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3D Printering: Listen To Klipper

I recently wrote about using Klipper to drive my 3D printers, and one natural question is: Why use Klipper instead of Marlin? To some degree that’s like asking why write in one programming language instead of another. However, Klipper does offer some opportunities to extend the environment more easily. Klipper runs on a Linux host, so you can do all of the normal Linux things.

What if you wanted to create a custom G-code that would play a wave file on a speaker? That would let you have custom sounds for starting a print, aborting a print, or even finishing a print.

If you recall, I mentioned that the Klipper system is really two parts. Well, actually more than two parts, but two important parts at the core. Klipper is, technically, just the small software stub that runs on your 3D printer. It does almost nothing. The real work is in Klippy, which is mostly Python software that runs on a host computer like a Raspberry Pi or, in my case, an old laptop.

Because it is Python and quite modular, it is very simple to write your own extensions without having to major surgery or even fork Klipper. At least in theory. Most of the time, you wind up just writing G-code macros. That’s fine, but there are some limitations. This time, I’m going to show you how easy it can be using the sound player as an example.

Macros All the Way Down

Normally, you think of gcode as something like: G1 X50 Y50. Some of the newer codes don’t start with G, but they look similar. But with Klipper, G1, M205, and MeltdownExtruder are all legitimate tokens that could be “G-code.”

For example, suppose you wanted to implement a new command called G_PURGE to create a purge line (case doesn’t matter, by the way). That’s easy. You just need to put in your configuration file:

[gcode_macro g_purge]
# do your purge code here

The only restriction is that numbers have to occur at the end of the name, if at all. You can create a macro called “Hackaday2024,” but you can’t create one called “Hackaday2024_Test.” At least, the documentation says so. We haven’t tried it.

There’s more to macros. You can add descriptions, for example. You can also override an existing macro and even call it from within your new macro. Suppose you want to do something special before and after a G28 homing command:

[gcode_macro g28]
description: Macro to do homing (no arguments)
rename_existing: g28_original
M117 Homing...
M117 Home done....

Continue reading “3D Printering: Listen To Klipper”

3D Printer Swaps Build Plates To Automate Print Jobs

[Andre Me] has long-standing interest in automating 3D print jobs, and his latest project is automating build plate changes on the Bambu A1 Mini.

Here’s how it works: each build plate gets a sort of “shoe” affixed to it, with which attachments on the printer itself physically interact when loading new plates and removing filled ones.

When a print job is finished, custom G-code causes an attachment on the printer to wedge itself under the build plate and peel it off until it is freed from the magnetic bed, after which the finished plate can be pushed towards the front. A stack of fresh build plates is behind the printer, and the printer slips a new one from the bottom when needed. Again, since the printer’s bed is magnetic, all one has to do is get the new plate to reliably line up and the magnetic attraction does the rest.

Some methods of automating print jobs rely on ejecting the finished parts and others swap the print beds. [Andre]’s is the latter type and we do really like how few moving parts are involved, although the resulting system has the drawback of requiring considerably more table space than just the printer itself. Still, it’s not at all a bad trade-off.

Watch it in action in the two videos embedded below. The first shows a time-lapse of loading and ejecting over 100 build plates in a row, and the second shows the whole system in action printing bowls in different colors. Continue reading “3D Printer Swaps Build Plates To Automate Print Jobs”

Art of 3D printer in the middle of printing a Hackaday Jolly Wrencher logo

3D Printering: Switch And Klip(per)

Last time I tried to convince you that, if you haven’t already, you should try running your 3D printer with Klipper. There are several ways to actually make it work.

The first thing you need is something to run the Klipper host. Most people use a Raspberry Pi and if you already have one that runs OctoPrint, for example, you might well use it. Just tuck your SD card away in case you give up and install a fresh Linux system on a new card.

The Creality Sonic Pad has issues, but it does work.

However, a Pi isn’t your only option. You should be able to make it work on nearly anything that runs Linux. We’ve even seen it running on Windows under WSL. If you have an old laptop that can run Linux, that would work, too. We’ve even heard it works on a Chromebook.

The other option is to get a “pad.” Several vendors make touchscreens with some Linux single-board computer bundled together with Klipper preinstalled. For example, there is the Creality Sonic Pad, along with similar devices from other 3D printing companies.

If you decide to go that route, you might want to make sure it is easy to install your own software easily. Some pads, like the Creality unit, are notorious for having so much customization that they don’t lend themselves to upgrades unless they come from the manufacturer. In some cases, you can wipe out the stock firmware and install a normal operating system, but at that point, you could probably just buy a Pi and a touchscreen, right?

Continue reading “3D Printering: Switch And Klip(per)”

Art of 3D printer in the middle of printing a Hackaday Jolly Wrencher logo

3D Printering: Klipper, The Free 3D Printer Upgrade

I have several 3D printers, and I’ve always been satisfied with using either Repetier or Marlin on all of them. There are a few other firmware versions that could run on my hardware, but those two have been all I’ve needed. Sure, it was painful for a while having to juggle features to fit the firmware image onto the smaller microcontroller boards. Now that Marlin supports big 32-bit boards however, that hasn’t been a problem. But recently, I’ve been on a program to switch everything to Klipper.

