BNCs For An Old Instrument

Back in the summer our eye was caught by [Jazzy Jane]’s new signal generator, or perhaps we should say her new-to-her signal generator. It’s an Advance E1 from around 1950, and it was particularly interesting from here because it matches the model on the shelf above this bench. She’s back with a new video on the E1, allowing us a further look inside it as she replaces a dead capacitor, gets its audio oscillator working, and upgrades its sockets.

Treating us to a further peek inside the unit, first up is a leaky capacitor. Then a knotty question for old tech enthusiasts, to upgrade or not? The ancient co-ax connectors are out of place on a modern bench, so does originality matter enough to give it a set of BNC sockets? We’d tend to agree; just because we have some adapters for the unit here doesn’t mean it’s convenient. Following on from that is a period variable frequency audio mod which has failed, so out that comes and a little fault-finding is required to get the wiring of the audio transformer.

These instruments are not by any means compact, but they do have the advantage of being exceptionally well-built and above all cheap. We hope readers appreciate videos like the one below the break, and that you’re encouraged not to be scared of diving in to older items like this one to fix them. Meanwhile the first installment is here.

Continue reading “BNCs For An Old Instrument”

Sad clown holding melted ice cream cone

McDonalds Ice Cream Machines Gain A DMCA Exemption

An unlikely theatre for an act in the right-to-repair saga came last year in the form of McDonalds restaurants, whose McFlurry ice cream machines are prone to breakdown. The manufacturer had locked them down, and a franchisee with a broken machine had no option but to call them for an expensive repair job. iFixit and Public Knowledge challenged this with a request for a DMCA exemption from the Copyright Office, and now news emerges that this has been granted.

The exemption in question isn’t specific to McDonalds, instead it applies to retail food preparation equipment in general, which includes ice-cream machines. We’re guessing that franchisees won’t be breaking out the screwdrivers either, instead it’s likely to lower significantly the cost of a service contract for them and any other food industry operators hit with the same problem. Meanwhile any hackers who’ve picked up an old machine can now fix it themselves without breaking the law, and maybe the chances of your local Mickey D’s having no McFlurries have gone down.

This story has featured more than once on these pages, so catch up here, and here.

A New Chinese Radio Breaks Cover, Is It Worth It?

Scanning the firehose of new electronic kits and modules coming from the usual Chinese suppliers can be a rewarding experience, as sometimes among the endless breakout boards comes an item that looks interesting enough to try. As an example there’s a receiver kit being given a quick review by [Tech Minds], offering AM and HF multi-mode, FM broadcast, and air band alongside what appear to be digital streaming features.

Looking at it, though all the RF part is hidden under screening cans we’re guessing it might contain one of the Silicon Labs all-in-one receiver chips, but the whole appears to deliver a useful receiver with a comprehensive interface. The review isn’t quite technical enough so we can’t glean a lot more, but it looks as though it could be useful. We’d be tempted to snag one for review, but since with very few exceptions we pay for the stuff we review, it’s a mite expensive at $50+ for yet another radio.

There’s an ongoing question with all these cheap kits and modules though, first of all where did the design come from and are we freeloading on someone else’s hard work, but then whether or not what you’re getting is a knock-off using defective semiconductors or with bean-counting parts removal degrading performance. We’re guessing more will come out about this radio in due course, and we can all make our own judgement. Meanwhile this one can be found on AliExpress or Banggood, so take a look and see if you’re tempted.

Continue reading “A New Chinese Radio Breaks Cover, Is It Worth It?”

RF Detector Chip Helps Find Hidden Cameras And Bugs

It’s a staple of spy thriller movies, that the protagonist has some kind of electronic scanner with which he theatrically searches his hotel room to reveal the bad guys’ attempt to bug him. The bug of course always had a flashing LED to make it really obvious to viewers, and the scanner was made by the props department to look all cool and futuristic.

It’s not so far-fetched though, while bugs and hidden cameras in for example an Airbnb may not have flashing LEDs, they still emit RF and can be detected with a signal strength meter. That’s the premise behind [RamboRogers]’ RF hunter, the spy movie electronic scanner made real.

