The Laser Shadow Knows

Normally, you think of things casting a shadow as being opaque. However, new research shows that under certain conditions, a laser beam can cast a shadow. This may sound like nothing more than a novelty, but it may have applications in using one laser beam to control another. If you want more details, you can read the actual paper online.

Typically, light passes through light without having an effect. But using a ruby crystal and specific laser wavelengths. In particular, a green laser has a non-linear response in the crystal that causes a shadow in  a blue laser passing through the same crystal.

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Analog Shift Register Revealed

Nowadays, if you want to delay an audio signal for, say, an echo or a reverb, you’d probably just do it digitally. But it wasn’t long ago that wasn’t a realistic option. Some devices used mechanical means, but there were also ICs like the TCA350 “bucket brigade” device that [10maurycy10] shows us in a recent post.

In this case, bucket brigade is a euphemism calling to mind how firemen would pass buckets down the line to put out a fire. It’s a bit of an analog analogy. The “bucket” is a MOSFET and capacitor. The “water” is electrical charge stored in the cap.  All those charges are tiny snippets of an analog signal.

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Open Source Universal ROM Programmer Grows Up

When we first looked at [Anders Nielsen’s] EEPROM programmer project, it was nice but needed some software and manual intervention and had some limitations on the parts you could program. But through the magic of Open-Source collaboration, revision 2 of the project overcomes all of these limitations and—as you can see in the video below—looks very polished.

If you recall, the programmer is in a “shield” format that can plug into an Arduino or — if you prefer a retrocomputer — a 6502uno. Along with hardware improvements from the community, [Henrik Olsson] wrote Python software to handle the programming (see the second video below).

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It’s A Soldering Iron! It’s A Multimeter! Relax! It’s Both!

Imagine this. A young person comes to you wanting to get started in the electronic hobby. They ask what five things should they buy to get started. Make your list. We’ll wait. We bet we can guess at least two of your items: a multimeter, and a soldering iron. [LearnElectroncsRepair] recently showed us a review of the Zotek Zoyi ZT-N2 which is a soldering iron and a multimeter in one unit. You can watch the video review below.

Honestly, when we heard about this, we didn’t think much of the combination. It doesn’t seem like having your probe get red hot is a feature. However, the probe tip replaces the soldering iron tip, so you are either soldering or measuring, but not both at the same time.

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RISC-V Pushes 400 Million Forth Words Per Second

We’ll be honest. Measuring Forth words per second doesn’t seem like a great benchmark since a Forth word could be very simple or quite complex. But we think the real meaning is “up to 400 million words per second.” There was a time when that level of performance would take a huge computer. These days, a simple board that costs a few bucks can do the trick, according to [Peter Forth] in an online presentation.

The key is the use of the Milk V Duo and some similar boards. Some of these look similar to a Raspberry Pi Pico. However, this chip on board has two RISC V cores, an ARM core, and an 8051. There’s also an accelerator coprocessor for vector operations like AI or video applications.

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Building A Reproduction Apple I

If you think of Apple today, you probably think of an iPhone or a Mac. But the original Apple I was a simple PC board and required a little effort to start up a working system. [Artem] has an Apple I reproduction PCB, and decided to build it on camera so we could watch.

For the Apple I, the user supplied a keyboard and some transformers, so [Artem] had to search for suitable components. He wisely checks the PCB to make sure there are no shorts in the traces. From there, you can watch him build the machine, but be warned: even with speed ups and editing, the video is over an hour long.

If you want to jump to the mostly working device, try around the 57-minute mark. The machine has a basic ROM monitor and, of course, needs a monitor. There was a small problem with memory, but he eventually worked it out by inhibiting some extra RAM on the board. Troubleshooting is half of the battle getting something like this.

Want to look inside the clock generator chip? Or skip the PCB and just use an FPGA.

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A Teletype By Any Other Name: The Early E-mail And Wordprocessor

Some brand names become the de facto name for the generic product. Xerox, for example. Or Velcro. Teletype was a trademark, but it has come to mean just about any teleprinter communicating with another teleprinter or a computer. The actual trademark belonged to The Teletype Corporation, part of Western Electric, which was, of course, part of AT&T. But there were many other companies that made teleprinters, some of which were very influential.

The teleprinter predates the computer by quite a bit. The original impetus for their development was to reduce the need for skilled telegraph operators. In addition, they found use as crude wordprocessors, although that term wouldn’t be used for quite some time.

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