A Simon game built into an ATtiny84 in a DIP-14 package.

2024 Tiny Games Contest: Spectacular Sub-Surface Simon

When you work with tiny things on the regular, they start to seem normal-sized to your hands and eyes. Then, if you work with even smaller packages, stuff like 0603 might as well be through-hole components.

Soldering fine wires to the leadframe of an ATtiny84 in a DIP-14 package.[alnwlsn] is no stranger to the small, having worked almost exclusively with surface mount components for a few years now. Even so, they’ve built up an admirable stock of DIP chips, including the ATtiny84 DIP-14 that their incredible Simon game is built into.

How in the world did [alnwlsn] accomplish this? As you’ll see in the video after the break, the answer lies in milling, but with the motors disconnected and manually turning the knobs.

Soldering didn’t require anything special, just the usual suspects like a fine-tipped iron, an X-acto knife, some tweezers, and a few other things like a hot air gun for soldering fine wires to the leadframe. Oh, and of course, really steady hands, and lots of patience.

The 2024 Tiny Games Contest officially closed on Tuesday, September 10th. We’ll have the results out as soon as possible. Best of luck to all who entered!

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2024 Tiny Games Contest: A Flappy Seagull Game With Sound In Only 500 Bytes

It was probably a reasonable assumption that the “Tiny” in our recently concluded Tiny Games Contest mostly referred to the physical footprint of the game. And indeed, that’s the way most of the entries broke, which resulted in some pretty amazing efforts. [Anders Nielsen], however, took the challenge another way and managed to stuff a seagull-centric side-scroller into just 500 bytes of code.

That’s not to say that the size of [Anders]’s game is physically huge either. Flappy Larus, as he calls his game, runs on his popular 65uino platform, a 6502 microcontroller in the familiar Arduino Uno form factor. So it’s pretty small to begin with, and doesn’t even need any additional components other than the tiny OLED screen which has become more or less standard for the 65uino at this point. The only real add-on is a piezo speaker module, which when hooked up to the I2C data line happens to make reasonable approximations of a squawking seagull, all without adding a single byte of code. Check out a little game play in the video below.

Flappy Larus may be pretty simplistic, but as we recall, the game it’s based on was similarly minimalist and still managed to get people hooked. The 2024 Tiny Games contest is closed now, but if you’ve got an idea for a tiny game, we’d still love to feature it. Hit the tip line and we’ll take a look! Continue reading “2024 Tiny Games Contest: A Flappy Seagull Game With Sound In Only 500 Bytes”

A tiny colorful slot machine that uses LEDs instead of fruits or numbers.

2024 Tiny Games Contest: Micro One-Armed Bandit Hits The Cuteness Jackpot

They don’t call slot machines one-armed bandits for nothing. And although it’s getting harder and harder to find slot machines with actual pull-able handles instead of just big buttons, you can easily simulate the handle at home with the right kind of limit switch, as [Andrew Smith] did with this micro slot machine.

This baby slot machine is built around the Adafruit 5×5 NeoPixel grid, which is an add-on for the QT Py. As you’ll see in the brief demo video after the break, the switch actuates on release, which starts the lights a-spinning. [Andrew] says the constraints of the SAMD21-powered QT Py made this a particularly fun challenge.

Whereas most physical slot machines have different reel sequences, this build uses just one. [Andrew] declared hex values to ID each color, and then created the reel manually with different color frequencies. When the lever is released, the columns are animated and slowly to come to rest at a random offset. You can check out the code on GitHub.

Continue reading “2024 Tiny Games Contest: Micro One-Armed Bandit Hits The Cuteness Jackpot”

Microsoft Sculpt Keyboard Lives Again With RP2040

Hackaday readers are likely the kind of folks that have a favorite keyboard, so you can probably imagine how devastating it would be to find out that the board you’ve sworn by for years is going out of production. Even worse, the board has some internal gremlins that show up after a few years of use, so functional ones in the second-hand market are becoming increasingly rare. So what do you do?

This is the position [TechBeret] recently found himself in with his beloved Sculpt keyboard. When Microsoft decided to step back from the peripheral market last year, he started looking at alternatives. Finding none of them appealing, he decided instead to breathe new life into the ergonomic keyboard with the RP2040. Every aspect of the resurrection is covered in a phenomenally detailed write-up on his blog, making this a valuable case study in modernizing peripherals with the popular microcontroller.

