38C3: Towards An Open WiFi MAC Stack On ESP32

At the 38th Chaos Communications Congress, [Frostie314159] and [Jasper Devreker] gave us a nice update on their project to write an open-source WiFi stack for the ESP32. If you’re interested in the ESP32 or WiFi in general, they’ve also got a nice deep dive into how that all works.

On the ESP32, there’s a radio, demodulator, and a media access controller (MAC) that takes care of the lowest-level, timing-critical bits of the WiFi protocol. The firmware that drives the MAC hardware is a licensed blob, and while the API or this blob is well documented — that’s how we all write software that uses WiFi after all — it’s limited in what it lets us do. If the MAC driver firmware were more flexible, we could do a lot more with the WiFi, from AirDrop clones to custom mesh modes.

The talk starts with [Jasper] detailing how he reverse engineered a lot of Espressif’s MAC firmware. It involved Ghidra, a Faraday cage, and a lucky find of the function names in the blob. [Frostie] then got to work writing the MAC driver that he calls Ferris-on-Air. Right now, it’s limited to normal old station mode, but it’s definite proof that this line of work can bear fruit.

This is clearly work in progress — they’ve only been at this for about a year now — but we’ll be keeping our eyes on it. The promise of the ESP32, and its related family of chips, being useful as a more general purpose WiFi hacking tool is huge.

15 thoughts on “38C3: Towards An Open WiFi MAC Stack On ESP32

        1. Hi, while the MAC stack I work one is written in Rust, we also have a driver written in C, which we’ll expand in the future, that allows raw TX and RX and can be used for implementing protocols as well.

  1. The promise of the ESP32, and its related family of chips, being useful as a more general purpose WiFi hacking tool is huge.

    I’d settle for being able to use all legal ESSIDs and passwords. I don’t remember which one was the problem, but I ended up having to create a whole separate ESS so that devices running Espressif’s crappy stack could get onto my network.

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