The Rogue Emperor, And What To Do About Them

The chances are if you know someone who is a former Apple employee, you’ll have heard their Steve Jobs anecdote, and that it was rather unflattering to the Apple co-founder. I’ve certainly heard a few myself, and quick web search will reveal plenty more. There are enough of them that it’s very easy to conclude the guy was not a very pleasant person at all.

At the same time, he was a person whose public persona transcended reality, and his fan base treated him with an almost Messianic awe. For them everything he touched turned to gold, every new feature on an Apple product was his personal invention, every one of his actions even the not-so-clever ones were evidence of his genius, and anyone who hadn’t drunk the Apple Kool-Aid was anathema.  You’ll still see echoes of this today in Apple fanboys, even though the shine on the company is perhaps now a little tarnished.

It’s easy to spot parallels to this story in some of today’s tech moguls who have gathered similar devotion, but it’s a phenomenon by no means limited to tech founders. Anywhere there is an organisation or group that is centred around an individual, from the smallest organisation upwards, it’s possible for it to enter an almost cult-like state in which the leader both accumulates too much power, and loses track of some of the responsibilities which go with it. If it’s a tech company or a bowls club we can shrug our shoulders and move to something else, but when it occurs in an open source project and a benevolent dictator figure goes rogue it has landed directly on our own doorstep as the open-source community. It’s happened several times that I can immediately think of and there are doubtless more cases I am unaware of, and every time I am left feeling that our community lacks an adequate mechanism to come through it unscathed. Continue reading “The Rogue Emperor, And What To Do About Them”

Ask Hackaday: How Much Would You Stake On An Online Retailer

On the bench where this is being written, there’s a Mitutoyo vernier caliper. It’s the base model with a proper vernier scale, but it’s beautifully made, and it’s enjoyable to see younger hardware hackers puzzle over how to use it. It cost about thirty British pounds a few years ago, but when it comes to quality metrology instruments that’s really cheap. The sky really is the limit for those in search of ultimate accuracy and precision. We can see then why this Redditor was upset when the $400 Mitutoyo they ordered from Amazon turned out to be nothing of the sort. We can’t even call it a fake, it’s just a very cheap instrument stuffed oddly, into a genuine Mitutoyo box.

Naturally we hope they received a refund, but it does raise the question when buying from large online retailers; how much are we prepared to risk? We buy plenty of stuff from AliExpress in out community, but in that case the slight element of chance which comes with random Chinese manufacture is offset by the low prices. Meanwhile the likes of Amazon have worked hard to establish themselves as trusted brands, but is that misplaced? They are after all simply clearing houses for third party products, and evidently have little care for what’s in the box. The £30 base model caliper mentioned above is an acceptable punt, but at what point should we go to a specialist and pay more for some confidence in the product?

It’s a question worth pondering as we hit the “Buy now” button without thinking. What’s your view? Let us know in the comments. Meanwhile, we can all be caught with our online purchases.

Thanks [JohnU] for the tip.

AI Not Needed For Hackaday Projects

It was Supercon this weekend, and Hackaday staffers made their way to Pasadena for what was by all accounts an excellent event. Now they’re all on their way home on red-eye flights and far from their benches, so spare a thought for the lonely editor holding the fort while they’ve been having fun. The supply of cool hacks for your entertainment must continue, so what’s to be done? Fortunately Hackaday writer [Anne Ogborn] has the answer, in the form of an automated Hackaday article generator.

We once had a commenter make a withering insult that one of our contributors’ writing styles looked like the work of an AI driven bot, a sentence that the writer in question treasures enough to have incorporated in their Hackaday email signature. [Anne] is a data scientist and Prolog programmer by trade so knows a bit about AI, and she has no need for such frippery. Instead she’s made a deck of cards each marked with a common theme among the work featured here, and generating new article titles is a simple case of drawing cards from the pack and assembling the resulting sentence.

The result is both amusing and we think, uncannily on the mark. Who wouldn’t want an ESP8266 powered cardboard drone? We think it will make a valuable addition to the Hackaday armoury, to be brought out on days such as the first of April, when there’s always an unexpected shortage of hacks. Video below the break.

