A Teeny 3D-Printed Printing Press, Thanks Gutenberg

The printing press was first invented in 1440 AD by Johannes Gutenberg. It’s not so relevant to our day to day lives today, but it’s a technology that forever changed the path of human history. Now you can whip one up yourself using this teeny design from the [3DPrintingEnthusiast]!

Don’t expect to be making broadsheets with this thing—it’s a strictly table-top sized unit made on a 3D printer. Still, it does the job! The bed, frame, paper holder, and clamps are all 3D-printed. However, you will need some minor additional supplies to complete the carriage and inkballs.

As for your printing plates, you could go out and source some ancient lead type—or you could just 3D print some instead. The latter is probably easier if you’re living in 2024 like yours truly. Who knows, though. 2028 could be a banner year where printing presses roar back to prominence. Try not to think about the global scale disasters that would make that a reality.

In any case, there’s got to be some kind of irony about 3D-printing a printing press on a 3D printer? Perhaps, perhaps not. Debate it below!

Amputation and wound care behavior in C. floridanus (A) Illustration of a worker providing wound care on a femur-injured individual. (B) A worker amputating (biting) the injured leg at the trochanter. (C) A worker providing wound care on the newly created trochanter wound after amputation. (D) Percentage of amputations performed on ants with an infected or sterile femur (red) or tibia (blue) injury after 24 h. Numbers above the bars represent the sample size for each treatment. (E) Percentage of time the injured ant received wound care behavior over 3 h, binned in 10 min intervals, with a local polynomial regression (loess) showing a 95% confidence interval for the first 3 h after the experimental femur injury (femur, red: n = 8) and the first 3 h after amputation on the trochanter wound (trochanter, brown: n = 7).

Surgery — Not Just For Humans Anymore

Sometimes, a limb is damaged so badly that the only way to save the patient is to amputate it. Researchers have now found that humans aren’t the only species to perform life-saving amputations. [via Live Science]

While some ants have a gland that secretes antimicrobial chemicals to treat wounds in their comrades, Florida carpenter ants have lost this ability over the course of evolution. Lacking this chemical means to treat wounds, these ants have developed the first observed surgery in an animal other than humans.

When an ant has a wounded leg, its fellow ants analyze the damage. If the femur is the site of the wound, the other ants removed the damaged limb in 76% of cases by biting it off, while tibial wounds were treated in other ways. Experimental amputations of the tibia by researchers showed no difference in survivability compared to leaving the limb intact unless the amputation was performed immediately, so it seems the ants know what they’re doing.

Maybe these ants could be helpful surgical aids with some cyborg additions since they’ve already got experience? Ants can help you with programming too if that’s more your speed.

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Tiny Transceiver Gets It Done With One Transistor

When we first spotted the article about a one-transistor amateur radio transceiver, we were sure it was a misprint. We’ve seen a lot of simple low-power receivers using a single transistor, and a fair number of one-transistor transmitters. But both in one package with only a single active component? Curiosity piqued.

It turns out that [Ciprian Popica (YO6DXE)]’s design is exactly what it says on the label, and it’s pretty cool to boot. The design is an improvement on a one-transistor transceiver called “El Pititico” and is very petite indeed. The BOM has only about fifteen parts including a 2N2222 used as a crystal-controlled oscillator for both the transmitter and the direct-conversion receiver, along with a handful of passives and a coupe of hand-wound toroidal inductors. There’s no on-board audio section, so you’ll have to provide an external amplifier to hear the signals; some might say this is cheating a bit from the “one transistor” thing, but we’ll allow it. Oh, and there’s a catch — you have to learn Morse code, since this is a CW-only transmitter.

As for construction, [Ciprian] provides a nice PCB  layout, but the video below seems to show a more traditional “ugly style” build, which we always appreciate. The board lives in a wooden box small enough to get lost in a pocket. The transceiver draws about 1.5 mA while receiving and puts out a fairly powerful 500 mW signal, which is fairly high in the QRP world. [Ciprian] reports having milked a full watt out of it with some modifications, but that kind of pushes the transistor into Magic Smoke territory. The signal is a bit chirpy, too, but not too bad.

