The Life Cycle Of Nuclear Fission Fuel: From Stars To Burn-Up

Outdone only by nuclear fusion, the process of nuclear fission releases enormous amounts of energy. The ‘spicy rocks’ that are at the core of both natural and artificial fission reactors are generally composed of uranium-235 (U-235) along with other isotopes that may or may not play a role in the fission process. A very long time ago when the Earth was still very young, the ratio of fissile U-235 to fertile U-238 was sufficiently high that nuclear fission would spontaneously commence, as happened at what is now the Oklo region of Gabon.

Although natural decay of U-235 means that this is unlikely to happen again, we humans have learned to take uranium ore and start a controlled fission process in reactors, beginning in the 1940s. This can be done using natural uranium ore, or with enriched (i.e. higher U-235 levels) uranium. In a standard light-water reactor (LWR) a few percent of U-235 is used up this way, after which fission products, mostly minor actinides, begin to inhibit the fission process, and fresh fuel is inserted.

This spent fuel can then have these contaminants removed to create fresh fuel through reprocessing, but this is only one of the ways we have to extract most of the energy from uranium, thorium, and other actinides like plutonium. Although actinides like uranium and thorium are among the most abundant elements in the Earth’s crust and oceans, there are good reasons to not simply dig up fresh ore to refuel reactors with.

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A Teletype By Any Other Name: The Early E-mail And Wordprocessor

Some brand names become the de facto name for the generic product. Xerox, for example. Or Velcro. Teletype was a trademark, but it has come to mean just about any teleprinter communicating with another teleprinter or a computer. The actual trademark belonged to The Teletype Corporation, part of Western Electric, which was, of course, part of AT&T. But there were many other companies that made teleprinters, some of which were very influential.

The teleprinter predates the computer by quite a bit. The original impetus for their development was to reduce the need for skilled telegraph operators. In addition, they found use as crude wordprocessors, although that term wouldn’t be used for quite some time.

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Ubiquitous Successful Bus: Version 3

USB 2 is the USB we all know and love. But about ten years ago, USB got an upgrade: USB 3.0. And it’s a lot faster. It started off ten times the speed of USB 2, with 5 Gbps, and later got 20 Gbps and 40 Gbps revisions. How does that work, and how do you hack on it? Well, for a start, it’s very different from USB 2, and the hacking differs in many important ways.

In fact, USB 3 is an entirely separate interface from USB 2, and it does not depend on USB 2 in any way whatsoever – some people think that USB 3 negotiation happens through USB 2, but that’s a complete myth. USB 2 and USB 3 are electrically, physically, and logically distinct interfaces. Except for the fact that USB 3 is backwards compatible with USB 2, they are simply entirely different.

This also means that every USB-A port with USB 3 capabilities (typically blue, but not always) carries two interfaces; indeed, if you want, you can split a typical USB 3 port into a USB 3-only USB-A port and a USB 2-only USB-A port. USB 3-only ports are not legal per USB 3 standard, you’re expected to keep USB 2 there, but only for user convenience; you can split it with a hub and get, like, three extra USB 2 branches for your own use. Even if it’s forbidden, it works flawlessly – it’s what I’m currently using to connect my mouse to my laptop as I’m typing this!

Not to say that USB 3 is all easy to work with – there’s a fair bit of complexity.

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The Rogue Emperor, And What To Do About Them

The chances are if you know someone who is a former Apple employee, you’ll have heard their Steve Jobs anecdote, and that it was rather unflattering to the Apple co-founder. I’ve certainly heard a few myself, and quick web search will reveal plenty more. There are enough of them that it’s very easy to conclude the guy was not a very pleasant person at all.

At the same time, he was a person whose public persona transcended reality, and his fan base treated him with an almost Messianic awe. For them everything he touched turned to gold, every new feature on an Apple product was his personal invention, every one of his actions even the not-so-clever ones were evidence of his genius, and anyone who hadn’t drunk the Apple Kool-Aid was anathema.  You’ll still see echoes of this today in Apple fanboys, even though the shine on the company is perhaps now a little tarnished.

