For the less than highly-driven individuals out there — and even some that are — sometimes, waking up is hard to do, and the temptation to smash the snooze button is difficult to resist. If you want to force your mind to immediately focus on waking up, this Nerf target alarm clock might get you up on time.
Not content to make a simple target, [Christopher Guichet] built an entire clock for the project. The crux of the sensor is a piezoelectric crystal which registers the dart impacts, and [Guichet]’s informative style explains how the sensor works with the help of an oscilloscope. A ring of 60 LEDs with the piezoelectric sensor form the clock face, all housed in a 3D printed enclosure. A rotary encoder is used to control the clock via an Arduino Uno, though a forthcoming video will delve into the code side of things; [Guichet] has hinted that he’ll share the files once the code has been tidied up a bit.
Even though there are commercial options out there for crazy alarm clocks, that should not stop you from putting together your own custom version that will get you up in the future.
[Thanks for the tip, Itay!]
Good enough to keep my feet dry.
I’m glad that i wasn’t the only one that thought of that.
hint: re-read the headline
I have to sit down.
My solution is to simply put the alarm clock (my phone in my case) over the other side of the room out of reach so I physically have to get out of bed to shut it up.
Been there done that, still managed to oversleep.
Very cool– and more constructive than just shooting your alarm clock with your bedside .45
My first decision of the day is to go back to sleep
Go to bed earlier ;-)
Bleh. Thought it was for the toilet.
Just when I had completely forgotten about Gun O’Clock.