Over The Counter Glucose Monitor Dissected

If you deal with diabetes, you probably know how to prick your finger and use a little meter to read your glucose levels. The meters get better and better which mostly means they take less blood, so you don’t have to lacerate your finger so severely. Even so, taking your blood several times a day is hard on your fingertips. Continuous monitoring is available, but — until recently — required a prescription and was fairly expensive. [Andy] noticed the recent introduction of a relatively inexpensive over-the-counter sensor, the Stelo CGM. Of course, he had to find out what was inside, and thanks to him, you can see it, too.

If you haven’t used a continuous glucose monitor (CGM), there is still a prick involved, but it is once every two weeks or so and occurs in the back of your arm. A spring drives a needle into your flesh and retracts. However, it leaves behind a little catheter. The other end of the catheter is in an adhesive-backed module that stays put. It sounds a little uncomfortable, but normally, it is hardly noticeable, and even if it is, it is much better than sticking your finger repeatedly to draw out a bunch of blood.

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Integrated Micro Lab Keeps Track Of Ammonia In The Blood

We’ve all got our health-related crosses to bear, and even if you’re currently healthy, it’s only a matter of time before entropy catches up to you. For [Markus Bindhammer], it caught up to him in a big way: liver disease, specifically cirrhosis. The disease has a lot of consequences, none of which are pleasant, like abnormally high ammonia concentration in the blood. So naturally, [Markus] built an ammonia analyzer to monitor his blood.

Measuring the amount of ammonia in blood isn’t as straightforward as you think. Yes, there are a few cheap MEMS-based sensors, but they tend to be good only for qualitative measurements, and other solid-state sensors that are more quantitative tend to be pretty expensive since they’re mostly intended for industrial applications. [Marb]’s approach is based on the so-called Berthelot method, which uses a two-part reagent. In the presence of ammonia (or more precisely, ammonium ions), the reagent generates a dark blue-green species that absorbs light strongly at 660 nm. Measuring the absorbance at that wavelength gives an approximation of the ammonia concentration.

[Marb]’s implementation of this process uses a two-stage reactor. The first stage heats and stirs the sample in a glass tube using a simple cartridge heater from a 3D printer head and a stirrer made from a stepper motor with a magnetic arm. Heating the sample volatilizes any ammonia in it, which mixes with room air pumped into the chamber by a small compressor. The ammonia-laden air moves to the second chamber containing the Berthelot reagent, stirred by another stepper-powered stir plate. A glass frit diffuses the gas into the reagent, and a 660-nm laser and photodiode detect any color change. The video below shows the design and construction of the micro lab along with some test runs.

We wish [Markus] well in his journey, of course, especially since he’s been an active part of our community for years. His chemistry-related projects run the gamut from a homebrew gas chromatograph to chemical flip flops, with a lot more to boot.

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Graphene Tattoos: The Future Of Continuous Health Monitoring?

In the near future, imagine a world where your health is continuously monitored, not through bulky devices but through an invisible graphene tattoo. Developed at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, these tattoos could soon detect a range of health metrics, including blood pressure, stress levels, and even biomarkers of diseases like diabetes. This technology, though still in its infancy, promises to revolutionize how we monitor health, making it possible to track our bodies’ responses to everything from exercise to environmental exposure in real-time.

Graphene, a single layer of carbon atoms, is key to the development of these tattoos. They are flexible, transparent, and conductive, making them ideal for bioelectronics. The tattoos are so thin and pliable that users won’t even feel them on their skin. In early tests, graphene electronic tattoos (GETs) have been used to measure bioimpedance, which correlates with blood pressure and other vital signs. The real breakthrough here, however, is the continuous, non-invasive monitoring that could enable early detection of conditions that usually go unnoticed until it’s too late.

While still requiring refinement, this technology is advancing rapidly. Graphene still amazes us, but it’s no longer just science fiction. Soon, these tattoos could be a part of everyday life, helping individuals track their health and enabling better preventative care. Since we’re hackers out here –  but this is a far fetch – combining this knowledge on graphene production, and this article on tattooing with a 3D printer, could get you on track. Let us know, what would you use graphene biosensors for?

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Will Embodied AI Make Prosthetics More Humane?

Building a robotic arm and hand that matches human dexterity is tougher than it looks. We can create aesthetically pleasing ones, very functional ones, but the perfect mix of both? Still a work in progress. Just ask [Sarah de Lagarde], who in 2022 literally lost an arm and a leg in a life-changing accident. In this BBC interview, she shares her experiences openly – highlighting both the promise and the limits of today’s prosthetics.

The problem is that our hands aren’t just grabby bits. They’re intricate systems of nerves, tendons, and ridiculously precise motor control. Even the best AI-powered prosthetics rely on crude muscle signals, while dexterous robots struggle with the simplest things — like tying shoelaces or flipping a pancake without launching it into orbit.

That doesn’t mean progress isn’t happening. Researchers are training robotic fingers with real-world data, moving from ‘oops’ to actual precision. Embodied AI, i.e. machines that learn by physically interacting with their environment, is bridging the gap. Soft robotics with AI-driven feedback loops mimic how our fingers instinctively adjust grip pressure. If haptics are your point of interest, we have posted about it before.

