Tiny Machine Learning On As Little As 2 KB Of RAM

All of the machine language stuff coming out lately doesn’t affect you if you are developing with embedded microcontrollers, right? Perhaps not. Microsoft Research India wants you to use their EdgeML tool to do machine learning tasks such as gesture recognition in tiny devices like an Arduino Uno. According to the developers, you might need as little as 2 KB of RAM. There’s no network connection required and the work is using Tensorflow underneath, so it is compatible with much of what you’ll find for bigger computers.

If you add processing power, you can get more capability. For example, one of the demonstrations is a wake-word recognizer on a Raspberry Pi Zero (although the page for that demo seems to be missing at the moment; try the GesturePod, instead).

The system generally uses Python, but there are efficient C++ implementations for selected algorithms. The code lives on GitHub. There are also a number of research papers about each tool that you can find on the GitHub page. There’s also a recent paper on MinUn, an attempt to make things even more efficient for ARM microcontrollers. In particular, MinUn can store approximate numbers to save space, allows for variable precision of tensors, and tries to reduce memory fragmentation, an important feature for CPUs that don’t have memory management units.

If you haven’t studied TensorFlow yet, start here. Why use something like this with a microcontroller? How about smarter robots?

ESP32 Web Updater Allows File System Management And OTA Updates

Earlier versions of the Arduino IDE made uploading files to an ESP32’s SPIFFS filesystem easy via the ESP32FS plugin. Sadly, that’s no longer possible under the rewritten Arduino 2.0 IDE. Thankfully, [myhomethings] has stepped up to solve the problem with a new tool that also adds some new functionality.

The tool in question is the ESP32 Web Updater and SPIFFS File Manager. It features a web interface courtesy of the ESPAsyncWebServer library. Simply dialing into the ESP32’s IP address will grant one access to the interface. Once connected files can be uploaded to the ESP32, or deleted at will. Text files can be created and populated through the interface as well, and the SPIFFS file system can also be formatted if required. Plus, as a bonus, the interface allows for handy over-the-air firmware updates. One need only export a compiled binary from the Arduino IDE, and then load the resulting *.bin file into the ESP32 via the web interface. It does come with the caveat that if new firmware is uploaded that doesn’t include the ESP32 Web Updater itself, there will be no way to do further firmware updates in this manner.

For those working on projects that may need regular file system management, the tool may be very useful. Alternatively, if you just need to do OTA updates on an ESP32, we recently featured a way of doing them through GitHub.

Modernizing C Arrays For Greater Memory Safety

Lately, there has been a push for people to stop using programming languages that don’t promote memory safety. But as we still haven’t seen the death of some languages that were born in the early 1960s, we don’t think there will be much success in replacing the tremendous amount of software that uses said “unsafe” languages.

That doesn’t mean it’s a hopeless cause, though. [Kees Cook] recently posted how modern C99 compilers offer features to help create safer arrays, and he outlines how you can take advantage of these features. Turns out, it is generally easy to do, and if you get errors, they probably point out unexpected behavior in your original code, so that’s a plus.

We don’t think there’s anything wrong with C and C++ if you use them as you should. Electrical outlets are useful until you stick a fork in one. So don’t stick a fork in one. We really liked the recent headline we saw from [Sarah Butcher]: “If you can’t write safe C++ code, it’s because you can’t write C++.” [Cook’s] post makes a similar argument.  C has advanced quite a bit and the fact that 30-year-old code doesn’t use these new features isn’t a good excuse to give up on C.

Continue reading “Modernizing C Arrays For Greater Memory Safety”

Count Leading Zeros For Efficient Logarithms

[Ihsan Kehribar] points out a clever trick you can use to quickly and efficiently compute the logarithm of a 32-bit integer. The technique relies on the CLZ instruction which counts the number of leading zeros in a machine word and is available in many modern processors. Typical algorithms used to compute logarithms are not quick and have a variable execution time depending on the input value. The technique [Ihsan] is using is both fast and has a constant run time.

