Hackaday Prize Entry: A DIY Smartphone

It may not change the world, but [Tyler]’s DIY smartphone is a great example of what you can do with off-the-shelf parts. He built a complete, working cell phone using a Raspberry Pi, a few parts from Adafruit, and a 3D printed enclosure.

Inside the Tyfone is a Raspberry Pi Model A, an Adafruit FONA cellular module, a PiTFT, and not much else. There’s a 1200 mAh battery in there, and a 3D printed case keeps everything together.

For the OS, [Tyler] isn’t running Android; that’s only for the Raspi 2, and the Raspberry Pi 2 Model A isn’t out yet. Instead, [Tyler] wrote his own not-OS in Python. It can send and receive SMS messages, make calls, take pictures, connect to WiFi networks, and do just about everything else a Nokia from 2003 can do.

[Tyler] put together a video going over all of the features of his Tyfone. You can check that out below.

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Hackaday Prize Entry: A Two Component Temperature Sensor

Here’s a design challenge for you: make a temperature sensor for any computer. If you’re an exceptionally clever smart ass, you’ll probably write some code to report the CPU temps. Others who take the exercise seriously will probably build something with a 1-wire temp sensor, a microcontroller, and all the hardware required to do that.

[Michael] had a better idea. He did it with just two components. One of those components is a USB connector.

The only reason is project could be created is a rather new part from Microchip, the PIC16F1455. This microcontroller doesn’t require a crystal, can do USB without any additional parts, and has an integrated temperature sensor. [Michael] whipped up a project to set up a USB CDC serial device, read the temperature with the ADC (thanks to a very helpful app note), and sends the temperature to a computer once a second.

Despite being built out of only two components, this could actually be a useful device. The PIC is a USB serial device, and this can be used with any computer made in the past 15 or so years. It would hardly take any code at all to read the temperature with another program, and it’s a very inexpensive build. We have to give style points for soldering a microcontroller directly to a USB connector, too.

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Stuff The Ballot Boxes For The Best Hackaday Prize Entry

Last week we started the first round of community voting for The Hackaday Prize, where everyone on Hackaday.io has a voice in choosing the best project for the current theme of the week. To encourage people to vote, we’re giving away a $1000 gift card to The Hackaday Store to one person on hackaday.io if they have voted in the latest round of community voting. How are we doing that? A very, very large die and SQL queries:


No, no one won this week. That’s okay, because we’re giving t-shirts away to three random people who did vote. This week, [cgapeart], [Jeff], and [devonelliott] are getting t-shirts from the Hackaday Store, just because they were cool enough to vote.

We’re going to keep this round of community voting going for another week. Everyone registered on Hackaday.io gets 50 votes for each round of voting, and every Friday (around 20:00 UTC), we’ll randomly select one person registered on Hackaday.io. If that person has voted, they get a $1000 gift card for The Hackaday Store. If they haven’t voted — a t-shirt. They’re nice t-shirts, but I’d rather have the gift card.

All you have to do for a chance to win a $1000 gift card is head over to the Community Voting Page and pick which project is most likely to be widely used. There’s no wrong answer; all you have to do is decide between two projects. If you only use up one vote, you’re in the running for a $1000 gift card.

I’ll be doing another round of random, fair die rolls and SQL queries next Friday. Until then, VOTE!

Hackaday Prize Entry: Flex Modules

One of [Chris Hamilton]’s entries for The Hackaday Prize deals directly with his job. He works at Fyber Labs designing wearable and flexible electronics. While anyone can go out and buy some flex sensors and every large board house can make flex PCBs, there aren’t many people building flexible products, and even fewer are creating the tools to build these wearable electronics. To solve this problem, [Chris] is building Flex Modules, circuit boards that combine the ease of use of breadboard-compatible modules with something that can be placed on a flexible PCB.

This is a toolkit for [Chris] and he already has a ton of modules that are either completed or in the works. The Flex Sensor ADC Buffer and Filter is meant to read flexible sensors, the STM32F401 module puts an incredibly powerful microcontroller in these projects, and the 12axis module gives these projects pressure, humidity, gyro, and temperature sensors. There are over two dozen modules [Chris] is working on, and each of them work with his system for flexible electronics.

If you’d like to see an example of what these modules can do, check out the Dance Kit [Chris] built. It’s a wearable LED strip with motion feedback and bioelectric monitoring. Without being flexible, this project would be a huge unwieldly mass of circuit boards. With these modules, it was easy to create a wearable solution to the problem.


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Hackaday Prize Entry: Teaching OpAmps

TI makes some great chips, and to sell those chips, they’re more than willing to put together some awesome tutorials, examples, and online classes to get engineers up and running. This isn’t limited to $5 Launchpads; TI has a great video and lab series for their precision OpAmps. These tutorials come with an evaluation module that costs about $200. Yes, that’s two Benjamins for a few OpAmps and a PCB. Of course no engineer would ever pay this; their job would. But what about someone who wants to learn at home?

That’s where [SUF]’s project for The Hackaday Prize comes in. He’s building a replica of a $200 lab board, and even without researching the cheapest solution for each individual component, [SUF] reckons he can build this kit for about $50. Like I said, the TI board is a business purchase.

The complete lab and tutorial TI offers uses NI’s virtual lab. This, again, isn’t something a random electron hacker could afford, but anyone who wants to go through this teaching module would probably use their own tools anyway.

As far as projects to teach electronics go, [SUF] has knocked it out of the park. He’s already relying on excellent tutorials, but bringing the price down to something a little more sane and amenable to checkbooks that aren’t tied to the corporate account.

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Hackaday Prize Entry: A Bit Dingus

There was a time when just about every computer – even laptops – came with a parallel port. That’s 25 pins of bit-banging goodness, accessible from every programming environment, that could control any random pile of electronics sitting on a desk. The days of parallel ports are behind us now, and if you want to blink a pin with a computer, you’re looking at controlling a microcontroller over USB or something.

[ajlitt]’s Tiny Bit Dingus is just that: a microcontroller stuffed into a USB plug with a few pin headers. With the right app, you can control these pin headers over USB. It’s the closest you’re going to get to a parallel port with modern hardware.

This bit dingus isn’t meant to replace the Bus Pirate, an Arduino, or anything else; it’s meant to be a small and simple way to connect random electronics to a computer with as few parts as possible. If you’re looking for a part to add to your electronic tinkerer everyday carry rig, this would be it.

There’s a few bits of interesting hardware inside the Bit Dingus. A while back, [ajltt] ran into the Freescale KL27, a Cortex M0+ that does USB without a crystal, has a USB bootloader, and doesn’t require many additional components at all. It’s the perfect size for the project at 5x5mm, and is unbrickable while still being flashable over USB.

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Hackaday Prize Entry: Useful Code For Useful Things

The Hackaday Prize isn’t exclusively about building things that will help the planet; you can also build things that will enable others to build things to save the planet. [Eric] isn’t saving the world with his commonCode library, but it will make it vastly easier for other people to build the next great Thing.

The idea behind commonCode is the same as shared libraries you’ll find in any desktop application of reasonable size; it provides a common library for AVR microcontrollers to build just about anything. Bit manipulation, an interface for timers, math functions, graphics, I/O, and peripheral drivers are all available in the commonCode library. This makes it easy for the developmentally challenged among us to create whatever project they want.

The commonCode library wasn’t created just for The Hackaday Prize. [Eric] has been tinkering around with AVRs since well before the Arduino existed, and he has dozens of projects in permanent installations. It’s a great way to give back to the community, and the perfect way to allow people to develop their own things to solve whatever problem they have in mind.

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