In this post, I’ll tell you why I did it and give you some data about why you might consider it, too.

The Landscape

Marlin is written in C and burned into a 3D printer’s flash memory. It does a lot. It receives G-code commands, interprets them, and translates them to meaningful actions on the hardware. Modern versions handle automatic transformations to account for lumpy beds, input shaping to reduce shaking, and linear advance to produce better prints.

It might seem simple to control a 3D printer, but there are lots of little details to take into account. For example, if you are moving the head between two XY coordinates and you expect a certain flow rate, then you have to figure out how fast to turn the steppers to get the right amount of plastic out over that time. You also may have to retract before you start a move, make sure temperatures are stable, and transform the actual coordinates based on bed leveling data. There’s a lot going on.

Klipper does the exact same job, but it does it differently. On the 3D printer board is a tiny piece of software that does very little. It’s a bit like a device driver for the printer. All by itself, it does nothing. But it can handle very basic commands that describe how to move the machine.

All the rest of the processing you expect to happen now runs on some Linux computer. That is very often a Raspberry Pi, but it could be a spare laptop, your desktop computer, or anything that will run a reasonable Linux install. Several vendors even sell single-board computers with touchscreens made specifically for running this part of Klipper.

However, even though a screen is nice, you don’t really need it. I’ll talk about that more later.

Continue reading “3D Printering: Klipper, The Free 3D Printer Upgrade”

Get Your Glitch On With A PicoEMP And A 3D Printer

We’re not sure what [Aaron Christophel] calls his automated chip glitching setup built from a 3D printer, but we’re going to go ahead and dub it the “Glitch-o-Matic 9000.” Has a nice ring to it.

Of course, this isn’t a commercial product, or even a rig that’s necessarily intended for repeated use. It’s more of a tactical build, which is still pretty cool if you ask us. It started with a proof-of-concept exploration, summarized in the first video below. That’s where [Aaron] assembled and tested the major pieces, which included a PicoEMP, the bit that actually generates the high-voltage pulses intended to scramble a running microcontroller temporarily, along with a ChipWhisperer and an oscilloscope.

The trouble with the POC setup was that glitching the target chip, an LPC2388 microcontroller, involved manually scanning the business end of the PicoEMP over the package. That’s a tedious and error-prone process, which is perfect for automation. In the second video below, [Aaron] has affixed the PicoEMP to his 3D printer, giving him three-axis control of the tip position. That let him build up a heat map of potential spots to glitch, which eventually led to a successful fault injection attack and a clean firmware dump.

It’s worth noting that the whole reason [Aaron] had to resort to such extreme measures in the first place was the resilience of the target chip against power supply-induced glitching attacks. You might not need to build something like the Glitch-o-Matic, but it’s good to keep in mind in case you run up against such a hard target. Continue reading “Get Your Glitch On With A PicoEMP And A 3D Printer”

Axial 3D Printer Aces Test Aboard Virgin Spaceplane

Here on Earth, being able to 3D print replacement parts is handy, but rarely necessary. If you’ve got a broken o-ring, printing one out is just saving you a trip to the hardware store. But on the Moon, Mars, or in deep space, that broken component could be the difference between life and death. In such an environment, the ability to print replacement parts on demand promises to be a game changer.

Which is why the recent successful test of a next-generation 3D printer developed by a group of Berkeley researchers is so exciting. During a sub-orbital flight aboard Virgin Galactic’s Unity spaceplane, the SpaceCAL printer was able to rapidly produce four test prints using a unique printing technology known as computed axial lithography (CAL).

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3D Printering: Adaptive Bed Leveling

Have you ever read about something and thought, “Gee whiz! Why did I never think about that?” That was my reaction to reading about a feature commonly associated with Klipper called adaptive bed leveling or adaptive mesh leveling. Too bad I don’t typically use Klipper, but it all worked out, and I’ll show you how it might work for you.

What Is It?

Time to tram your bed!

Once a luxury, most 3D printers now come with some kind of bed level sensor. The idea is that the printer can probe the bed to determine the shape of the build plate and then adjust the build plate accordingly. So if a particular spot on the bed is 0.5 mm too high, the nozzle can rise 0.5 mm when it is in that area. There are several techniques Marlin firmware uses, including what I usually use: UBL. Some people scan the bed once and hope it won’t change much. Others will do a time-consuming scan before each print.

However, adaptive bed leveling is a bit different. The idea is that the printer only probes the area where the part is going to print. If your print bed is 235 mm x 235 mm but your part is 50 mm square, you could just probe the points under the 50 mm square.

This does several things. For a given number of points, there is less motion, so it should be faster. Also, for the same number of points, you will have a much denser mesh and, thus, a better idea of what the bed is at any given point. You could even reduce the number of points based on the size of the part you are printing.

When you think about it, it is a dead simple idea. What’s not to love? For most print jobs, you’ll have less work for the printer, faster prints, and a denser mesh. But how do you do it?

Continue reading “3D Printering: Adaptive Bed Leveling”