The above equation summarized the math behind the algorithm. We get the first term easily using the CLZ instruction. Using the remainder and a pre-computed lookup table, it is possible to get the second term to various degrees of accuracy, depending on how big you make the table and whether or not you take the performance hit of interpolation or not — those of a certain age will no likely groan at the memory of doing interpolation by hand from logarithm tables in high school math class. [Ihsan] has posted an MIT-licensed implementation of this technique in his GitHub repository, which includes both the C-language algorithm and Python tools to generate the lookup table and evaluate the errors.

Why would you do this? Our first thought was real-time streaming DSP operations, where you want fast and deterministic calculations, and [Ihsan]’s specifically calls out embedded audio processing as one class of such applications. And he should know, after all, since he developed a MIDI capable polyphonic FM synthesizer on a Cortex M0 that we covered way back in 2015.

MicroPython ESP32 IDE Makes Life Simpler

In theory, using MicroPython on the ESP32 is easy —  just flash an image and connect using a serial port. But that leaves a lot of things you still have to do. You need to move files between the two platforms. You’ll want to manage network configurations. You might want better editing and assistance, too. So there are a number of IDEs made to help you and one we recently noticed was MPY-Jama.

The IDE provides source code editing, of course. But it also allows you to do things like pull information about the network using a dashboard or connect to a WiFi network easily. You can even create your own AP with a simple interface.

Although the front part of the README mentions it is for Windows or Mac, if you scroll down you’ll find instructions for installing under Linux. The IDE is extensible using “Jama Funcs” and can handle the flashing operation from inside the IDE.

Of course, there is an IDE from Arduino (but not the Arduino IDE) that handles MicroPython. You can also find a rundown of several similar alternatives online.  If you need some inspiration for a MicroPython project, perhaps you’d like to play a game?

Hacking The Python For Loop

In the early days of C, you’d occasionally see someone — probably a former Pascal programmer — write something like this:

#define BEGIN {
#define END }

This would usually initiate complaints about abusing the preprocessor and generally being anti-C. Surely no modern language would permit such things, right? Perhaps not. Consider [Tushar Sadhwani] who wanted to create a classic C-style for loop inside of Python. He did it, and the journey is perhaps more interesting than the result.

First, you can’t just transport straight C for loops into Python. There has to be some concession to Python syntax. The initial attempt was clever but not clever enough. However, the disassembly of the Python code was telling. The second attempt, however, was particularly interesting.

That attempt used an odd feature to examine the interpreter’s tree structure for the code and then modify it. This is sort of like a very painful C preprocessor but more powerful. That version works although it is pretty convoluted.

Ironically, [Tushar] then set up a third attempt after seeing code that tries to replace Python indentation with braces using a codec. In Python-speak, a codec lets you convert different text encodings. However, you can do other things than text encoding conversion. This is closest in spirit to the C preprocessor method. You can wade through the source code ahead of processing and make whichever changes you see fit.

Is any of this really useful? Probably not as it is. But you never know when you might need to do something exotic and one of these techniques could save the day. You probably couldn’t get away with some of this on MicroPython, of course. Your mileage may vary depending on where you find your Python running — like the Web.

Punycodes Explained

When you’re restricted to ASCII, how can you represent more complex things like emojis or non-Latin characters? One answer is Punycode, which is a way to represent Unicode characters in ASCII. However, while you could technically encode the raw bits of Unicode into characters, like Base64, there’s a snag. The Domain Name System (DNS) generally requires that hostnames are case-insensitive, so whether you type in HACKADAY.com, HackADay.com, or just hackaday.com, it all goes to the same place.

[A. Costello] at the University of California, Berkley proposed the idea of Punycode in RFC 3492 in March 2003. It outlines a simple algorithm where all regular ASCII characters are pulled out and stuck on one side with a separator in between, in this case, a hyphen. Then the Unicode characters are encoded and stuck on the end of the string.

First, the numeric codepoint and position in the string are multiplied together. Then the number is encoded as a Base-36 (a-z and 0-9) variable-length integer. For example, a greeting and the Greek for thanks, “Hey, ευχαριστώ” becomes “Hey, -mxahn5algcq2″. Similarly, the beautiful city of München becomes mnchen-3ya. Continue reading “Punycodes Explained”