Keep Tabs On Your Vehicle’s Needs With LubeLogger

It doesn’t matter if its a Vespa or a Peterbilt truck — if you ignore the maintenance needs of your vehicle, you do so at your own peril. But it can be difficult enough to keep track of basic oil changes, to say nothing of keeping records on what parts were changed when. Instead of cramming more receipts into your glove box, maybe give LubeLogger a try.

This free and open source software tool is designed to make it easy for individuals to keep track of both the routine maintenance needs of their vehicles, as well as keep track of any previous or upcoming repairs and upgrades. Released under the MIT license, LubeLogger is primarily distributed as a Docker image that makes it easy to self-host the tool should you wish to keep your data safe at home rather than on somebody’s server out in the Wild West of the modern Internet.

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Admit It. You Want This Go-Kart

Many of us could have been lucky enough to have some form of pedal go-kart in our formative years, and among such lucky children there can have been few who did not wish for their ride to have a little power. Zipping around the neighborhood remained a strenuous affair though, particularly for anyone whose hometown was on a hill. What a shame we didn’t have [Matto Godoy] as a dad then, because he has taken a child’s go-kart and turned it into the electrically-propelled ride of dreams.

Out come the pedals and in goes a wooden floor panel, and at the rear the axle is replaced by a set of hoverboard motors and associated batteries and controllers. The wheels are off-the-shelf wheelbarrow parts, and the 36 V lithium-polymer gives it plenty of go. It looks too small for us, but yes! We want one.

If you want one too, you could do worse than considering a Hacky Racer. And if more motor power is your thing, raid the auto recyclers!

Backyard Rope Tow From Spare Parts

A few years ago, [Jeremy Makes Things] built a rope tow in his back yard so his son could ski after school. Since the lifts at the local hill closed shortly after schools let out, this was the only practical way for his son to get a few laps in during the week. It’s cobbled together from things that [Jeremy] had around the house, and since the original build it’s sat outside for a few years without much use. There’s been a lot more snow where he lives this year though, so it’s time for a rebuild.

The power source for the rope tow is an old gas-powered snowblower motor, with a set of rollers and pulleys for the rope made out of the back end of a razor scooter. Some polyurethane was poured around the old wheel hub so that the rope would have something to grip onto. The motor needed some sprucing up as well, from carburetor adjustment, fuel tank repairs, and some other pieces of maintenance before it could run again. With that out of the way it could be hoisted back up a tree at the top of the hill and connected to the long rope.

This isn’t the first time [Jeremy] has had to perform major maintenance on this machine either. Three years ago it needed plenty of work especially around the polyurethane wheel where [Jeremy] also had to machine a new wheel bearing in addition to all the other work that had to go into repairing it that time. From the looks of things though it’s a big hit with his son who zips right back up the hill after each ski run. Getting to the tops of ski runs with minimal effort has been a challenge of skiers and snowboarders alike for as long as the sport has been around, and we’ve seen all kinds of unique solutions to that problem over the years.

Open Safety In The Auto Business: Renault Shares Its Battery Fire Suppression Tech

As consumers worldwide slowly make the switch from internal combustion vehicles to lower-carbon equivalents, a few concerns have appeared about electric vehicles. Range anxiety is ebbing away as batteries become bigger and chargers become more frequent, but a few well-publicized incidents have raised worries over fire safety.

Lithium-ion batteries can ignite in the wrong circumstances, and when they do so they are extremely difficult to extinguish. Renault has a solution, and in a rare moment for the car industry, they are sharing it freely for all manufacturers to use.

The innovation in question is their Fireman Access Port, a standardized means for a fire crew to connect up their hoses directly to the battery pack and attack the fire at its source. An opening is covered by an adhesive disk designed to protect the cells, but breaks under a jet of high-pressure water. Thermal runaway can then be halted much more easily.

The licensing terms not only allow use of the access port itself, but also require any enhancements be shared with the rest of the community of automakers using the system. This was the part which caught our interest, because even if it doesn’t come from the same place as the licences we’re used to, it sounds a lot like open source to us.

Oddly, this is not the first time Renault have open-sourced their technology, in the past they’ve shared an entire car.

LTA’s Pathfinder 1: The Dawn Of A New Age Of Airships?

Long before the first airplanes took to the skies, humans had already overcome gravity with the help of airships. Starting with crude hot air balloons, the 18th century saw the development of more practical dirigible airships, including hydrogen gas balloons. On 7 January 1785, French inventor, and pioneer of gas balloon flight Jean-Pierre Blanchard would cross the English Channel in such a hydrogen gas balloon, which took a mere 2.5 hours. Despite the primitive propulsion and steering options available at the time, this provided continued inspiration for new inventors.

With steam engines being too heavy and cumbersome, it wasn’t until the era of internal combustion engines a century later that airships began to develop into practical designs. Until World War 2 it seemed that airships had a bright future ahead of them, but amidst a number of accidents and the rise of practical airplanes, airships found themselves mostly reduced to the not very flashy role of advertising blimps.

Yet despite popular media having declared rigid airships such as the German Zeppelins to be dead and a figment of a historic fevered imagination, new rigid airships are being constructed today, with improvements that would set the hearts of 1930s German and American airship builders aflutter. So what is going on here? Are we about to see these floating giants darken the skies once more?

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Building A One Wheel With Tracks

One-wheels use motion-tracking hardware and fine motor control to let you balance on a single wheel. That’s neat and all, but [Michael Rechtin] had another idea in mind—what if a one-wheel used a track instead?

The idea behind the track was to make the one-wheel more capable on surfaces where wheels simply can’t compete. The tracked drivetrain was largely 3D printed, including some massive gears that are supplemented by a big old 150 mm ball bearing which sits around the drive motor itself. If you love planetary gear trains with a 4:1 reduction, this project is for you. Carbon-fiber reinforced filament was used for many of the parts to give them some additional strength. Control is a little different than a traditional one-wheel, since the flat-bottomed track means lean controls won’t work. Instead, a wireless hand throttle was constructed to enable the rider to command the direction of travel.

It’s not easy to ride, but the one-track does actually work. It’s capable of crawling its way around on grass and snow quite well. There were some issues with the printed tracks and rollers, particularly when turning, but tweaks to round out the track profile helped solve that issue to a degree. There’s a reason we often use wheels instead of tracks, but somehow tracks are still just cool.

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Acoustic Engine Harnesses The Power Of Sound

If you think sonic booms from supersonic aircraft are a nuisance, wait until the sky is full of planes propelled by up-scaled versions of this interesting but deafening audio resonance engine.

Granted, there’s a lot of work to do before this “Sonic Ramjet” can fly even something as small as an RC plane. Creator [invalid_credentials] came up with the idea for a sound-powered engine after listening to the subwoofers on a car’s audio system shaking the paint off the body. The current design uses a pair of speaker drivers firing into 3D printed chambers, which are designed based on Fibonacci ratios to optimize resonance. When the speakers are driven with a low-frequency sine wave, the chambers focus the acoustic energy into powerful jets, producing enough thrust to propel a small wheeled test rig across a table.

It’s fair to ask the obvious question: is the engine producing thrust, or is the test model moving thanks to the vibrations caused by the sound? [invalid_credentials] appears to have thought of that, with a video showing a test driver generating a powerful jet of air. Downloads to STL files for both the large and small versions of the resonating chamber are provided, if you want to give it a try yourself. Just be careful not to annoy the neighbors too much.

Thanks to [cabbage] for the tip via [r/3Dprinting].