Who’d Have Guessed? Graphene Is Strange!

Graphene always sounds exciting, although we aren’t sure what we want to do with it. One of the most promising features of the monolayer carbon structure is that under the right conditions, it can superconduct, and some research into how that works could have big impacts on practical superconductor technology.

Past experiments have shown that very cold stacks of graphene (two or three sheets) can superconduct if the sheets are at very particular angles, but no one really understands why. A researcher at Northeaster and another at Harvard realized they were both confused about the possible mechanism. Together, they have started progressing toward a better description of superconductivity in graphene.

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All You Need To Make A Go-Kart, From Harbor Freight

The many YouTube workshop channels make for compelling viewing. even if their hackiness from a Hackaday viewpoint is sometimes variable. But from time to time up pops something that merits a second look. A case in point is [BUM]’s go-kart made entirely from Harbor Freight parts, a complete but rudimentary vehicle for around 300 dollars. It caught our eye because it shows some potential should anyone wish to try their luck with the same idea as a Power Racer or a Hacky Racer.

The chassis, and much of the running gear comes courtesy of a single purchase, a four-wheeled cart. Some cutting and welding produces a surprisingly useful steering mechanism, and the rear axle comes from a post hole digger. Power comes from the Predator gasoline engine, which seems to be a favourite among these channels.

The result is a basic but serviceable go-kart, though one whose braking system can be described as rudimentary at best. The front wheels are a little weak and require some reinforcement, but we can see in this the basis of greater things. Replacing that engine with a converted alternator or perhaps an electric rickshaw motor from AliExpress and providing it with more trustworthy braking would result in possibly the simplest Hacky Racer, or just a stylish means of gliding round a summer hacker camp.

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UScope: A New Linux Debugger And Not A GDB Shell, Apparently

[Jim Colabro] is a little underwhelmed with the experience of low-level debugging of Linux applications using traditional debuggers such as GDB and LLDB. These programs have been around for a long time, developing alongside Linux and other UNIX-like OSs, and are still solidly in the CLI domain.  Fed up with the lack of data structure support and these tools’ staleness and user experience, [Jim] has created UScope, a new debugger written from scratch with no code from the existing projects.

GBD, in particular, has quite a steep learning curve once you dig into its more advanced features. Many people side-step this learning curve by running GDB within Visual Studio or some other modern IDE, but it is still the same old debugger core at the end of the day. [Jim] gripes that existing debuggers don’t support modern data structures commonly used and have poor customizability. It would be nice, for example, to write a little code, and have the debugger render a data structure graphically to aid visualisation of a problem being investigated. We know that GDB at least can be customised with Python to create application-specific pretty printers, but perhaps [Jim] has bigger plans?

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When Ignoring Spam Loses You An Ice Surfacer Patent

Bear with us for a moment for a little background. The Rideau Canal Skateway in Ottawa is the world’s largest natural skating rink, providing nearly 8 km of pristine ice surface during the winter. But maintaining such a large ice surface is a challenge. A regular Zamboni can’t do it; the job is just too big. So the solution is a custom machine called the Froster, conceived by Robert Taillefer and built by Sylvain Fredette.

Froster spans almost twenty meters, and carries almost 4000 L of water. There’s no other practical way to maintain almost 8 km of skating rink.

A patent was filed in 2010, granted by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office, and later lost because important notifications started going to an apparently unchecked spam folder. The annual fee went unpaid, numerous emails went unanswered, an expiry date came and went, and that was that.

It’s true that emailed reminders (the agreed-upon — and only — method of contact) going unnoticed to spam was what caused Robert to not take any action until it was too late. We’d all agree that digital assistants in general need to get smarter, and that includes being better at informing the user about automatically-handled things like spam.

But what truly cost Robert Taillefer his patent was having a single point of failure for something very, very important. The lack of any sort of backup method of communication in case of failure or problem meant that this sad experience was, in a way, a disaster just waiting to happen. At least that’s how the Federal Court saw it when he took his complaint to them, and that’s how they continued to see it when he appealed the decision.

If you’ve never heard of the Rideau Canal Skateway or would like to see the Froster in action, check out this short video from the National Capital Commission of Canada, embedded just under the page break.

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Growing A Gallium-Arsenide Laser Directly On Silicon

As great as silicon is for semiconductor applications, it has one weakness in that using it for lasers isn’t very practical. Never say never though, as it turns out that you can now grow lasers directly on the silicon material. The most optimal material for solid-state lasers in photonics is gallium-arsenide (GaAs), but due to the misalignment of the crystal lattice between the compound (group III-V) semiconductor and silicon (IV) generally separate dies would be produced and (very carefully) aligned or grafted onto the silicon die.

Naturally, it’s far easier and cheaper if a GaAs laser can be grown directly on the silicon die, which is what researchers from IMEC now have done (preprint). Using standard processes and materials, GaAs lasers were grown on industry-standard 300 mm silicon wafers. The trick was to accept the lattice mismatch and instead focus on confining the resulting flaws through a layer of silicon dioxide on top of the wafer. In this layer trenches are created (see top image), which means that when the GaAs is deposited it only contacts the Si inside these grooves, thus limiting the effect of the mismatch and confining it to within these trenches.

There are still a few issues to resolve before this technique can be prepared for mass-production, of course. The produced lasers work at 1,020 nm, which is a shorter wavelength than typically used, and there are still some durability issues due to the manufacturing process that have to be addressed.

Hack On Self: Quest System Basics

Whenever I play an RPG, whether it’s Fallout or Cyberpunk 2077, I complete every single quest available to me. The quests grab my attention in an unprecedented way – doesn’t hurt that there’s rewards and progression markers attached. Of course, these systems are meticulously designed to grab attention, making sure you can enjoy the entirety of the game’s content.

Does quest progression in an RPG tangibly impact my life? No. Do they have control over my attention? Yes, for sure. My day-to-day existence is the opposite – my real-life decisions impact me significantly, and yet, keeping attention on them is a struggle. Puzzling, disturbing – and curious. I feel like I’ll never forgive myself if I ignore this problem any longer.

So, I wrote a simple quest system prototype. As usual, it worked, it failed, and it taught me things. Here’s how I did it.

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Hackaday Podcast Episode 307: CNC Tattoos, The Big Chill In Space, And PCB Things

The answer is: Elliot Williams, Al Williams, and a dozen or so great hacks. The question?  What do you get this week on the Hackaday podcast? This week’s hacks ran from smart ring hacking, to computerized tattoos. Keyboards, PCBs, and bicycles all make appearances, too.

Be sure to try to guess the “What’s that sound?” You could score a cool Hackaday Podcast T.

For the can’t miss this week, Hackaday talks about how to dispose of the body in outer space and when setting your ship’s clock involved watching a ball drop.


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