At the rear of the device is an ESP32, but the front end is an AD8317 RF detector chip. This is an interesting and useful component, in that it contains a logarithmic amplifier such that it produces a voltage proportional to the RF input in decibels. You’ll find it at the heart of an RF power meter, but it’s also perfect for a precision field strength meter like this one. That movie spy would have a much higher chance of finding the bug with one of these.

For the real spies of course, the instruments are much more sophisticated.

A Birthday Cake For A Retrocomputer Designer

When making a birthday cake a bit more personal, one can create a novelty themed confection appropriate for the lucky recipient. In the case of [Spencer Owen], who you may know as the creator of the RC2014 retrocomputing ecosystem, it was appropriate to have one of the little machines at work somewhere, so [peahen] did just that. The result is a cake in the shape of an IMSAI 8080 microcomputer, but it does more than just look the part. This is a working replica of the classic machine, powered as you might expect by an RC2014 sitting next to it.

The lights are a set of addressable LEDs, and the switches are made from appropriately colored sweets. Sadly the plan to make these capacitive touch switched failed as the wiring became buried in the icing, but the LEDs deserve a second look. They’re encased in translucent heatshrink sleeving which is embedded under a layer of white icing, which is translucent enough, but on top for the classic panel light look are a set of edible cake-maker’s jewels. Best of all while all except the electronics is edible, the front panel is robust enough to have been removed from the cake in one and thus will live on.

We rather like the idea of electronics meeting sugarcraft, because fondant is a surprisingly versatile medium that deserves attention much further than just confectionery. We remember it being a popular cheap way to experiment with 3D printing back at the dawn of open source printers, and it still has some potential. Meanwhile if you’ve not seen the RC2014 we reviewed its original version back in 2016, and since then it’s evolved to become an ecosystem in its own right.

75-In-One Music

It’s likely that many Hackaday readers will have had their interest in electronics as a child honed by exposure to an electronics kit. The type of toy that featured a console covered in electronic components with spring terminals, and on which a variety of projects could be built by wiring up circuits. [Matthew North Music] has a couple of these, and he’s made a video investigating whether they can be used to make music.

The kits he’s found are a Radio Shack one from we’re guessing the 1970s, and a “Cambridge University Recording Studio” kit that looks to be 1990s-vintage. The former is all discrete components and passive, while the latter sports that digital audio record/playback chip that was the thing to have in a novelty item three decades ago. With them both he can create a variety of oscillator and filter circuits, though for the video he settles for a fairly simple tone whose pitch is controlled by an light-dependent resistor, and a metronome as a drum beat.

The result is a little avant garde, but certainly shows promise. The beauty of these kits is they can now be had for a song, and as grown-ups we don’t have to follow the rules set out in the book, so we can see there’s a lot of fun to be had. We look forward to some brave soul using them in a life performance at a hacker camp. Continue reading “75-In-One Music”

Save A Packet, Use Cheap Co-Ax!

Anyone who works with radio transmitters will know all about matching and impedance, and also about the importance of selecting the best co-axial cable connecting transistor and antenna. But here’s [Steve, KD2WTU] with a different take, he’s suggesting that sometimes a not-so-good co-ax choice can make the grade. He’s passing up expensive 50 ohm cable in favour of the cheap and ubiquitous 75 ohm RG6 cable used in domestic TV and satellite receiver installations.

Fighting that received wisdom, he outlines the case for RG6. It’s cheap and it has a surprisingly low loss figure compared to some more conventional choices, something that shouldn’t be a surprise once we consider that it’s designed to carry GHz-plus signals. Where it loses is in having a lower maximum power rating. Power shouldn’t be a problem to a shoestring ham for whom 100W is QRO. Another issue is that 75 ohm coax necessitates a tuner for 50 ohm transmitters. It also has the effect of changing the resonance of some antennas, meaning a few mods may be in order.

So we’re convinced, and with the relatively QRP shack here we can’t see RG6 being a problem. Maybe it’s something to try in out next antenna experiment. Meanwhile if you’re interested in some of the background on co-ax impedance choices, we’ve been there before.

Continue reading “Save A Packet, Use Cheap Co-Ax!”