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Hackaday Links: September 8, 2024

OK, sit down, everyone — we don’t want you falling over and hurting yourself when you learn the news that actually yes, your phone has been listening to your conversations all along. Shocking, we know, but that certainly seems to be what an outfit called Cox Media Group (CMG) does with its “Active Listening” software, according to a leaked slide deck that was used to pitch potential investors. The gist is that the software uses a smartphone’s microphone to listen to conversations and pick out keywords that it feeds to its partners, namely Google, Facebook, and Amazon so that they can target you with directed advertisements. Ever have an IRL conversation about something totally random only to start seeing references to that subject pop up where they never did before? We sure have, and while “relationship mining” seemed like a more parsimonious explanation back in 2017, the state of tech makes eavesdropping far more plausible today. Then there’s the whole thing of basically being caught red-handed. The Big Three all huffed and puffed about how they were shocked, SHOCKED to learn that this was going on, with reactions ranging from outright denial of ever partnering with CMG to quietly severing their relationship with the company. So much for years of gaslighting on this.

Continue reading “Hackaday Links: September 8, 2024”

An incredibly small gaming console with cartridges, each bearing an ATtiny10.

2024 Tiny Games Contest: An Epic Minimalist Entertainment System, Indeed

One way to keep things tiny is to make a system with cartridges where the brain lives on each cartridge instead of the platform itself. [Michael]’s Epic Minimalist Entertainment System (EMES) is one of those, and boy, is it tiny. EMES makes use of the ATtiny10, and they don’t get much AT-tinier than that.

A Plessey GPD340 display showing the word 'Hi'.This nearly microscopic console uses an equally Lilliputian display — a Plessey GPD340 vintage LED display, in fact. (Check out [Michael]’s reverse engineering project if you want to play around with these.) There are four ultra-small buttons for control and a buzzer for sound.

Now, the ATtiny10 is an 8Mhz microcontroller with 1KB of flash and 32 bytes of RAM. It has an 8-bit ADC and a somewhat surprisingly high four GPIO pins. But of course, that’s not enough. Not with the display, the four buttons, and the buzzer, so [Michael] had to come up with a way to multiplex everything to four GPIOs.

PB0 is shared between the buttons and the display’s serial data input. PB1 cleverly outputs the same PWM for both the brightness control and the buzzer. When the buzzer is needed, [Michael]’s code switches to a lower frequency and adjusts the duty cycle of the display to keep it readable. PB2 and 3 are serial clock inputs for the two display halves. Be sure to check it out the heated PONG action in the video after the break!

There’s still a little bit of time to enter the 2024 Tiny Games Contest! You have until Tuesday, September 10th, so head on over to Hackaday.IO and get started!

Continue reading “2024 Tiny Games Contest: An Epic Minimalist Entertainment System, Indeed”

An Automatic Cat Feeder Built With A 4060 Binary Counter

We’ve seen a great many cat feeders over the years. Some rely on the Internet of Things, and some rely on fancy microcontrollers. [Larry Cook], on the other hand, built his using a simple 4060 binary counter chip.

The feeder is built out of old plywood, and the whole thing runs off an old 12-volt DC wall wart and a lead-acid battery to keep it going in a power outage. The dry cat food is stored in hopper above a drum, with the drumĀ  rotated by a 12-volt DC gearmotor. The gearmotor is activated on a scheduleā€”either every 4 hours, or every 5.5 hours, depending on setting. There’s then a four-digit 7-segment display for counting the total number of feedings.

The manner of operation is simple. The 4060 binary counter slowly counts up to 8,196 on a 1.11 Hz or 0.83 Hz clock, for four hour or 5.5 hour operation respectively. When it hits that threshold, it fires the gear motor. The gear motor then rotates the drum for one revolution, dumping a preset amount of food. At the end of a revolution, it triggers a hall sensor which resets the circuit.

The best thing about this design? It’s been in service for ten years. [Larry’s] original video is a big contrast to his latest one, but it shows the same feeder doing the same job, all this time.

We love a good cat feeder, and it’s great to see one built with simple old-school parts, too. Video after the break.

Continue reading “An Automatic Cat Feeder Built With A 4060 Binary Counter”