Screenshot of the REPL running on the Flipper, importing the flipper API library and calling infrared receive function out of it with help of autocomplete

A MicroPython Interpreter For Flipper Zero

Got a Flipper Zero? Ever wanted to use a high-level but powerful scripting language on it? Thanks to [Oliver] we now have a MicroPython application for the Flipper, complete with a library for hardware and software feature support. Load it up, start it up, connect over USB, and you’ve got the ever-so-convenient REPL at your disposal. Or, upload a Python script to your Flipper and run them directly from Flipper’s UI at your convenience!

In the API docs, we’re seeing support for every single primitive you could want – GPIO (including the headers at the top, of course), a healthy library for LCD and LCD backlight control, button handling, SD card support, speaker library for producing tones, ADC and PWM, vibromotor, logging, and even infrared transmit/receive support. Hopefully, we get support for Flipper’s wireless capabilities at some point, too!

Check out the code examples, get the latest release from the Flipper app portal or GitHub, load it up, and play! Mp-flipper has existed for the better half of a year now, so it’s a pretty mature application, and it adds quite a bit to Flipper’s use cases in our world of hardware hacking. Want to develop an app for the Flipper in Python or otherwise? Check out this small-screen UI design toolkit or this editor we’ve featured recently!

A picture of the Alarmo running a tweaked firmware, showing a theme with (Debug) added to its name, obviously a firmware modification

Making The Alarmo Customizable, By Any Means Necessary

Last year, Nintendo has released the Alarmo, a bedside-style alarm clock with a colourful display. Do you own one? You deserve full control over your device, of course. [KernelEquinox] has been reverse-engineering an Alarmo ever since getting one, and there’s no shortage of cool stuff you’ll be able to do with an Alarmo thanks to this work.

Now, just how can you improve upon the Alarmo? Looking through the Alarmo dev community site and threads on the subreddit, there are plenty of ideas, from themes to a ton of possible behaviour tweaks! In particular, Nintendo has already changed Alarmo’s behaviour in a way that is jarring to some users – a third-party development community will help us all make sure our Alarmos work exactly like we expect them to. Want to replace the sound files,  tie your Alarmo into your smart home setup, write your apps, tweak the UI or default behaviour, fix a bug that irks you real bad, or access a debug menu? Or, ensure that Alarmo doesn’t contribute to light pollution in your room? All appears to be doable.

Like the Alarmo, but don’t own one yet? They’re limited-release for now, but it will be more widely available this March; we thank [KernelEquinox] for the work in making Alarmo hacker-friendly. If you’ve forgotten, this project started off thanks to the efforts of [Gary] last year. We covered it back then — cat pictures included!

On Sensory Weaver Building

What is a sensory weaver? [Curiosiate] tells us: “A device which takes sensory data feeds in and converts it in various ways on the body as information streams as though a native sensory input.” As an example, they’ve built one.

This one, called “MK2 Lockpick” is a wrist-mounted array of linear actuators, with a lengthy design/build log to peek into. We don’t get PCB files (blame EasyEDA’s sharing), but we do at least get a schematic and more than enough pictures for anyone interested to reproduce the concept – the levels of bespoke-ness here warrant a new PCB for any newcomers to sensory weaver building, anyway. We also get a story of a proof-of-concept thermal input sensory weaver.  The team even includes a lessons learned da, and plenty of inspiration throughout the posts on the blog.

This kind of tech is getting more and more popular, and we are sure there will be more to come — especially as we keep getting cool new gadgets like linear actuators in form of replacement parts. For instance, the actuators in this sensory weaver are harvested from Samsung S23 smartphones, and you could probably find suitable ones as iPhone replacement parts, too. Looking to start out in this area but want a quick build? Look no further than the venerable compass belt.

A CaptionCall Phone Succumbs To Doom, Again

Pour one out for yet another device conquered. This one’s a desk phone for conferences and whatnot, a colour display, a numpad, and a bog standard handset with a speaker and mic. Naturally, also running Linux. You know what to expect – [Parker Reed] has brought Doom to it, and you’d be surprised how playable it looks!

This is the second time a CaptionCall device has graced our pages running Doom — CaptionCall patched out the previous route, but with some firmware dumping and hashcat, root has been acquired once again. [Parker] has upgraded this impromptu gaming setup, too – now, all the buttons are mapped into Doom-compatible keyboard events coming from a single input device, thanks to a C program and an Xorg config snippet. Feel free to yoink for your own Doom adventures or just general CaptionCall hacking!

