Hackaday Podcast Episode 274: Capstan Robots, Avionics Of Uncertain Purpose, And What The Frack?

What do capstans, direct conversion receivers, and fracking have in common? They were all topics Hackaday editors Elliot Williams and Al Williams found fascinating this week. If you wonder what makes an electrical ground a ground, or what a theodolite is, you should check it out.

This week, the hacks came fast and furious. Capstans, instead of gears, work well for 3D-printed mechanisms, a PI Pico can directly receive radio signals, and the guys saw a number of teardowns and reverse engineering triumphs. You’ll also find solid-state heat pumps, flying wings, spectroscopy, and more.

The can’t miss articles this week? Learn about theodolites, a surveying feat from ancient Greece, and how fracking works.

Check out the links below if you want to follow along, and as always, tell us what we’ve mispronounced — or any other thoughts on the episode — in the comments!

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Comparing X86 And 68000 In An FPGA

[Michael Kohn] started programming on the Motorola 68000 architecture and then, for work reasons, moved over to the Intel x86 and was not exactly pleased by the latter chip’s perceived shortcomings. In the ’80s, the 68000 was a very popular chip, powering everything from personal computers to arcade machines, and looking at its architecture and ease of programming, you can see why this was.

Fast-forward a few years, and [Michael] decided to implement both cores in an FPGA to compare real applications, you know, for science. As an extra bonus, he also compares the performance of a minimal RISC-V implementation on the same hardware, taken from an earlier RISC-V project (which you should also check out !)

Utilizing their ‘Java Grinder’ application (also pretty awesome, especially the retro console support), a simple Mandelbrot fractal generator was used as a non-trivial workload to produce binaries for each architecture, and the result was timed. Unsurprisingly, for CISC architectures, the 68000 and x86 code sizes were practically identical and significantly smaller than the equivalent RISC-V. Still, looking at the execution times, the 68000 beat the x86 hands down, with the newer RISC-V speeding along to take pole position. [Michael] admits that these implementations are minimal, with no pipelining, so they could be sped up a little.

Also, it’s not a totally fair race. As you’ll note from the RISC-V implementation, there was a custom RISC-V instruction implemented to perform the Mandelbrot generator’s iterator. This computes the complex operation Z = Z2 + C, which, as fellow fractal nerds will know, is where a Mandelbrot generator spends nearly all the compute time. We suspect that’s the real reason RISC-V came out on top.

If actual hardware is more your cup of tea, you could build a minimal 68k system pretty easily, provided you can find the chips. The current ubiquitous x86 architecture, as odd as it started out, is here to stay for the foreseeable future, so you’d just better get comfortable with it!

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This Week In Security: Recall, Modem Mysteries, And Flipping Pages

Microsoft is racing to get into the AI game as part of Windows 11 on ARM, calling it Copilot+. It’s an odd decision, but clearly aimed at competing with the Apple M series of MacBooks. Our focus of interest today is Recall, a Copilot+ feature that not only has some security problems, but also triggers a sort of visceral response from regular people: My computer is spying on me? Eww.

Yes, it really sort of is. Recall is a scheme to take screen shots of the computer display every few seconds, run them through character recognition, and store the screenshots and results in a database on the local machine hard drive. There are ways this could be useful. Can’t remember what website had that recipe you saw? Want to revisit a now-deleted tweet? Is your Google-fu failing you to find a news story you read last week? Recall saw it, and Recall remembers. But what else did Recall see? Every video you watched, ever website you visited, and probably some passwords and usernames you typed in.

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Using Kick Assembler And VS Code To Write C64 Assembler

YouTuber [My Developer Thoughts], a self-confessed middle-aged Software Developer, clearly has a real soft spot for the 6502-based 8-bit era machines such as the Commodore 64 and the VIC-20, for which he has created several video tutorials while travelling through retro-computing. This latest instalment concerns bringing up the toolchain for using the Kick Assembler with VS Code to target the C64, initially via the VICE emulator.

