A design sketch of a partially disassembled candybar mobile phone. The enclosure is a clamshell of plastic that envelops the functional internals of the device and is illustrated to the right upper corner of the image, slightly overlapping the internals evoking the idea of the internals being inserted into the cover. The words "buttons part of the cover" are written toward the top with an arrow toward the numpad and "plastic shell with various design" is written toward the bottom with an arrow toward the translucent blue shell.

The Nokia Design Archive Is Open For Viewing

During the Cambrian Explosion of cellphone form factors at the turn of the millenium, Nokia reigned supreme. If you’d like to see what they were doing behind the scenes to design these wild phones, you’ll love the Nokia Design Archive from Aalto University.

Featuring images, presentations, videos and a number of other goodies (remember transparencies?), this collection gives us some in-depth insight into how consumer products were dreamed up, designed, and brought to market. Some projects require more reading between the lines than others as the Archive is somewhat fragmented, but we think it could still be an invaluable peek into product design, especially if you’re working on projects that you want to be usable outside of a hacker audience.

The Archive also includes approximately 2000 objects including many unreleased “unknown” models and prototypes of phones that actually did make it into the wild. While we’d love to get our hands on some of these devices IRL, having images with reference colors is probably the next best thing. Having replaced a number of smartphone screens, we hope more hackers take up the buttons and indestructible casing of these elegant devices for a more civilized age.

Thanks to [Michael Fitzmayer] for the tip! Be sure to checkout his work on Nokia N-Gage phones, including an SDK if you too love to taco talk.

Forgotten Internet: UUCP

What’s Forgotten Internet? It is the story of parts of the Internet — or Internet precursors — that you might have forgotten about or maybe you missed out on them. This time, we’re looking at Unix-to-Unix Copy, more commonly called UUCP. Developed in the late 1970s, UUCP was a solution for sending messages between systems that were not always connected together. It could also allow remote users to execute commands. By 1979, it was part of the 7th Edition of Unix.

Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie may have used UUCP on a PDP-11 like this one. (Photo via Computer History Museum/Gwen Bell)

Operation was simple. Each computer in a UUCP network had a list of neighbor systems. Don’t forget, they weren’t connected, so instead of an IP address, each system had the other’s phone number to connect to a dial up modem. You also needed a login name and password. Almost certainly, by the way, those modems operated at 300 baud or less.

If a computer could dial out, when someone wanted to send something or do a remote execution, the UUCP system would call a neighboring computer. However, some systems couldn’t dial out, so it was also possible for a neighbor to call in and poll to see if there was anything you needed to do. Files would go from one system to another using a variety of protocols.

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Carnarvon’s Decommissioned NASA Satellite Dish Back In Service After 40 Years

The OTC Station 29.8 meter dish at Carnarvon, Australia, in need of a bit of paint. (Credit: ABC News Australia)
The OTC Station 29.8 meter dish at Carnarvon, Australia, in need of a bit of paint. (Credit: ABC News Australia)

Recently the 29.8 meter parabolic antenna at the Australian OTC (overseas telecommunications commission) station came back to life again after nearly forty years spent in decommissioning limbo.

This parabolic dish antenna shares an illustrious history together with the older 12.8 meter Casshorn antenna in that together they assisted with many NASA missions over the decades. These not only include the Apollo 11 Moon landing with the small antenna, but joined by the larger parabolic dish (in 1969) the station performed tracking duty for NASA, ESA  and many other missions. Yet in 1987 the station was decommissioned, with scrapping mostly averted due to the site being designated a heritage site, with a local museum.

Then in 2022 the 29.8 meter parabolic dish antenna was purchased by by ThothX Australia, who together with the rest of ThothX’s world-wide presence will be integrating this latest addition into a satellite tracking system that seems to have the interest of various (military, sigh) clients.

Putting this decommissioned dish back into service wasn’t simply a matter of flipping a few switches. Having sat mostly neglected for decades it requires extensive refurbishing, but this most recent milestone demonstrates that the dish is capable of locking onto a satellites. This opens the way for a top-to-bottom refurbishment, the installation of new equipment and also a lick of paint on the dish itself, a process that will still take many years but beats watching such a historic landmark rust away by many lightyears.

