Line Power With No Transformer

Normally, when you want a low DC voltage from the AC line, you think about using a transformer of some kind. [RCD66] noticed that an AC monitor meter must have some sort of power supply but had no transformers in sight. That led to an exploration of how those work and how you can use them, too. You can watch the work in the video below.

Sensibly, there is a transformer in the test setup — an isolation transformer to make it safe to probe the circuit. But there’s no transformer providing voltage changes. Isolation is important even if you are taking apart something commercial that might be trasformerless.

The circuit is simple enough: it uses a capacitor, a resistor, and a pair of diodes (one of them a zener diode). He uses this basic circuit to drive simple regulators with input and output filter capacitors. We’ve seen many variations on this design over the years.

You can’t draw a lot of power through this arrangement. But sometimes it is all you need. However, this is pretty dangerous, as we’ve discussed before. Be sure you understand exactly what the risks are before you decide to build something like this.

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Unhacked Mattress Phones Home

[Dylan] has a fancy bed that can be set to any temperature. Apparently this set him back about $2,000, it only works if it has Internet, and the bed wants $19 a month for anything beyond basic features. Unsurprisingly, [Dylan] decided to try to hack the mattress firmware and share what he learned with us.

Oddly enough, it was easy to just ask the update URL for the firmware and download it. Inside, it turned out there was a mechanism for “” to remotely SSH into any bed and — well — do just about anything. You may wonder why anyone wants to gain control of your bed. But if you are on the network, this could be a perfect place to launch an attack on the network and beyond.

Of course, they can also figure out when you sleep, if you sleep alone or not, and, of course, when no one is in the bed. But if those things bother you, maybe don’t get an Internet-connected bed.

Oddly enough, the last time we saw a bed hack, it was from [Dillan], not [Dylan]. Just because you don’t want Big Sleep to know when you are in bed doesn’t mean it isn’t useful for your private purposes.

Learn Assembly The FFmpeg Way

You want to learn assembly language. After all, understanding assembly unlocks the ability to understand what compilers are doing and it is especially important for time-critical code. But most tutorials are — well — boring. So you can print “Hello World” super fast. Who cares?

But decoding video data is something where assembly can really pay off, so why not study a real project like FFmpeg to see how they do things? Sounds like a pain, but thanks to the FFmpeg asm-lessons repository, it’s actually quite accessible.

According to the repo, you should already understand C — especially C pointers. They also expect you to understand some basic mathematics. Most of the FFmpeg code that uses assembly uses the single instruction multiple data (SIMD) opcodes. This allows you to do something like “add 5 to these 200 data items” very quickly compared to looping 200 times.

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Over The Counter Glucose Monitor Dissected

If you deal with diabetes, you probably know how to prick your finger and use a little meter to read your glucose levels. The meters get better and better which mostly means they take less blood, so you don’t have to lacerate your finger so severely. Even so, taking your blood several times a day is hard on your fingertips. Continuous monitoring is available, but — until recently — required a prescription and was fairly expensive. [Andy] noticed the recent introduction of a relatively inexpensive over-the-counter sensor, the Stelo CGM. Of course, he had to find out what was inside, and thanks to him, you can see it, too.

If you haven’t used a continuous glucose monitor (CGM), there is still a prick involved, but it is once every two weeks or so and occurs in the back of your arm. A spring drives a needle into your flesh and retracts. However, it leaves behind a little catheter. The other end of the catheter is in an adhesive-backed module that stays put. It sounds a little uncomfortable, but normally, it is hardly noticeable, and even if it is, it is much better than sticking your finger repeatedly to draw out a bunch of blood.

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Retrotectacular: Ham Radio As It Was

We hear a lot about how ham radio isn’t what it used to be. But what was it like? Well, the ARRL’s film “The Ham’s Wide World” shows a snapshot of the radio hobby in the 1960s, which you can watch below. The narrator is no other than the famous ham [Arthur Godfrey] and also features fellow ham and U.S. Senator [Barry Goldwater]. But the real stars of the show are all the vintage gear: Heathkit, Swan, and a very oddly placed Drake.

The story starts with a QSO between a Mexican grocer and a U.S. teenager. But it quickly turns to a Field Day event. Since the film is from the ARRL, the terminology and explanations make sense. You’ll hear real Morse code and accurate ham lingo.

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A New 8-bit CPU For C

It is easy to port C compilers to architectures that look like old minicomputers or bigger CPUs. However, as the authors of the Small Device C Compiler (SDCC) found, pushing C into a typical 8-bit CPU is challenging. Lessons learned from SDCC inspired a new 8-bit architecture, F8. This isn’t just a theoretical architecture. You can find an example Verilog implementation in the SDDC project and on GitHub. The name choice may turn out to be unfortunate as there was an F8 CPU from Fairchild back in the 1970s that apparently few people remember.

In the video from FOSDEM 2025, [Phillip Krause] provides a nice overview of the how and why of F8. While it might seem odd to create a new 8-bit CPU when you can get bigger CPUs for pennies, you have to consider that 8-bit machines are more than enough for many jobs, and if you can squeeze one into an FPGA, it might be a good choice as opposed to having to get a bigger FPGA to hold your design and a 32-bit CPU.

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Pico Gets A Speed Bump

The release notes for the 2.1.1 Raspberry Pi Pico SDK have a late holiday present: The RP2040 chip is now certified to run at 200 MHz if you use at least 1.15V as the supply voltage.

Previously, the certified speed was 125 MHz, although it was well-known you could overclock the device. By default, the 125 MHz figure is still what you’ll get, though. If you want a higher frequency, you need to set SYS_CLK_MHZ to 200 before doing a build. Continue reading “Pico Gets A Speed Bump”