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Hackaday Links: September 15, 2024

A quick look around at any coffee shop, city sidewalk, or sadly, even at a traffic light will tell you that people are on their phones a lot. But exactly how much is that? For Americans in 2023, it was a mind-boggling 100 trillion megabytes, according to the wireless industry lobbying association CTIA. The group doesn’t discuss their methodology in the press release, so it’s a little hard to make judgments on that number’s veracity, or the other numbers they bandy about, such as the 80% increase in data usage since 2021, or the fact that 40% of data is now going over 5G connections. Some of the numbers are more than a little questionable, too, such as the claim that 330 million Americans (out of a current estimate of 345.8 million people) are covered by one or more 5G networks. Even if you figure that most 5G installations are in densely populated urban areas, 95% coverage seems implausible given that in 2020, 57.5 million people lived in rural areas of the USA. Regardless of the details, it remains that our networks are positively humming with data, and keeping things running is no mean feat.

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An 80386 Upgrade Deal And Intel 486 Competitor: The Cyrix Cx486DLC

The x86 CPU landscape of the 1980s and 1990s was competitive in a way that probably seems rather alien to anyone used to the duopoly that exists today between AMD and Intel. At one point in time, Cyrix was a major player, who mostly sought to provide a good deal that would undercut Intel. One such attempt was the Cx486DLC and the related Tx486DLC by Texas Instruments. These are interesting because they fit in a standard 386DX mainboard, are faster than a 386 CPU and add i486 instructions. Check your mainboard though, as these parts require a mainboard that supports them.

This is something that [Bits und Bolts] over at YouTube discovered as well when poking at a TX486DLC (TI486DLC) CPU. The Ti version of the Cyrix Cx486DLC CPU increases the 1 kB L1 cache to 8 kB but is otherwise essentially the same. He found the CPU and the mainboard in the trash and decided to adopt it. After removing the very dead battery from the Jamicon KMC-40A Baby AT mainboard, the mainboard was found to be in good working order. The system fired right up with the Ti CPU, some RAM, and a video card installed.

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A beige computer monitor with a green glow sits atop a flat, beige Apple IIc with a mouse next to it on a dark wooden table. A vase full of bright pink flowers is in the background.

G4 Mac Mini Is A Wolf In Apple IIc Clothing

Restomods let us relive some of the glory days of industrial design with internals that would blow the socks off the original device. [Mental Hygiene] decided to update an Apple IIc with a G4 brain.

Starting with a broken IIc, they pulled the internals, including the venerable 6502, and transplanted the parts from a G4 Mac mini into the case. There was plenty of room for the small desktop and its power supply. We love how they were able to repurpose the 5 1/4″ floppy access on the side of the IIc as a DVD drive.

A Mac OSX install DVD peeks out from the disc slot on a beige Apple IIc. You'd never guess this was originally a floppy drive.The original keyboard was adapted with an Arduino Teensy into a USB unit for the mini, but the internals of the mouse were replaced with a modern USB laser mouse running the signals over the original connector. What really sells this particular restomod is the “VGA adapter that outputs monochrome NTSC via RCA” allowing a vintage Apple CRT to make this look like a device that somehow upgraded all the way to OSX.

This mod looks to be from 2012, so we’re wondering if it’s time someone did this with an Apple Silicon mini? We’ve previously covered a few different minis inside G4 iMacs. We’ve even seen someone tackle the Compact Macintosh with an iPad mini.

Five colors of Cast21 on five different wrists.

Cast21 Brings Healing Into 2024

It takes but an ill-fated second to break a bone, and several long weeks for it to heal in a cast. And even if you have one of those newfangled fiberglass casts, you still can’t get the thing wet, and it’s gonna be itchy under there because your skin can’t breathe. Isn’t it high time for something better?

Enter Cast21, co-founded by Chief Technical Officer [Jason Troutner], who has been in casts more than 50 times due to sports injuries and surgeries. He teamed up with a biomedical design engineer and an electrical engineer to break the norms associated with traditional casts and design a new solution that addresses their drawbacks.