Featured image: OTC Earth Station. (Credit: Paul Dench)

The Engineer Behind Mine Detection

According to [Joanna Goodrich]  in IEEE Spectrum, prior to World War II, soldiers who wanted to find land mines, simply poked at the ground with pointed sticks or bayonets. As you might expect, this wasn’t very safe or reliable. In 1941, a Polish signals officer, [Józef Stanislaw Kosacki], escaped to Britain and created an effective portable mine detector.

[Kosaci] was an electrical engineer trained at the Warsaw University of Technology. He had worked as a manager for the Polish National Telecommunication Institute. In 1937, the government tasked him with developing a machine that could detect unexploded grenades and shells. The machine was never deployed.

When Germany invaded Poland in 1939, [Kosacki] returned to military service (he had done a year of compulsory service earlier). He was captured and kept in a prison camp in Hungary. But he managed to escape in late 1939 and joined the Polish Army Corps in Britain, teaching Morse code to soldiers.

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Tech In Plain Sight: Security Envelopes

You probably get a few of these things each week in the mail. And some of them actually do a good job of obscuring the contents inside, even if you hold the envelope up to the light. But have you ever taken the time to appreciate the beauty of security envelope patterns? Yeah, I didn’t think so.

The really interesting thing is just how many different patterns are out there when a dozen or so would probably cover it. But there are so, so many patterns in the world. In my experience, many utilities and higher-end companies create their own security patterns for mailing out statements and the like, so that right there adds up to some unknown abundance.

So, what did people do before security envelopes? When exactly did they come along? And how many patterns are out there? Let’s take a look beneath the flap.

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Deteriorating section of the UCIL plant near Bhopal, India. (Credit: Luca Frediani, Wikimedia)

Cleaning Up Bhopal: The World’s Worst Industrial Disaster

Forty years ago, on the night of Sunday 2 December of 1984, people in the city of Bhopal and surrounding communities were settling in for what seemed like yet another regular night. The worst thing in their near future appeared to be having to go back to school and work the next day. Tragically, many of them would never wake up again, and for many thousands more their lives would forever be changed in the worst ways possible.

During that night, clouds of highly toxic methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas rolled through the streets and into houses, venting from the Bhopal pesticide plant until the leak petered out by 2 AM. Those who still could wake up did so coughing, with tearing eyes and stumbled into the streets to escape the gas cloud without a clear idea of where to go. By sunrise thousands were dead and many more were left severely ill.

Yet the worst was still to come, as the number of casualties kept rising, legal battles and the dodging of responsibility intensified, and the chemical contamination kept seeping into the ground at the crippled plant. Recently there finally seems to be progress in this clean-up with the removal of 337 tons of toxic waste for final disposal, but after four decades of misgivings and neglect, how close is Bhopal really to finally closing the chapter on this horrific disaster?

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The Twisted History Of Ethernet On Twisted Pair Wiring

We all take Ethernet and its ubiquitous RJ-45 connector for granted these days. But Ethernet didn’t start with twisted pair cable. [Mark] and [Ben] at The Serial Port YouTube channel are taking a deep dive into the twisted history of Ethernet on twisted pair wiring. The earliest forms of Ethernet used RG-8 style coaxial cable. It’s a thick, stiff cable requiring special vampire taps and lots of expensive equipment to operate.

The industry added BNC connectors and RG-58 coax for “cheapernet” or 10Base2. This reduced cost, but still had some issues. Anyone who worked in an office wired with 10Base2 can attest to the network drops whenever a cable was kicked out or a terminator was dropped.

The spark came when [Tim Rock] of AT&T realized that the telephone cables already installed in offices around the world could be used for network traffic. [Tim] and a team of engineers from five different companies pitched their idea to the IEEE 802.3 committee on Feb 14, 1984.

The idea wasn’t popular though — Companies like 3COM, and Digital Equipment Corporation had issues with the network topology and the wiring itself. It took ten years of work and a Herculean effort by IEEE committee chairwoman [Pat Thaler] to create the standard the world eventually came to know as 10Base-T. These days we’re running 10 Gigabit Ethernet over those same connectors.

For those who don’t know, this video is part of a much larger series about Ethernet, covering both history and practical applications. We also covered the 40th anniversary of Ethernet in 2020.

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