This Week In Security: IOCONTROL, (Location) Leaking Cars, And Passkeys

Claroty’s TEAM82 has a report on a new malware strain, what they’re calling IOCONTROL. It’s a Linux malware strain aimed squarely at embedded devices. One of the first targets of this malware, surprisingly, is the Iraeli made Orpak gas station pumps. There’s a bit of history here, as IOCONTROL is believed to be used by CyberAv3ngers, a threat actor aligned with Iran. In 2023 a group aligned with Israel claimed to have compromised the majority of the gas stations in Iran. IOCONTROL seems to have been deployed as retribution.

There are a few particularly interesting aspects of this malware, and how TEAM82 went about analyzing it. The first is that they used unicorn to emulate the obscure ARM platform in question. This was quite an adventure, as they were running the malicious binary without the normal Linux OS under it, and had to re-implement system calls to make execution work. The actual configuration data was encrypted as the data section of the executable, presumably to avoid simple string matching detection and analysis.

Then to communicate with the upstream command and control infrastructure, the binary first used DNS-Over-HTTPS to resolve DNS addresses, and then used the MQTT message protocol for actual communications. Once in place, it has the normal suite of capabilities, like code execution, cleanup, lateral scanning, etc. An interesting speculation is that the level of control this malware had over these gas pumps, it was in a position to steal credit card information. This malware family isn’t limited to gas pumps, either, as it’s been spotted in IoT and SCADA devices from a whole host of vendors. Continue reading “This Week In Security: IOCONTROL, (Location) Leaking Cars, And Passkeys”

FPV Flying In Mixed Reality Is Easier Than You’d Think

Flying a first-person view (FPV) remote controlled aircraft with goggles is an immersive experience that makes you feel as if you’re really sitting in the cockpit of the plane or quadcopter. Unfortunately, while your wearing the goggles, you’re also completely blind to the world around you. That’s why you’re supposed to have a spotter nearby to keep watch on the local meatspace while you’re looping through the air.

But what if you could have the best of both worlds? What if your goggles not only allowed you to see the video stream from your craft’s FPV camera, but you could also see the world around you. That’s precisely the idea behind mixed reality goggles such as Apple Vision Pro and Meta’s Quest, you just need to put all the pieces together. In a recent video [Hoarder Sam] shows you exactly how to pull it off, and we have to say, the results look quite compelling.

Continue reading “FPV Flying In Mixed Reality Is Easier Than You’d Think”

Pico Pal Puts RP2350 Into Game Boy Color Shell

While modern gaming systems deliver ever more realistic experiences, there’s still something to be said for the consoles and handhelds of the 80s and 90s. For many, the appeal is nostalgic. Others are attracted to the “lo-fi” graphical and sound design of these games, necessitated by the limited hardware of the time.

That said nobody would claim those old systems were perfect. Which is why a hybrid approach like [Peter Khouly] has been working on with the Pico Pal might be the ultimate solution. This replacement motherboard for the Game Boy Color (GBC) is powered by the RP2350, meaning the external hardware will have the same look and feel as it did back in 1998, but you’ll still be able to reap the benefits of modern emulation.

While the origins of the project go a bit farther, [Peter] has been working on this particular variation of the Pico Pal GBC since August, and has kept a fascinating log of his progress. Just getting the RP2350 to emulate Pokémon isn’t really that big of a deal, but getting all the ancillary hardware implemented and fitted inside the case of the GBC is a different story. Especially since [Peter] intends to pack plenty of features into the final product, such as rechargable batteries, Bluetooth audio, real-time clock support, and digital video out.

The most recent status update is from just last week, where [Peter] goes over some of the new features he’s been working on. A major one is the soft power solution, where the physical power switch doesn’t just pull the plug like it did back in the 1990s. Instead, the switch triggers the board to save the game and enter into a low-power mode so that it can come right back on to where you left off. This does impact battery life, but so far, it looks like the Pico Pal GBC will be able to run for at least five hours on a charge, and more than twice that if you don’t mind turning off the audio.

It sounds like there’s still several gremlins to track down in the design, but even in its current state, the Pico Pal GBC looks very interesting. We’re immediately reminded of the phenomenal work [Bucket Mouse] has put in on a similar refit for the original DMG-1 Game Boy.