A medical professional fills a Cast21 with purple resin.So, how does it work already? The latticework cast is made from a network of silicone tubes that harden once injected with resin and a catalyst mixture. It takes ten seconds to fill the latticework with resin and three minutes for it to cure, and the whole process is much faster than plaster or fiberglass.

This new cast can be used along with electrical stimulation therapy, which can reduce healing time and prevent muscle atrophy.

Cast21 is not only breathable, it’s also waterproof, meaning no more trash bags on your arm to take a shower. The doctor doesn’t even need a saw to remove it, just cut in two places along the seam. It can even be used as a splint afterward.

It’s great to see advancements in simple medical technologies like the cast. And it looks almost as cool as this 3D-printed exoskeleton cast we saw ten years ago.

Thanks to [Keith Olson] for the tip!

Supercon 2024: Last Call For Display Tech Exhibit

During this year’s Hackaday Supercon, the Supplyframe DesignLab will be playing host to a unique exhibit that catalogs the evolution of display technology. That means showcasing the best and most interesting examples they can find, from the vintage to the ultra-modern. Where are all these wonderful toys coming from, you might ask? Why, the Hackaday community, of course.

This is a rare chance to show off your prized gadgetry to a captive audience of hackers and makers. Whether it’s a custom display you’ve created or some gonzo piece of hardware you’ve been holding onto for years, now’s the time to haul it out. However, there are only a few days left to submit your display for potential inclusion, so if you’ve got something you want the Hackaday community to see, make sure you fill out the form before the September 16th deadline. That’s Monday, if you were wondering.

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2024 Tiny Games Contest: Neat PCB Business Card Was Inspired By The Arduboy

The humble business card is usually a small slip of cardboard with some basic contact details on it — but as hackers know, it can be so much more. [Marian] has provided us a great example in the form of his own digital business card, which doubles as a handheld game!

Wanting to make his business card more interesting for better engagement, [Marian] was inspired by the Arduboy to give it some interactivity. He chose the STM32G030F6 microcontroller as a cheap and reliable option to run his business card. He then created a 10×9 LED matrix display using Charlieplexing to minimize the amount of I/O pins required. For controls, he went with the usual directional cross plus two action buttons. He implemented a variety of games on the card—including a Flappy Bird clone and a game similar to the classic Simon toy.

Files are on GitHub for the curious. We’ve featured some other great business cards this year, too. Indeed, we ran a whole challenge! If you’re cooking up your own exemplary little PCB to hand out at conferences, don’t hesitate to let us know!

There’s Already A Nixie Addon For The 2024 Supercon Badge

Nixie tubes are cool, and hackers like them. Perhaps for those reasons more than any other, [Kevin Santo Cappuccio] has developed a very particular Simple Add-On for the 2024 Hackaday Supercon badge.

Rad, no?

The build began with a Burroughs 122P224 Nixie tube, and a HV8200 power supply. The latter component is key—it’s capable of turning voltages as low as 3 V into the 180V needed to power a Nixie. Then, an 18-position selector switch was pulled out of a resistance substitution box, and [Kevin] whipped up a basic DIY slip ring using some raw copper clad board.

Smoosh it all together, and what do you get? It’s a Nixie tube you can spin to change the number it displays. Useful? Hardly, unless you want to display varying glowing numbers to people at unreadable angles. Neat? Very. Just don’t touch any of the pins carrying 180 V, that’ll sting. Still, [Kevin] told us it’s pretty tucked away. “I’m totally comfortable touching it, but also would get sued into oblivion selling these on Amazon,” he says.

As [Kevin] notes in his post, the 2024 badge is all about the add-ons— and there’s actually a contest! We suspect [Kevin] will have a strong chance of taking out the Least Manufacturable title.

If you need more information about the Simple Add-On (SAO) interface, [Brian Benchoff] posted the V1.69bis standard on these very pages back in 2019. Apparently the S used to stand for something else. Video after the break.

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