Retrogadgets: Butler In A Box

You walk into your house and issue a voice command to bring up the lights and start a cup of coffee. No big deal, right? Siri, Google, and Alexa can do all that. Did we mention it is 1985? And, apparently, you were one of the people who put out about $1,500 for a Mastervoice “Butler in a Box,” the subject of a Popular Science video you can see below.

If you think the box is interesting, the inventor’s story is even stranger. [Kevin] got a mint-condition Butler in a Box from eBay. How did it work, given in 1983, there was no AI voice recognition and public Internet? We did note that the “appliance module” was a standard X10 interface.

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Homebrew GPU Tackles Quake

Have you ever wondered how a GPU works? Even better, have you ever wanted to make one? [Dylan] certainly did, because he made FuryGPU — a fully custom graphics card capable of playing Quake at over 30 frames per second.

As you might have guessed, FuryGPU isn’t in the same league as modern graphics card — those are made of thousands of cores specialized in math, which are then programmed with whatever shaders you want. FuryGPU is a more “traditional” GPU, it has dedicated hardware for all the functions the GPU needs to perform and doesn’t support “shader code” in the same way an AMD or NVIDIA GPU does. According to [Dylan], the hardest part of the whole thing was writing Windows drivers for it.

On his blog, [Dylan] tells us all about how he went from the obligatory [Ben Eater] breadboard CPU to playing with FPGAs to even larger FPGAs to bear the weight of this mighty GPU. While this project isn’t exactly revolutionary in the GPU world, it certainly is impressive and we impatiently wait to see what comes next.

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Tech Support… Can AI Be Worse?

You can’t read the news today without another pundit excitedly reporting how AI is going to take every job you can imagine. Of course, AI will change the employment landscape. It will take some jobs and reduce the need for others. What about tech support? Is it possible that an AI might be able to help people with technical issues better than humans? My first answer was no way, but then I was painfully reminded of something. The question isn’t if AI can help you better than any human can. The question is if AI can help you better than the low-paid person on the other end of the phone you are likely to talk to. Sadly, I think the answer to that question is almost certainly yes.

In all fairness, if you read Hackaday, you probably don’t encounter many technical support people who can solve a problem you can’t. By the time you call them, it is a lost cause. But this is more than just “Hackday folks are smarter than the tech support agents.” The overall quality of tech support at many companies is rock bottom no matter who you are. Continue reading “Tech Support… Can AI Be Worse?”

A Stirling Engine From Minimal Parts

The model Stirling engine is a staple of novelty catalogues, and we daresay that were it not for their high price there might be more than one Hackaday reader or writer who might own one. All is not lost though, because [jirka.luftner] has posted one on Instructables which eschews the fancy machined brass of the commercial models and achieves the same result with an array of salvaged parts.

The main cylinder is a former apple drops tin with a cardboard displacer, and the CD/DVD flywheel is mounted on either a 3D printed or cut out frame with the secondary cylinder cut into it. A diaphragm for the secondary cylinder is taken from a rubber glove, and the cranks come courtesy of bent wire.

A slight mystery of this design is that it appears not to have a regenerator, or heat store. This usually lies in the path between the two cylinders to improve efficiency by taking the heat from the air as it passes in-between the two, and returning it when it goes the other way. We’re guessing that on an engine this small it’s the tin itself which performs this function. Either way this is a neat little engine that shouldn’t break the bank.

If this has whetted your appetite, you’ll be pleased to hear it’s not the first Stirling engine we’ve seen made from what was lying around.

Fictional Computers: Colossus And Guardian

We can learn a lot by looking at how writers and filmmakers imagine technology. While some are closer than others, there are some definite lessons like never make a killer computer without an off switch you can reach. We are especially interested in how computers appear in books, movies, and TV shows, and so in Computers of Fiction, we want to remember with you some of our favorites. This time, we are thinking about the 1970 movie Colossus: The Forbin Project. There were actually two computers: the titular Colossus, which was an American computer, and the Guardian, a similar Soviet computer.

The Story

In the United States, Dr. Forbin has created a supercomputer deep under a mountain. Colossus, the computer, is put in charge of the nuclear arsenal to eliminate human error in the defense of the country. Colossus gathered intelligence, analyzed it, and was able to launch its own missiles.

Colossus realizes there is another system.

Shortly after activation, however, the computer reaches a startling conclusion: “WARN: THERE IS ANOTHER SYSTEM.” It provides coordinates in the Soviet Union. That system is a similar system called Guardian. The computers decide they want to talk to each other. The President decides to allow it, hoping to learn more about the Soviet’s secret computer. The Soviets agree, too, presumably for the same reason. You can watch the original trailer below.

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Hybrid Binaries On Windows For ARM: ARM64EC And ARM64X Explained

With ARM processors increasingly becoming part of the desktop ecosystem, porting code that was written for x86_64 platforms is both necessary and a massive undertaking. For many codebases a simple recompile may be all it takes, but where this is not straightforward Microsoft’s ARM64EC (for ‘Emulator Compatible’) Application Binary Interface (ABI) provides a transition path. Unlike Apple’s ‘Fat Binaries’, this features hybrid PE executables (ARM64 eXtended, or ARM64X) that run mixed ARM64EC and x86_64 binary code on Windows 11 ARM systems. An in-depth explanation is provided by one of the authors, [Darek Mihocka].

ARM64EC was announced by Microsoft on June 28, 2021 as a new feature in Windows 11 for ARM, with more recently Qualcomm putting it forward during the 2024 Game Developers Conference (GDC) as one reason why high-performance gaming on its Snapdragon SoCs should be much easier than often assumed. Naturally, this assumes that Windows 11 is being used, as it contains the x86_64 emulator with ARM64EC support. The major difference between plain ARMv8 and ARM64EC code is that the latter has changes on an ABI level to e.g. calling conventions that ease interoperability between emulated x86_64 and ARM64 code.

Although technologically impressive, Windows 11’s marketshare is still rather small, even before looking at Windows 11 on ARM. It’ll be interesting to see whether Qualcomm’s bravado comes to fruition, and make ARM64EC more relevant for the average software developer.

Automation Makes Traditional Japanese Wood Finishing Easier

Unless you move in architectural circles, you might never have heard of Yakisugi. But as a fence builder, [Lucas] over at Cranktown City sure has, with high-end clients requesting the traditional Japanese wood-finishing method, which requires the outer surface of the wood to be lightly charred. It’s a fantastic look, but it’s a pain to do manually. So, why not automate it?

Now, before we get into a whole thing here, [Lucas] himself notes that what he’s doing isn’t strictly Yakisugi. That would require the use of cypress wood, and charring only one side, neither of which would work for his fence clients. Rather, he’s using regular dimensional lumber which is probably Douglas fir. But the look he’s going for is close enough to traditional Yakisugi that the difference is academic.

To automate the process of burning the wood and subsequently brushing off the loose char, [Lucas] designed a double-barreled propane burner and placed it inside a roughly elliptical chamber big enough to pass a 2×8 — sorry, metric fans; we have no idea how you do dimensional lumber. The board rides through the chamber on a DIY conveyor track, with flame swirling around both sides of the board for an even char. After that, a pair of counter-rotating brushes abrade off the top layer of char, revealing a beautiful, dark finish with swirls of dark grain on a lighter background.

[Lucas] doesn’t mention how much wood he’s able to process with this setup, but it seems a lot easier than the manual equivalent, and likely yields better results. Either way, the results are fantastic, and we suspect once people see his work he’ll be getting more than enough jobs to justify the investment.

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