We love minimalist builds like these; they always have us sizing up our junk bin and wishing we were better stocked on crystals and toroids. It might be good to actually buckle down and learn Morse too.

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Home Automation Panel Looks Industrial

Modern tech is great, but we have to admit that we sometimes miss when electronic things looked complicated. A modern computer looks dull compared to, say, an IBM 360. Control rooms now look no different than a stock trading room, instead of being full of indicators, knobs, and buzzers. [BorisDigital] must have some of those same feelings. He built a very cool control panel for his Home Assistant setup. He based it somewhat on a jet cockpit and a little on a nuclear plant control room, and the result, as you can see in the video below, is great.

This is less of a how-to video and more of an inspirational one. After all, you won’t have the same setup, but there are many details about how it was constructed with a Raspberry Pi, 3D printing, and control of the Home Assistant via web services.

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Iron Man Arc Reactor Clock Is A Stylish Piece

Iron Man was the film that kicked off the Marvel craze, and is widely regarded to be better than a lot of the movies that followed. If you’re a big fan of the OG, you’re probably already drowning in Iron Man helmets and arc reactor doo-dads, but here’s one more for you. After all, you probably don’t have an arc reactor clock yet.

The build comes to us from [jerome95]. It starts with an off-the-shelf ring of addressable LEDs, which serves as the basic defining dimension for the project. The ring gets a 3D printed support structure and some non-functional copper coils to complete the basic “arc reactor” look. Inside the center sits a small 7-segment display which displays the time under the command of an ESP32. It uses a network time server so it’s always on the dot.  Meanwhile, if you’re not a fan of the 7-segment version, you can always try the OLED variant of the build instead.

It’s not a complicated build; that could have been easily achieved, though. The builder could have displayed the time by making the LEDs flash different colors, instead of using a 7-segment display. However, that would have made a far more confounding clock. As it is, this design would make an excellent gift for any Marvel fan. Particularly those that acknowledge the supremacy of the film that started it all.

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Hackaday Podcast Episode 279: Solar Flares, Flash Cells, And Free Airline WiFi

Get your weekly fix of great hacks with your guides, Elliot Williams and Al Williams. This week, the guys talk about hacking airline WiFi, vanishing cloud services, and hobbies adjacent to hacking, such as general aviation. Things go into the weird and wonderful when the topic turns to cavity filters, driving LEDs with a candle, and thermite.

Quick hacks? Everything from vintage automated telescopes to home fusion reactors and ham radio mobile from a bicycle. Then there’s the can’t miss articles about the Solar Dynamics Observatory and an explainer about flash memory technology.

Check out the links below and leave your favorite hack of the week in the comments below!

As always, this week’s episode is freeze-dried as an MP3 for your convenience.

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A batarang-shaped keyboard with a Batmobile that we wish was a mouse.

Holy Keyboard Case, Batman!

Whoever thought a keyboard could look so sinister? Well, [rain2] aka [AffectionateWin7178], that’s who. Vengeance is the sixth keyboard they’ve designed, and let’s just say we wouldn’t mind seeing the other five.

This is a takeoff of Zazu, a custom case printed for the monoblock split designed by [AlSaMoMo]. A friend of [rain2] made a ZMK PCB for the Zazu about a month ago, and they dreamed up the case design together. Among our first questions were of course, how do you type without those bat wings digging into your palms? But evidently, they are designed not to get in the way at all during use.

We particularly like the gold skirt around the edge which joins the two printed halves. It goes nicely with the bank vault elements like the dial around the trackball and the five-way switch that resembles a handle. And yeah, we wish the Batmobile was a mouse, too. While it seems that [rain2] hasn’t released the STLs for the case, you can find the ZMK Zazu repo on GitHub. Happy designing! As always, let us know what you come up with.

Here’s another BAT keyboard you might be interested in.