For Desalination, Follow The Sun

It’s easy to use electricity — solar-generated or otherwise — to desalinate water. However, traditional systems require a steady source of power. Since solar panels don’t always produce electricity, these methods require some way to store or acquire power when the solar cells are in the dark or shaded. But MIT engineers have a fresh idea for solar-powered desalination plants: modify the workload to account for the amount of solar energy available.

This isn’t just a theory. They’ve tested community-sized prototypes in New Mexico for six months. The systems are made especially for desalinating brackish groundwater, which is accessible to more people than seawater. The goal is to bring potable water to areas where water supplies are challenging without requiring external power or batteries.

The process used is known as “flexible batch electrodialysis” and differs from the more common reverse osmosis method. Reverse osmosis, however, requires a steady power source as it uses pressure to pump water through a membrane. Electrodialysis is amenable to power fluctuations, and a model-based controller determines the optimal settings for the amount of energy available.

There are other ways to use the sun to remove salt from water. MIT has dabbled in that process, too, at a variety of different scales.

Nuclear Tomb Must Survive

It is hard to imagine that much we built today will be used ten years from now, much less in a hundred. It is hard to make things that last through the ages, which is why we are fascinated with things like ancient pyramids in Mexico, Egypt, and China. However, even the oldest Egyptian pyramid is only about 5,000 years old. [Mark Piesing] at the BBC visited a site that is supposed to lock up nuclear waste for 100,000 years.

This particular project is in France, but there are apparently dozens of similar projects around the world. Locating these nuclear tombs is tricky. They need to be in a geologically stable area that won’t contaminate water. They also prefer areas already depleted of resources to lessen the chance someone will be digging nearby in the far future. You also need people to agree to have these facilities in their communities, which is probably the most difficult thing to find.

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The 1983 Clock Four Decades In The Making

In 1983, a 14-year-old [Will] saw an LED clock in The Sharper Image store. At $250, it stayed in the store. That was a lot of money back then, especially for most teenagers. But [Will] didn’t forget. After high school, he and a friend planned to build one from scratch. They worked out how they would do it and did a little prototyping, but never really finished. Well, they never really finished at the time. Because 33 years later, [Will] decided to finally put it together. Check it out in the video below.

[Will’s] learned a lot since his original design, plus we have tech today that would have seemed like magic in the late 1980s. But he wanted to stay true to the original design, so there’s no microcontroller or smart LEDs. Just binary counters and a lot of LEDs. There’s even a 555 doing duty as a reset timer.

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Strange English Teaching Computer Might Have Been Big In Japan

[Ctrl-Alt-Rees] bought something strange on an auction site: a Japanese Cefucom-21 from 1983. No? Didn’t ring a bell for us either. The legend on the front boldly proclaims: “CCI Multipurpose SLAP Computer,” so maybe it is some kind of computer, but it is definitely strange. For one thing, the “screen” isn’t a screen at all. [Rees] has found that it has something to do with teaching English. You can see the odd beast in the video below.

We don’t know how common these were in Japan, but they appear to be virtually unknown everywhere else. Inside is a Z80 computer based on a  Sanyo PHC-25, which is a little better known.

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An SAO For Hams

Generally speaking, the Hackaday Supercon badge will always have a place for SAO (rebranded as “Supercon add-ons”), and that makes sense. We did originate them, after all. This year, though, we’ve gone all in on SAO, and, in particular, we’ve asked to see more SAOs with communication capabilities. The standard has always had an I2C bus, but few people use them. I decided I wanted to set an example and cook up a badge for Supercon. Was it hard? Yes and no. I’ll share with you a little about the board’s genesis and the issues I found. At the end, I’ll make you a special offer, if you are going to Supercon.

The Idea

The front of the SAOGNR — the SAO connector is, of course, on the back

I’ve been a ham radio operator for a very long time. In fact, July was my 47th anniversary in the radio hobby. Well, that’s not true. It was my 47th year with a license. I had been listening to shortwave long before then. So, I wanted to do something with Morse code. You don’t have to know Morse code to get a license these days, but a lot of hams enjoy it.

I set out to do a simple board that would play some Morse code messages. But that’s just another blinking light LED with a buzzer on it, too. So, naturally, I decided it would also provide Morse code output for the I2C host. That is, the SAO could be used to convert ASCII to Morse code. Sounds simple, right? Sure.

Getting Started

I wanted to use a Raspberry Pi Pico but didn’t want to violate the SAO size requirements. Luckily, there’s an RP2040-Zero module that is quite tiny and looks more or less like a normal Pico. The two big differences are plusses: they have a reset button, and instead of a normal LED, they have a WS2812b-style LED.

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I2C The Hard Way

[Igor] has an AS5600 magnetic rotary encoder chip on a breakout board. Normally, you’d think that was an easy device to work with since it has an I2C interface. But [Igor] wanted to do it the hard way. What’s the hard way? By hand. He directly manipulates the clock and data lines using some push buttons. You can see how it goes in the video below.

This is possible because the controlling device — in this case [Igor] — gets to set the clock rate, and there’s no reason it has to be regular. We have to admit that it never occurred to us to do this, but we have written “bit banged” I2C-like code before.

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Ideal Diodes And How To Build Them

[Julian] knows that real diodes you can buy don’t work exactly like we say they do. That’s actually pretty common. We routinely ignore things like wire resistance and source resistance in batteries. Diodes have problems that are harder to ignore, such as the forward voltage drop. So, while a real diode will only pass current in one direction, it will also drop some of the voltage. [Julian] shows you how you can get simulated ideal diodes and why you might want them in a recent video you can see below.

The video starts with a simple demonstration and enumerates some of the practical limitations. Then, he pulls out some ideal diode modules. These typically don’t solve every problem, so they aren’t really ideal in the theoretical sense. But they typically appear to have no forward voltage drop.

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