A warehouse with concrete floors and at least four subway car rails running off into the distance. On the rails are dozens of R142 series subway cars with refurbished trucks in the foreground. People are visible on the floor moving a truck, and one man is in a bright yellow crane above everything watching what happens.

Overhauling Subway Cars Is A Big Job

Subway cars have a tough life. Moving people through a city efficiently underground every day and night takes a toll on the hardware. To keep things running efficiently, NYC rebuilds its cars every six years.

The enormous job of refurbing a subway car back to factory spec happens in one of two yards, either in Brooklyn or Manhattan. The cars are pulled off their 16,000 lb trucks, and treated to an overhaul of their “doors, windows, signage, seats, floor tiles and HVAC.” The trucks are inspected and wheels can be reground to true at the six year mark; they get all new wheels every 12.

Once everything is repaired, the shiny and like-new components are inspected and reassembled to go back out on the line. While it’s no small job, the overhaul shops can process over 1,000 cars in a year to keep things running smoothly. Before the overhaul program was introduced in the 1980s, NYC subway cars typically experienced failures every 16,000 miles, but between the scheduled maintenance and other advances that number has soared to an average failure rate every 140,000 miles.

For a somewhat less official use of underground spaces, how about this Parisian secret society? If you really want to bring the subway home, how about making an old subway seat into a chair? If you need something more light-hearted, you should really checkout this 90s subway safety video from LA.

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An Antenna To Throw You For A Loop

It is one of Murphy’s laws, we think, that you can’t get great things when you need them. Back in the heyday of shortwave broadcasting, any of us would have given a week’s pay for even a low-end receiver today. Digital display? Memory? Digital filtering? These days, you have radios, and they aren’t terribly expensive, but there isn’t much to listen to. Making matters worse, it isn’t easy these days to string wires around in your neighborhood for a variety of reasons. Maybe you don’t have a yard, or you have deed restrictions, or your yard lacks suitable space or locations. This problem is so common that there are a crop of indoor antennas that seem attractive. Since I don’t often tune in shortwave and I don’t want to have to reset my antenna after every storm, I decided to look at the Tecsun AN-48X along with a YouLoop clone from China. Let’s start with the Tecsun. Continue reading “An Antenna To Throw You For A Loop”

Linux Fu: Failing Pipelines

Bash is great for automating little tasks, but sometimes a little script you think will take a minute to write turns into a half hour or more. This is the story of one of those half-hour scripts.

I have too many 3D printers. In particular, I have three that are almost — but not exactly — the same, so each one has a slightly different build process when I want to update their firmware. In all fairness, one of those printers is heading out the door soon, but I’ll probably still wind up building firmware images for it.

My initial process was painful. I have a special directory with the four files needed to configure Marlin for each machine. I copy all four files and ask PlatformIO to perform the build. Usually, it succeeds and gives me a file that looks like firmware-yyyyddmmhhmm.bin or something like that.

The problem is that the build process doesn’t know which of the three machines is the target: Sulu, Checkov, or Fraiser. (Long story.) So, I manually look at the file name, copy it, and rename it. Of course, this is an error-prone process, and I’m basically lazy, so I decided to write a script to do it. I figured it would take just a minute to bundle up all the steps. I was wrong.

Continue reading “Linux Fu: Failing Pipelines”

Supercon 2023: Jesse T. Gonzalez Makes Circuit Boards That Breathe And Bend

Most robots are built out of solid materials like metal and plastic, giving them rigid structures that are easy to work with and understand. But you can open up much wider possibilities if you explore alternative materials and construction methods. As it turns out, that’s precisely what [Jesse T. Gonzalez] specializes in.

Jesse is a PhD candidate at Carnegie Mellon’s Human-Computer Interaction Institute, and an innovator to boot. His talk at the 2023 Hackaday Supercon covers his recent work on making circuit boards that can breathe and bend. You might not even call them robots, but his creations are absolutely robotic.

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A Modchip For A Fridge

An annoying fridge that beeps incessantly when the door is open too long should be an easy enough thing to fix by disconnecting the speaker, but when as with [kennedn]’s model it’s plumbed in and the speaker is inaccessible, what’s to be done? The answer: create a mod chip for a fridge.

While the fridge electronics themselves couldn’t be reached, there was full access to a daughterboard with the fridge controls. It should be easy enough to use them to turn off the alarm, but first a little reverse engineering was required. It used a serial communication with an old-school set of shift registers rather than a microcontroller, but it soon became apparent that the job could be done by simply pulling the buttons down. In a move that should gladden the heart of all Hackaday readers then, the modchip in question didn’t even have to be a processor, instead it could be the venerable 555 timer. Our lives are complete, and the fridge is no longer annoying.

The 555 is unashamedly a Hackaday cliche, but even after five decades it still bears some understanding.

Using OpenCV To Catch A Hungry Thief

Rory, the star of the show

[Scott] has a neat little closet in his carport that acts as a shelter and rest area for their outdoor cat, Rory. She has a bed and food and water, so when she’s outside on an adventure she has a place to eat and drink and nap in case her humans aren’t available to let her back in. However, [Scott] recently noticed that they seemed to be going through a lot of food, and they couldn’t figure out where it was going. Kitty wasn’t growing a potbelly, so something else was eating the food.

So [Scott] rolled up his sleeves and hacked together an OpenCV project with a FLIR Boson to try and catch the thief. To reduce the amount of footage to go through, the system would only capture video when it detected movement or a large change in the scene. It would then take snapshots, timestamp them, and optionally record a feed of the video. [Scott] originally started writing the system in Python, but it couldn’t keep up and was causing frames to be dropped when motion was detected. Eventually, he re-wrote the prototype in C++ which of course resulted in much better performance!

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Secrets Of The Old Digital Design Titans

Designing combinatorial digital circuits seems like it should be easy. After all, you can do everything you want with just AND, OR, and NOT gates. Bonus points if you have an XOR gate, but you can build everything you need for combinatorial logic with just those three components. If all you want to do is design something to turn on the light when the ignition is on AND door 1 is open OR door 2 is open, you won’t have any problems. However, for more complex scenarios, how we do things has changed several times.

In the old days, you’d just design the tubes or transistor circuits you needed to develop your logic. If you were wiring up everything by hand anyway, you might as well. But then came modules like printed circuit boards. There was a certain economy to having cards that had, say, two NOR gates on a card. Then, you needed to convert all your logic to use NOR gates (or NAND gates, if that’s what you had).

Small-scale ICs changed that. It was easy to put a mix of gates on a card, although there was still some slight advantage to having cards full of the same kind of gate. Then came logic devices, which would eventually become FPGAs. They tend to have many of one kind of “cell” with plenty of logic gates on board, but not necessarily the ones you need. However, by that time, you could just tell a computer program what you wanted, and it would do the heavy lifting. That was a luxury early designers didn’t have. Continue reading “Secrets Of The Old Digital Design Titans”