The video offers a comprehensive tutorial on setting up the toolchain on Windows from scratch with minimal knowledge. While some may consider this level of guidance unnecessary, it is extremely helpful for those who wish to get started with a few examples quickly and don’t have the time to go through multiple manuals and Wikis. In that regard, the video does an excellent job.

VS Code is a great tool with a large user base, so it’s not surprising that there’s a plugin for using the Kick Assembler directly from the IDE. You can also easily launch the application onto the emulator with just a push of a button, allowing you to focus on learning and working on your application. Once it runs under emulation, there’s a learning curve for running it on native hardware, but there are plenty of tutorials available for that. While you could code directly on the C64 itself, it’s much more pleasant to use modern tools, revision control, and all the conveniences and not have to endure the challenges.

Once you’ve mastered assembly, it may be time to move on to C or even C++. The Oscar64 compiler is a good choice for that. Next, you may want to show off your new skills on the retro demo scene. Here’s a neat C64 demo with a twist. There is no C64.

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2024 Business Card Challenge: Tiny MIDI Keyboard

The progress for electronics over the past seven decades or so has always trended towards smaller or more dense components. Moore’s Law is the famous example of this, but even when we’re not talking about transistors specifically, technology tends to get either more power efficient or smaller. This MIDI keyboard, for example, is small enough that it will fit in the space of a standard business card which would have been an impossibility with the technology available when MIDI first became standardized, and as such is the latest entry in our Business Card Challenge.

[Alana] originally built this tiny musical instrument to always have a keyboard available on the go, and the amount of features packed into this tiny board definitely fits that design goal. It has 18 keys with additional buttons to change the octave and volume, and has additional support for sustain and modulation as well. The buttons and diodes are multiplexed in order to fit the IO for the microcontroller, a Seeed Studio Xiao SAMD21, and it also meets the USB-C standards so it will work with essentially any modern computer available including most smartphones and tablets so [Alana] can easily interface it with Finale, a popular music notation software.

Additionally, the project’s GitHub page has much more detail including all of the Arduino code needed to build a MIDI controller like this one. This particular project has perhaps the best size-to-usefulness ratio we’ve seen for compact MIDI controllers thanks to the USB-C and extremely small components used on the PCB, although the Starshine controller or these high-resolution controllers are also worth investigating if you’re in the market for compact MIDI devices like this one.

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Foosbar: The World’s Best* Foosball Robot From Scratch

[Xander Naumenko] is back with another bonkers project. This is the same creator that built a working 32-bit computer inside a Terraria world. This time it’s a bit more physical of a creation: a self-playing foosball table.

We’re not sure of the impetus for this idea, but we’re delighted to see the engineering it took to make it work. It sounds so simple. It’s just servos mounted on linear actuators, right? Oh, and some computer vision to determine where the ball actually is on the table. And the software to actually control the motors, pass the ball around, and play offense and defense. So maybe not so simple. All the code and some other resources are available under the MIT license.

As to while the claim of “best” foosball robot has an asterisk? That’s because, although we’ve seen a few potential competitors over the years, there isn’t yet a world foosball competition. We’re hoping that changes, as a tournament of robots playing foosball sounds like a sports event we’d show up for!

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What’s The Difference Between Tang 9K And 20K (It Isn’t 11…)

[Grug Huhler] has been working with the Tang Nano 9K FPGA board. They are inexpensive, and he noticed there is a 20K version, so he picked one up. Of course, you’d expect the 20K board has a different FPGA with more gates than the 9K, but there are also a number of differences in the host board. [Grug] was kind enough to document the differences in the video below.

In addition to the differences, there’s a good demo of the boards hosting a system-on-chip design. The little DIP package is handy for breadboarding. All of the 20K pins are 3.3 V, according to the documentation. The 9K does have some 1.8 V pins. There are more external devices on the 20K board but that eats up more uncommitted pins. Depending on your design, that may or may not be a problem.

We keep meaning to pick some of these up to play with. The Verilog is easy enough, and the tools look adequate. If you need a refresher on Verilog, we have a boot camp for you that would probably port easily enough to the Tang system. We’ve been following [Grug’s] work on these chips lately, and you should, too.

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