Wire Recording Speaks Again

If you think of old recording technology, you probably think of magnetic tape, either in some kind of cassette or, maybe, on reels. But there’s an even older technology that recorded voice on hair-thin stainless steel wire and [Mr. Carlson] happened upon a recorded reel of wire. Can he extract the audio from it? Of course! You can see and hear the results in the video below.

It didn’t hurt that he had several junk wire recorders handy, although he thought none were working. It was still a good place to start since the heads and the feed are unusual to wire recorders. Since the recorder needed a little work, we also got a nice teardown of that old device. The machine was missing belts, but some rubber bands filled in for a short-term fix.

The tape head has to move to keep the wire spooled properly, and even with no audio, it is fun to watch the mechanism spin both reels and move up and down. But after probing the internal pieces, it turns out there actually was some audio, it just wasn’t making it to the speakers.

The audio was noisy and not the best reproduction, but not bad for a broken recorder that is probably at least 80 years old. We hope he takes the time to fully fix the old beast later, but for now, he did manage to hear what was “on the wire,” even though that has a totally different meaning than it usually does.

It is difficult to recover wire recordings, just as it will be difficult to read modern media one day. If you want to dive deep into the technology, we can help with that, too.

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Hackaday Links: March 16, 2025

“The brickings will continue until the printer sales improve!” This whole printer-bricking thing seems to be getting out of hand with the news this week that a firmware update caused certain HP printers to go into permanent paper-saver mode. The update was sent to LaserJet MFP M232-M237 models (opens printer menu; checks print queue name; “Phew!) on March 4, and was listed as covering a few “general improvements and bug fixes,” none of which seem very critical. Still, some users reported not being able to print at all after the update, with an error message suggesting printing was being blocked thanks to non-OEM toner. This sounds somewhat similar to the bricked Brother printers we reported on last week (third paragraph).

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Blue Ghost Watches Lunar Eclipse From The Lunar Surface

Firefly’s Blue Ghost lander's first look at the solar eclipse as it began to emerge from its Mare Crisium landing site on March 14 at 5:30 AM UTC. (Credit: Firefly Aerospace)
Firefly’s Blue Ghost lander’s first look at the solar eclipse as it began to emerge from its Mare Crisium landing site on March 14 at 5:30 AM UTC. (Credit: Firefly Aerospace)

After recently landing at the Moon’s Mare Crisium, Firefly’s Blue Ghost lunar lander craft was treated to a spectacle that’s rarely observed: a total solar eclipse as seen from the surface of the Moon. This entire experience was detailed on the Blue Ghost Mission 1 live blog. As the company notes, this is the first time that a commercial entity has been able to observe this phenomenon.

During this event, the Earth gradually moved in front of the Sun, as observed from the lunar surface. During this time, the Blue Ghost lander had to rely on its batteries as it was capturing the solar eclipse with a wide-angle camera on its top deck.

Unlike the Blood Moon seen from the Earth, there was no such cool effect observed from the Lunar surface. The Sun simply vanished, leaving a narrow ring of light around the Earth. The reason for the Blood Moon becomes obvious, however, as the refracting of the sunlight through Earth’s atmosphere changes the normal white-ish light to shift to an ominous red.

The entire sequence of images captured can be observed in the video embedded on the live blog and below, giving a truly unique view of something that few humans (and robots) have so far been able to observe.

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Inside A “Budget” Current Probe

Current measurements are not as handy as voltage measurements. You typically need to either measure the voltage across something and do some math or break the circuit so a known resistor in your instrument develops a voltage your meter measures and converts for you. However, it is possible to get non-contact current probes. They are generally pricey, but [Kerry Wong] shows us one under $200 and, thus, budget compared to similar probes. Check out the review in the video below.

The OWON unit has three ranges: 4 A, 40 A, and 400 A. It claims a resolution of 10 mA and a bandwidth of 200 kHz. It requires a 9 V battery, which [Kerry] suspects won’t last very long given the rated power consumption number, although the measured draw was not as high as claimed. The specs aren’t great — this seems to be little more than a current probe meter with a connector for an oscilloscope, but if it meets your needs, that could be acceptable.

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Transmitting Wireless Power Over Longer Distances

Proof-of-concept of the inductive coupling transmitter with the 12V version of the circuitry (Credit: Hyperspace Pirate, YouTube)
Proof-of-concept of the inductive coupling transmitter with the 12V version of the circuitry (Credit: Hyperspace Pirate, YouTube)

Everyone loves wireless power these days, almost vindicating [Nikola Tesla’s] push for wireless power. One reason why transmitting electricity this way is a terrible idea is the massive losses involved once you increase the distance between transmitter and receiver. That said, there are ways to optimize wireless power transfer using inductive coupling, as [Hyperspace Pirate] demonstrates in a recent video.

Starting with small-scale proof of concept coils, the final version of the transmitter is powered off 120 VAC. The system has 10 kV on the coil and uses a half-bridge driver to oscillate at 145 kHz. The receiver matches this frequency precisely for optimal efficiency. The transmitting antenna is a 4.6-meter hexagon with eight turns of 14 AWG wire. During tests, a receiver of similar size could light an LED at a distance of 40 meters with an open circuit voltage of 2.6 V.

Although it’s also an excellent example of why air core transformers like this are lousy for efficient remote power transfer, a fascinating finding is that intermediate (unpowered) coils between the transmitter and receiver can help to boost the range due to coupling effects. Even if it’s not a practical technology (sorry, [Tesla]), it’s undeniable that it makes for a great science demonstration.

Of course, people do charge phones wirelessly. It works, but it trades efficiency for convenience. Modern attempts at beaming power around seem to focus more on microwaves or lasers.

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A Look At The Panasonic FS-A1FM

MSX computers were not very common in the United States, and we didn’t know what we were missing when they were popular. [Re:Enthused] shows us what would have been a fine machine in its day: a Panasonic FS-A1FM. Have a look at the video below to see the like-new machine.

The machine isn’t just an ordinary MSX computer. The keyboard is certainly unique, and it has an integrated floppy drive and a 1200-baud modem. The case proudly proclaims that the floppy is both double-sided and double-density. Like most MSX computers, it had a plethora of ports and, of course, a cartridge slot. Unfortunately, the machine looks great but has some problems that have not been repaired yet, so we didn’t get to see it running properly.

He was able to get to the MSX-DOS prompt to show along with the BIOS menu. We hope he manages to get the keyboard working, and we were glad to see another computer from that era we had not seen before.

We don’t think anyone made one at the time, but we’ve seen a modern take on a luggable MSX. Of course, you can emulate the whole thing on a Pi and focus on the aesthetics.

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A Hacker’s Approach To All Things Antenna

When your homebrew Yagi antenna only sort-of works, or when your WiFi cantenna seems moody on rainy days, we can assure you: it is not only you. You can stop doubting yourself once and for all after you’ve watched the Tech 101: Antennas webinar by [Dr. Jonathan Chisum].

[Jonathan] breaks it all down in a way that makes you want to rip out your old antenna and start fresh. It goes further than textbook theory; it’s the kind of knowledge defense techs use for real electronic warfare. And since it’s out there in bite-sized chunks, we hackers can easily put it to good use.

The key takeaway is that antenna size matters. Basically, it’s all about wavelength, and [Jonathan] hammers home how tuning antenna dimensions to your target frequency makes or breaks your signal. Whether you’re into omnis (for example, for 360-degree drone control) or laser-focused directional antennas for secret backyard links, this is juicy stuff.

If you’re serious about getting into RF hacking, watch this webinar. Then dig up that Yagi build, and be sure to send us your best antenna hacks.

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