Undersea Cable Repair

The bottom of the sea is a mysterious and inaccessible place, and anything unfortunate enough to slip beneath the waves and into the briny depths might as well be on the Moon. But the bottom of the sea really isn’t all that far away. The average depth of the ocean is only about 3,600 meters, and even at its deepest, the bottom is only about 10 kilometers away, a distance almost anyone could walk in a couple of hours.

Of course, the problem is that the walk would be straight down into one of the most inhospitable environments our planet has to offer. Despite its harshness, that environment is home to hundreds of undersea cables, all of which are subject to wear and tear through accidents and natural causes. Fixing broken undersea cables quickly and efficiently is a highly specialized field, one that takes a lot of interesting engineering and some clever hacks to pull off.

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Read Utility Meters Via SDR To Fill Out Smart Home Stats

[Jeff Sandberg] has put a fair bit of effort into adding solar and battery storage with associated smarts to his home, but his energy usage statistics were incomplete. His solution was to read data from the utility meter using RTL-SDR to fill in the blanks. The results are good so far, and there’s no reason similar readings for gas and water can’t also be done.

[Jeff] uses the open source home automation software Home Assistant which integrates nicely with his solar and battery backup system, but due to the way his house is wired, it’s only aware of about half of the energy usage in the house. For example, [Jeff]’s heavy appliances get their power directly from the power company and are not part of the solar and battery systems. This means that Home Assistant’s energy statistics are incomplete.

Fortunately, in the USA most smart meters broadcast their data in a manner that an economical software-defined radio like RTL-SDR can access. That provided [Jeff] with the data he needed to get a much more complete picture of his energy usage.

While getting data from utility meters is conceptually straightforward, actually implementing things in a way that integrated with his system took a bit more work. If you’re finding yourself in the same boat, be sure to look at [Jeff]’s documentation to get some ideas.

Junk Bin Build Lets You Test Fuel Injectors On The Cheap

Fiddle around with cars long enough and you’ll realize two things: first, anything beyond the simplest repairs will probably require some kind of specialized tool, and second, those tools can be prohibitively expensive. That doesn’t mean you’re out of luck, though, especially if you’ve got scrap galore and a DIY spirit, as this junk bin fuel injector test stand ably demonstrates.

[Desert Rat Racer]’s test rig is designed to support four injectors at once and to test them under conditions as close as possible to what they’ll experience when installed. To that end, [Rat] mounted a junk intake manifold to a stand made from scrap wood and metal found by the side of the road. A pickle jar serves as a reservoir for the test fluid — he wisely used mineral spirits as a safer substitute for gasoline — and a scrap electric fuel pump pressurizes a junk fuel rail, which distributes fuel to the injectors under test.

For testing, the injectors are wired up to an electric injector tester, which is one of the few off-the-shelf components in the build. The fuel pump and injectors are powered by the 12 volt rail of a scrapped PC power supply. Just being able to watch the spray pattern is often enough to find a faulty injector, but in case a more quantitative test is indicated, each injector is positioned over a cheap glass cylinder to catch the test fluid, and scraps of a tape measure are used to measure the depth of the collected fluid. No fancy — and expensive — graduated cylinders required.

While we truly respect the hackiness of [Desert Rat Racer]’s build, the concept of avoiding buying tactical tools is foreign to us. We understand the logic of not dropping a ton on a single-use tool, but where’s the fancy blow-molded plastic case?

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