Front Door Keys Hidden In Plain Sight

If there’s one thing about managing a bunch of keys, whether they’re for RSA, SSH, or a car, it’s that large amounts of them can be a hassle. In fact, anything that makes life even a little bit simpler is a concept we often see projects built on to of, and keys are no different. This project, for example, eliminates the need to consciously carry a house key around by hiding it in a piece of jewelry.

This project sprang from [Maxime]’s previous project, which allowed the front door to be unlocked with a smartphone or tablet. This isn’t much better than carrying a key, since the valuable piece of electronics must be toted along in place of one. Instead, this build eschews the smartphone for a ring which can be worn and used to unlock the door with the wave of a hand. The ring contains an RFID which is read by an antenna that’s monitored by a Wemos D1 Mini. When it sees the ring, a set of servos unlocks the door.

The entire device is mounted on the front of the door about where a peephole would normally be, with the mechanical actuators on the inside. It seems just as secure (if not more so) than carrying around a metal key, and we also appreciate the aesthetic of circuit boards shown off in this way, rather than hidden inside an enclosure. It’s an interesting build that reminds us of some other unique ways of unlocking a door.

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Tindie Seller Reviews A Knock-Off Of His Own Product

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, online creators are being sincerely flattered at an alarming rate these days. We Hackaday scribes see it all the time, as straight copy-pastes of our articles turn up on other websites under different bylines. It’s annoying, but given prevailing attitudes toward intellectual property rights, there’s very little point in getting upset about it anymore. But what if it’s hardware that’s being infringed upon?

Hacker and Tindie store proprietor [Brian Lough] recently ran into this problem with one of his products, but rather than get upset, he did a remarkably fair and thoughtful review of the knock-off. The board in question, a D1 Mini Matrix Shield, makes it a snap to use LED matrix panels in projects like his Tetris-themed YouTube sub counter. The knock-off came via Ali Express, with the most “flattering” aspect being the copy and the images on the Ali Express listing, some of which are pulled straight from [Brian]’s Tindie store. While the board’s layout is different, it’s pretty clear that it was strongly inspired by the original. And the changes they did make – like terminal choices and undersizing some traces – only serve to lower the quality of the knock-off. Surely this was a cost-cutting move, so they could undercut sales of the original, right? Apparently not – the knock off is more expensive. Yes, [Brian]’s board is a kit and the imitator is fully assembled, but it still begs the question of why?

Hats off to [Brian] for not only making a useful product, but for taking the time to engineer it properly and having the ambition to put it on the market. It’s a pity that someone felt the need to steal his work, but it seems to be a rite of passage these days.

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The Internet Of Jack-O’-Lanterns

As the candy rush fades, the Halloween hacks continue pouring in. [Jeremy S Cook] has taken a few fundamental concepts and dressed them up inside the smartest pumpkin on the block.

This pumpkin has a WEMOS D1 Mini ESP8266 brain, LED eyes in place of a candle for illumination, and a small USB power bank for power. The code [Cook] is using is a modified sketch by YouTuber [Innovative Tom], which creates a server on your network — don’t forget to insert your network credentials! — that enable control of the LEDs from your computer or smart phone.

[Cook] has wired the LEDs to the relevant pins on the D1 Mini, zip-tied the battery and board together and stuff them in a plastic bag to keep them dry. Stick that into the pumpkin, hot glue the LEDs in place, and test it out!

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