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Flaming Power Wheels Skeleton Wins Halloween

When the project description starts with the sentence “I use an RC remote and receiver, an esp32, high-current motor drivers, servos, an FPV camera, and a little propane”, you know that this is one which deserves a second look. And so [gearscodeandfire]’s Halloween project caught our eye. It’s a pink Power Wheels jeep driven by a skeletal rider, and the best part is that the whole thing is remote controlled down to a pan-and-tilt skull, a first-person video feed, and even real flames.

At its heart is an ESP32 with a set of motor controllers and relays to do the heavy lifting. The controller is a standard radio remote controller, and the first-person view is an analogue feed as you’d find on a drone. The skeleton is given a child-like appearance by discarding the original adult-proportioned plastic skull and replacing it with a much larger item. The thought that plastic Halloween skulls are available in a range of standard sizes and can be considered as a part in their own right is something we find amusing. The propane burner is supplied from a small cylinder via a solenoid valve, and ignited with the spark from a high-voltage transformer.

The result, we think, wins Halloween hands down. Twelve-foot skeletons are SO 2023!

The video is below the break.

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Humble Television Tubes Make An FM Regenerative Radio

The regenerative radio is long-ago superseded in commercial receivers, but it remains a common project for electronics or radio enthusiasts seeking to make a simple receiver. It’s most often seen for AM band receivers or perhaps shortwave ham band ones, but it’s a circuit which also works at much higher frequencies. [Perian Marcel] has done just this, with a regenerative receiver for the FM broadcast band.

The principle of a regenerative receiver is that it takes a tuned radio frequency receiver with a wide bandwidth and poor performance, and applies feedback to the point at which the circuit is almost but not quite oscillating. This has the effect of hugely increasing the “Q”, or quality factor of the receiver, giving it much more sensitivity and a narrow bandwidth. They’re tricky to tune but they can give reasonable performance, and they will happily slope-demodulate an FM transmission.

This one uses two tubes from consumer grade TV receivers, the “P” at the start of the part number being the giveaway for a 300mA series heater chain. The RF triode-pentode isn’t a radio part at all, instead it’s a mundane TV field oscillator part pushed into service at higher frequencies, while the other triode-pentode serves as an audio amplifier. The original circuit from which this one is adapted is available online, All in all it’s a neat project, and a reminder that exotic parts aren’t always necessary at higher frequencies. The video is below the break.

Continue reading “Humble Television Tubes Make An FM Regenerative Radio”

M.2 Makes An Unusual Microcontroller Form Factor

When we think of an m.2 slot in our laptop or similar, it’s usually in the context of its PCI connectivity for high-speed applications such as solid state disks. It’s a connector that offers much more than that interface though, making it suitable for some unexpected add-ons. As an example [MagicWolfi] has produced an m.2 card which contains the equivalent of a Raspberry Pi Pico.

The board itself has the familiar m.2 edge connector at the bottom, and the RP2040 GPIO lines as postage-stamp indentations round the edges. On the m.2 front is uses the USB interface as well as a UART and the I2C lines, as well as some of the interfaces we’re less familiar with such as ALERT, WAKE, DISABLE1/2, LED 1/2, and VENDOR_DEFINED.

On one level this provides a handy internal microcontroller card with which you can do all the things you’d expect from a Pi Pico, but on another it provides the fascinating possibility of the Pico performing a watchdog or other function for the host device. We would be genuinely interested to hear more about the use of the m.2 slot in this way.

If you’d like to know more about m.2, we’ve taken a look at it in more depth.

Don’t Forget Your Curve Tracer

As cheap microcontrollers have given us an impressive range of test equipment trinkets to play with, it’s easy to forget some of the old standabys. A curve tracer for example, the relatively simple circuit allowing the plotting of electronic component response curves on an oscilloscope. Lest we forget this useful device, here’s [Gary LaRocco] with a video describing one that’s so easy to build, anyone could do it.

It’s a simple enough premise, a low AC voltage comes from a mains transformer and is dropped down to the device under test through a resistor. The X and Y inputs of the ‘scope are configured to show the current and the voltage respectively, and the result is a perfect plot of the device’s IV curve. The best part is that it’s designed for in-circuit measurement, allowing it to be used for fault-finding. There’s a demonstration at the end with a variety of different parts, lest we needed any reminder as to how useful these devices can be.

The cost of one of these circuits is minimal, given that the transformer is likely to come from an old piece of consumer electronics. It’s not the first simple curve tracer we’ve seen, but we hope it will give you ideas. The video is below the break.

Continue reading “Don’t Forget Your Curve Tracer”