. In [Moritz]’s project, the magnetic viewing film is the sand, and a 2 mm diameter magnet is the ball. The magnet is moved along the film by two sets of coils embedded inside a flex PCB mounted just below the film. One set of coils, on the top layer of the PCB, moves the magnet in the x direction, while a second set on the bottom layer moves it in the y direction.

A flex PCB with coils on both sides
The flex PCB is small, but carries lots of windings

[Moritz] used a flex PCB not because it had to be bendy, but to keep the two sets of coils as close together in the z direction as possible. This helps to avoid a big difference in strength between the two directions. To drive the coils, he used a pair of TB6612FNG stepper motor drivers, controlled by a Wemos D1 Mini.

The housing was 3D printed mostly from PLA, but with a few bits done in PETG. This was for structural rigidity as well as thermal performance — the coils can carry up to two amps and get pretty warm as a result.

The video, embedded below, shows some of the shapes that can be drawn: squares, spirals and even digits to turn the display into a clock. [Moritz] got the PCB coil idea from a project by [bobricius], and cleverly extended it into a useful product. It’s not the first time [Moritz] used magnetic viewing film to make a clock, either.

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