The future isn’t just robots copying our movements, it’s about them understanding touch. Instead of machine learning, we might want to shift focus to human learning. If AI cracks that, we’re one step closer.


New Documentary Details Ventilator Development Efforts During COVID

What would it be like to have to design and build a ventilator, suitable for clinical use, in ten days? One that could be built entirely from locally-sourced parts, and kept oxygen waste to a minimum? This is the challenge [John Dingley] and many others faced at the start of COVID-19 pandemic when very little was known for certain.

Back then it was not even known if a vaccine was possible, or how bad it would ultimately get. But it was known that hospitalized patients could not breathe without a ventilator, and based on projections it was possible that the UK as a whole could need as many as 30,000 ventilators within eight weeks. In this worst-case scenario the only option would be to build them locally, and towards that end groups were approached to design and build a ventilator, suitable for clinical use, in just ten days.

A ventilator suitable for use on a patient with an infectious disease has a number of design constraints, even before taking into account the need to use only domestically-sourced parts.

[John] decided to create a documentary called Breathe For Me: Building Ventilators for a COVID Apocalypse, not just to tell the stories of his group and others, but also as a snapshot of what things were like at that time. In short it was challenging, exhausting, occasionally frustrating, but also rewarding to be able to actually deliver a workable solution.

In the end, building tens of thousands of ventilators locally wasn’t required. But [John] felt that the whole experience was a pretty unique situation and a remarkable engineering challenge for him, his team, and many others. He decided to do what he could to document it, a task he approached with a typical hacker spirit: by watching and reading tutorials on everything from conducting and filming interviews to how to use editing software before deciding to just roll up his sleeves and go for it.

We’re very glad he did, and the effort reminds us somewhat of the book IGNITION! which aimed to record a history of technical development that would otherwise have simply disappeared from living memory.

You can watch Breathe for Me just below the page break, and there’s additional information about the film if you’d like to know a bit more. And if you are thinking the name [John Dingley] sounds familiar, that’s probably because we have featured his work — mainly on self-balancing personal electric vehicles — quite a few times in the past.

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Custom Smartwatch Makes Diabetes Monitoring Easier For Kids

Living with Type 1 diabetes is a numbers game. There’s not a moment in the day free from the burden of tracking your blood glucose concentration, making “What’s your number?” a constant question. Technology can make that question easier to ask and answer, but for T1D patients, especially the kids who the disease so often impacts, all that tech can be a distraction.

To solve that problem for his son, [Andrew Childs] built this custom T1D smartwatch. An Apple Watch, which integrates easily into the Dexcom CGM ecosystem, seems an obvious solution, but as [Andrew] points out, strapping something like that on a nine-year-old boy’s wrist is a recipe for disaster. After toying with some prototypes and working out the considerable difficulties of getting a stable BLE connection — the device needs to connect to his son’s iPhone to get CGM data — [Andrew] started work on the physical design.

The watch uses an ESP32-S3 on a custom PCB, as well as a 1.69″ TFT IPS display and a LiPo battery. The board also has an accelerometer for activity monitoring and a vibrator for haptic feedback. Getting all that into a case was no mean feat, especially since some degree of water resistance and shockproofing would be needed for the watch to survive. [Andrew] had a case made by a local 3D printing company, and he managed to source custom-cut and silkscreened glass for the face. The result is remarkably professional-looking, especially for a software developer who hadn’t really stretched his maker wings much before tackling this project.

[Andrew] doesn’t appear to have made build files available yet, although he does say he intends to open-source the project at some point. We look forward to that as it’ll be a big help to anyone trying to hack diabetes care. Until then, if you need a primer on continuous glucose monitoring, we’re happy to oblige.

A light grey box about the size of a brick with exposed screws held in a person's hand. There are two illuminated push buttons on the bottom left of the top panel. One is illuminated blue while the other is green. A small square screen sits next to a bank of nine different sections with an LED indicator and text of "HW, BAT, HBEAT, ECG, LOD +, LOD -, PPG, Pump, Valve."

Open Cardiography Signal Measuring Device

Much of the world’s medical equipment is made by a handful of monopolistic megacorps, but [Milos Rasic] built an open cardiography signal measuring device for his master’s thesis.

Using a Pi Pico W for the brains, [Rasic]’s device can record, store and analyze the data from an arm cuff, stethoscope, electrocardiograph (ECG), and pulse oximeter. This data can be used for monitoring blood pressure in patients and he has results from some of his experiments to determine the optimal algorithm for the task on the GitHub if you really want to get into the nitty gritty details.

Inside the brick-sized enclosure is the custom PCB, an 18650 Li-ion cell, and a pneumatic assembly for the arm cuff. Medical sensors attach via GX12 connectors on the back, a USB type B connector is used for data, and a USB C connector provides power for the device. The brightly colored labels will no doubt come in handy in a clinical setting where you really want to be sure you’ve got everything plugged in correctly.

Want more open medical equipment? How about an open ECG or this less accurate, but more portable, credit card ECG? We’d be remiss not to mention the huge amount of work on ventilators during the worst days of the COVID-19 pandemic as well.