It’s easy to spot parallels to this story in some of today’s tech moguls who have gathered similar devotion, but it’s a phenomenon by no means limited to tech founders. Anywhere there is an organisation or group that is centred around an individual, from the smallest organisation upwards, it’s possible for it to enter an almost cult-like state in which the leader both accumulates too much power, and loses track of some of the responsibilities which go with it. If it’s a tech company or a bowls club we can shrug our shoulders and move to something else, but when it occurs in an open source project and a benevolent dictator figure goes rogue it has landed directly on our own doorstep as the open-source community. It’s happened several times that I can immediately think of and there are doubtless more cases I am unaware of, and every time I am left feeling that our community lacks an adequate mechanism to come through it unscathed. Continue reading “The Rogue Emperor, And What To Do About Them”

Mechanisms: Tension Control Bolts

If there’s an enduring image of how large steel structures used to be made, it’s probably the hot riveting process. You’ve probably seen grainy old black-and-white films of a riveting gang — universally men in bib overalls with no more safety equipment than a cigarette, heating rivets to red heat in a forge and tossing them up to the riveters with a pair of tongs. There, the rivet is caught with a metal funnel or even a gloved hand, slipped into a waiting hole in a flange connecting a beam to a column, and beaten into submission by a pair of men with pneumatic hammers.

Dirty, hot, and dangerous though the work was, hot riveted joints were a practical and proven way to join members together in steel structures, and chances are good that any commercial building that dates from before the 1960s or so has at least some riveted joints. But times change and technology marches on, and riveted joints largely fell out of fashion in the construction trades in favor of bolted connections. Riveting crews of three or more men were replaced by a single ironworker making hundreds of predictable and precisely tensioned connections, resulting in better joints at lower costs.

Bolted joints being torqued to specs with an electric wrench might not have the flair of red-hot rivets flying around the job site, but they certainly have a lot of engineering behind them. And as it turns out, the secret to turning bolting into a one-person job is mostly in the bolt itself.

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What Happens If You Speedrun Making A CPU?

Usually, designing a CPU is a lengthy process, especially so if you’re making a new ISA too. This is something that can take months or even years before you first get code to run. But what if it wasn’t? What if one were to try to make a CPU as fast as humanly possible? That’s what I asked myself a couple weeks ago.

Left-to-right: Green, orange and red rectangle with 1:2 aspect ratio. Each rectangle further right has 4x the area of its neighbor on the left.
Relative ROM size. Left: Stovepipe, center: [Ben Eater]’s, right: GR8CPU Rev. 2
Enter the “Stovepipe” CPU (I don’t have an explanation for that name other than that I “needed” one). Stovepipe’s hardware was made in under 4 hours, excluding a couple small bugfixes. I started by designing the ISA, which is the simplest ISA I ever made. Instead of continuously adding things to make it more useful, I removed things that weren’t strictly necessary until I was satisfied. Eventually, all that was left were 8 major opcodes and a mere 512 bits to represent it all. That is far less than GR8CPU (8192 bit), my previous in this class of CPU, and still less than [Ben Eater]’s breadboard CPU (2048 bit), which is actually less flexible than Stovepipe. All that while taking orders of magnitude less time to create than either larger CPU. How does that compare to other CPUs? And: How is that possible?
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Flirting With Kessler: Why Space Debris Physics Make It Such An Orbital Pain

Picture in your mind a big parking lot with 131 million cars on it. Now imagine that they are spread out over the entire Earth’s inhabited areas. Although still a large number, it is absolutely dwarfed by the approximately 1.47 billion cars registered and in use today, with room to spare for houses, parks and much more. The 131 million represents the total number of known and estimated space debris objects in Earth orbit sized 1 mm and up, as per the European Space Agency. This comes on top of the approximately 13,200 satellites still in Earth orbit of which 10,200 are still functional.

Now imagine that most of these 131 million cars of earlier are sized 10 cm or smaller. Spaced out across the Earth’s entire surface you’d not be able to see more than at most one. Above the Earth’s surface there are many orbital planes and no pesky oceans to prevent millimeter and centimeter-sized cars from being spaced out there. This gives a rough idea of just how incredibly empty Earth’s orbital planes are and why from the International Space Station you rarely notice any such space debris until a small bit slams into a solar panel or something equally not amusing.

Cleaning up space debris seems rather unnecessary in this perspective, except that even the tiniest chunk travels at orbital velocities of multiple kilometers per second with kinetic energy to spare. Hence your task: to chase down sub-10 cm debris in hundreds of kilometers of mostly empty orbital planes as it zips along with destructive intent. Surely this cannot be so difficult with lasers on the ISS or something?

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