Launching Model Airplanes With A Custom Linear Induction Motor

Launching things with electromagnetism is pretty fun, with linear induction motors being a popular design that finds use from everywhere in hobby designs like [Tom Stanton]’s to the electromagnetic launchers on new US and Chinese aircraft carriers. Although the exact design details differ, they use magnetic attraction and repulsion to create a linear motion on the propulsive element, like the sled in [Tom]’s design. Much like the electromagnetic catapults on a Gerald R. Ford-class carrier, electrical power is applied to rapidly move the sled through the channel, akin to a steam piston with a steam catapult.

Model airplane sparking its way through the launcher’s channel. (Credit: Tom Stanton, YouTube)

For [Tom]’s design, permanent magnets are used along both sides of the channel in an alternating north/south pole fashion, with the sled using a single wound coil that uses brushes to contact metal rails along both sides of the channel. Alternating current is then applied to this system, causing the coil to become an electromagnet and propel itself along the channel.

An important consideration here is the number of turns of wire on the sled’s coil, as this controls the current being passed, which is around 90 A for 100 turns. Even so, the fastest sled design only reached a speed of 44 mph (~71 km/h), which is 4 mph faster than [Tom]’s previous design that used coils alongside the channels and a sled featuring a permanent magnet.

One way to increase the speed is to use more coils on the sled, with a two-coil model launching a light-weight model airplane to 10.2 m/s, which is not only a pretty cool way to launch an airplane, but also gives you a sense of appreciation for the engineering challenges involved in making an electromagnetic catapult system work for life-sized airplanes as they’re yeeted off an aircraft carrier and preferably not straight into the drink.

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I2C For Hackers: Digging Deeper

Last time, I gave you an overview of what you get from I2C, basics like addressing, interface speeds, and a breakdown of pullups. Today, let’s continue looking into I2C capabilities and requirements – level shifting, transfer types, and quirks like combined transfers or clock stretching.

Level Shifting

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Getting Root On Cheap WiFi Repeaters, The Long Way Around

What can you do with a cheap Linux machine with limited flash and only a single free GPIO line? Probably not much, but sometimes, just getting root to prove you can is the main goal of a project. If that happens to lead somewhere useful, well, that’s just icing on the cake.

Like many interesting stories, this one starts on AliExpress, where [Easton] spied some low-cost WiFi repeaters, the ones that plug directly into the wall and extend your wireless network another few meters or so. Unable to resist the siren song, a few of these dongles showed up in the mailbox, ripe for the hacking. Spoiler alert: although the attempt on the first device had some success by getting a console session through the UART port and resetting the root password, [Easton] ended up bricking the repeater while trying to install an OpenWRT image.

The second attempt, this time on a different but similar device, proved more fruitful. The rudimentary web UI provided no easy path in, although it did a pretty good job enumerating the hardware [Easton] was working with. With the UART route only likely to provide temptation to brick this one too, [Easton] turned to a security advisory about a vulnerability that allows remote code execution through a specially crafted SSID. That means getting root on these dongles is as simple as a curl command — no hardware hacks needed!

As for what to do with a bunch of little plug-in Linux boxes with WiFi, we’ll leave that up to your imagination. We like [Easton]’s idea of running something like Pi-Hole on them; maybe Home Assistant would be possible, but these are pretty resource-constrained machines. Still, the lessons learned here are valuable, and at this price point, let the games begin.

A client uses an Augmented Alternative Communication board that speaks.

Tactile Communication Board Speaks The Truth

Sometimes, simple things can make a world of difference. Take for example a non-verbal person who can’t necessarily control a touch screen in order to tell someone else what they need or want or think.

The switches of the AAC board, plus the smaller version. This is where Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices come in. Recently tasked with building such a device, [Thornhill!] came up with a great design that houses 160 different phrases in a fairly small package and runs on CircuitPython.

Basically, the client presses the appropriate snap-dome button button and the corresponding phrase is spoken through the speaker. The 10×16 grid of buttons is covered with a membrane that both feels nice and gives a bit of protection from spills.

The buttons can achieve high actuation forces and have a crisp tactile response, which means they’re probably gonna go a long way to keep the user from getting frustrated.

This handy AAC board is built on the Adafruit RP2040 Prop-Maker Feather and two keypad matrices. If this weren’t useful enough as it is, [Thornhill!] also built an even smaller version with 16 buttons for the client to wear around their neck.

Did you know? AAC boards aren’t just for humans.

How Sony Mastered The Transistor

When you think of Sony, you probably think of a technology company that’s been around forever. However, as [Asianometry] points out, it really formed in the tough years after World War II. The two people behind the company’s formation were an interesting pair. One of them was a visionary engineer and one was a consummate businessman.

While it is hard to imagine today, securing a license to produce transistors was difficult in the early days. What’s worse is, even with the license, it was not feasible to use the crude devices in a radio.

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A keyboard built into a commercial foot rest.

Floorboard Is A Keyboard For Your Feet

Whether you have full use of your hands or not, a foot-operated keyboard is a great addition to any setup. Of course, it has to be a lot more robust than your average finger-operated keyboard, so building a keyboard into an existing footstool is a great idea.

When [Wingletang]’s regular plastic footrest finally gave up the ghost and split in twain, they ordered a stronger replacement with a little rear compartment meant to hold the foot switches used by those typing from dictation. Settling upon modifiers like Ctrl, Alt, and Shift, they went about designing a keyboard based on the ATmega32U4, which does HID communication natively.

For the switches, [Wingletang] used the stomp switches typically found in guitar pedals, along with toppers to make them more comfortable and increase the surface area. Rather than drilling through the top of the compartment to accommodate the switches, [Wingletang] decided to 3D print a new one so they could include circuit board mounting pillars and a bit of wire management. Honestly, it looks great with the black side rails.

If you want to build something a little different, try using one of those folding stools.

Humble 555 Gets A Boost For ESR Meter

[Peter Demchenko] wanted to use a low power TS555 in an ESR meter design. The problem is, he needed to handle significant current sink requirements for cases where the capacitor under test had a low ESR. The TS555 wasn’t up to the task.

However, [Peter] made an interesting observation. the output pin of the device can sink or source current. However, the discharge pin is exactly the same output but can only sink current.

But what if you tied them together? Using some equalizing resistors, that’s exactly what he did, and this roughly doubles the rated current sink capability. According to [Peter], you do make the circuit more sensitive to power supply variations, but that could be an acceptable trade, depending on your application.

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