If you’re interested in the hacking journey, get into the Discord server and follow the hack timeline from password recovery, start to finish, to Doom, to the state of affairs shown in the video. Now, as the CPU speeds have risen, should the hackerdom switch away from Doom as the go-to? Our community remains divided.

Continue reading “A CaptionCall Phone Succumbs To Doom, Again”

This Gesture Sensor Is Precise, Cheap, Well-Hidden

In today’s “futuristic tech you can get for $5”, [RealCorebb] shows us a gesture sensor, one of the sci-fi kind. He was doing a desktop clock build, and wanted to add gesture control to it – without any holes that a typical optical sensor needs. After some searching, he’s found Microchip’s MGC3130, a gesture sensing chip that works with “E-fields”, more precise than the usual ones, almost as cheap, and with a lovely twist.

The coolest part about this chip is that it needs no case openings. The 3130 can work even behind obstructions like a 3D-printed case. You do need a PCB the size of a laptop touchpad, however — unlike the optical sensors easy to find from the usual online marketplaces. Still, if you have a spot, this is a perfect gesture-sensing solution. [RealCorebb] shows it off to us in the demo video.

This PCB design is available as gerbers+bom+schematic PDF. You can still order one from the files in the repo.  Also, you need to use Microchip’s tools to program your preferred gestures into the chip. Still, it pays off, thanks to the chip’s reasonably low price and on-chip gesture processing. And, [RealCorebb] provides all the explanations you could need, has Arduino examples for us, links all the software, and even provides some Python scripts! Touch-sensitive technology has been getting more and more steam in hacker circles – for instance, check out this open-source 3D-printed trackpad.

Continue reading “This Gesture Sensor Is Precise, Cheap, Well-Hidden”

The Bus Pirate 5 Sure Can Glitch

Own a Bus Pirate 5? Now, it can do power glitching, thanks to [Matt Brugman’s] demo and contributions to the stock code. This is also a great demo of Bus Pirate’s capabilities and programmability! All you need is the Bus Pirate and a generic Arduino – load a glitch-vulnerable code example into the Arduino, get yourself a generic FET-based glitching setup, and you too can play.

The Arduino board outputs data over UART, and that’s used as a trigger for the Bus Pirate’s new glitch feature – now mainline, thanks to [Matt]’s pull request. It’s pretty feature-complete, too — all parameters are configurable, it can vary the glitching interval, as one would want, and the code checks for success conditions so that it can retry glitching automatically.

In this demo, it only took six consecutive attempts to successfully glitch the ATMega328P – wouldn’t you know it, the code that got glitched was pulled almost wholesale from an IoT device. Glitching remains an underappreciated vector for reverse-engineering, and there’s really no shortage of hacks it allows you to do – get yourself a FET, a Bus Pirate, or maybe just an ESP8266, and join the glitching-aware hackers club!

Want to know more about the Bus Pirate 5? Check out our hands-on review of the hacker multi-tool from last year.

A PCR machine with its side cover taken off exposing its guts, and the tray extended out

Making A PCR Machine Crypto Sign Its Results

Money, status, or even survival – there’s no shortage of incentives for faking results in the scientific community. What can we do to prevent it, or at least make it noticeable? One possible solution is cryptographic signing of measurement results.

Here’s a proof-of-concept from [Clement Heyd] and [Arbion Halili]. They took a ThermoFisher Scientific 7500 Fast PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) machine, isolated its daughter-software, and confined it into a pipeline that automatically signs each result with help of a HSM (Hardware Security Module).

A many machines do, this one has to be paired to a PC, running bespoke software. This one’s running Windows XP, at least! The software got shoved into a heavily isolated virtual machine running XP, protected by TEE (Trusted Execution Environment). The software’s output is now piped into a data diode virtual serial port out of the VM, immediately signed with the HSM, and signed data is accessible through a read-only interface. Want to verify the results’ authenticity? Check them against the system’s public key, and you’re golden – in theory.

This design is just a part of the puzzle, given a typical chain of custody for samples in medical research, but it’s a solid start – and it happens to help make the Windows XP setup more resilient, too.

Wondering what PCR testing is good for? Tons of things all over the medical field, for instance, we’ve talked about PCR in a fair bit of detail in this article about COVID-19 testing. We’ve also covered a number of hacker-built PCR and PCR-enabling machines, from deceivingly simple to reasonably complex!