2024 Hackaday Europe Call For Participation Extended

Good news, procrastineers! A few folks asked us for a little more time to get their proposals together for our upcoming 2024 Hackaday Europe event in Berlin, and we’re listening. So now you’ve got an extra week – get your proposals for talks or workshops in before February 29th.

[Joey Castillo]’s awesome custom touchpad
Hackaday Europe is a two-day event taking place April 13th and 14th in Berlin, Germany. Saturday the 13th is the big day, with a full day of badge hacking, talks, music, and everything else. We’ve got the place booked until 2 AM, so get your sleep the night before. Sunday is a half-day of brunch, lightning talks, and showing off the badge hacks from the day before. And if you’re in town on Friday the 12th, we’ll be going out in the evening for drinks and dinner, location TBA but hopefully closer than where we ended up last year!

The badge is going to be a re-spin of the Supercon badge for all of you who couldn’t fly out to the US last November. There are no secrets anymore, so get your pre-hacks started now. We’ve seen some sweet all-analog hacks, some complete revisions of the entire firmware loadout, and, of course, all sorts of awesome hardware bodged onto it. Heck, we even saw Asteroids and DOOM. But we haven’t seen any native Jerobeam Fenderson-style oscilloscope music. You’ve got your homework.

What to Bring?

A few other people have asked if they could bring in (art) projects to show and share. Of course! Depending on the scale, though, you may need to contact us beforehand. If it’s larger than a tower PC, get in touch with us, and we’ll work it out. Smaller hacks, projects in progress, and anything you want to bring along to show and inspire others with, are, of course, welcome without any strings attached.

What else might you need? A computer of your choice and a micro USB cable for programming the badge. There will be soldering stations, random parts, and someone will probably be able to lend you nearly any other piece of gear, so you can pack light if you want to. But you don’t have to.

If you’d like to attend but you don’t have tickets yet – get them soon! Space is limited, and we tend to sell out. Or better yet, submit a talk and sneak in the side door. We’d love to hear what you’ve got going on, and we can’t wait to see you all.

Filters Are In Bloom

If you are a fan of set theory, you might agree there are two sets of people who write computer programs: those who know what a Bloom filter is and those who don’t. How could you efficiently test to see if someone is one set or another? Well, you could use a Bloom filter.  [SamWho] takes us through the whole thing in general terms that you could apply in any situation.

The Bloom filter does perform a trade-off for its speed. It is subject to false positives but not false negatives. That is, if a Bloom filter algorithm tells you that X is not part of a set, it is correct. But if it tells you it is, you may have to investigate more to see if that’s true.

If it can’t tell you that something is definitely in a set, why bother? Usually, when you use a Bloom filter, you want to reduce searching through a huge amount of data. The example in the post talks about having a 20-megabyte database of “bad” URLs. You want to warn users if they enter one, but downloading that database is prohibitive. But a Bloom filter could be as small as 1.8 megabytes. However, there would be a 1 in 1000 chance of a false positive.

Increase the database size to 3.59 megabytes, and you can reduce false positives to one in a million. Presumably, if you got a positive, you could accept the risk it is false, or you could do more work to search further.

Imagine, for example, a web cache device or program. Many web pages are loaded one time and never again. If you cache all of them, you’ll waste a lot of time and push other things out of the cache. But if you test a page URL with a Bloom filter, you can improve things quite a bit. If the URL may exist in the Bloom filter, then you’ve probably seen it before, so you might want to cache it.

If it says you haven’t, you can add it to the filter so if it is ever accessed again, it will cache. Sure, sometimes a page will show a false positive. So what? You’ll just cache the page on the first time, which is what you did before, anyway. If that happens only 0.1% of the time, you still win.

In simple terms, the Bloom filter hashes each item using three different algorithms and sets bits in an array based on the result. To test an item, you compute the same hashes and see if any of the corresponding bits are set to zero. If so, the item can’t be in the set. Of course, there’s no assurance that all three bits being set means the set contains the item. Those three bits might be set for totally different items.

Why does increasing the number of bits help? The post answers that and looks at other optimizations like a different number of hash functions and counting.

The post does a great job of explaining the filter but if you want a more concrete example in C, you might want to read this post next. Or search for code in your favorite language. We’ve talked about Python string handling with Bloom filters before. We’ve even seen a proposal to add them to the transit bus.

Using Gallium Oxide As A Resistive Memory Element

Resistive random-access memory (RRAM) is a highly attractive form of RAM, as it promises low-power usage with stable long-term storage, even in the absence of external power. Finding the right materials to create an RRAM cell which incorporates these features is however not easy, but recently researchers have focused their efforts on gallium(III) oxide (Ga2O3), with a research article by [Li-Wen Wang] and colleagues in Nanomaterials describing a two-bit cell (MLC) based around an aluminium-gallium oxide-graphene oxide stack which they tested for an endurance of more than a hundred cycles.

Filament models of the Al/GO/Ga2O3/ITO/glass device. (Credit: Li-Wen Wang et al., 2023)
Filament models of the Al/GO/Ga2O3/ITO/glass device. (Credit: Li-Wen Wang et al., 2023)

The way gallium-oxide works in an RRAM cell is by forming a conductive filament formed by oxygen vacancies. These vacancies and the resulting conductive path are controlled by an externally applied current via the top (Al) and bottom (ITO) electrodes, with the graphene-oxide (GO) layer acting as a source of oxygen ions.

In related research, [Zhengchun Yang] and colleagues described in a 2020 article in Ceramics International how they constructed a device consisting out of gallium(III) oxide RRAM data storage with a piezoelectric ceramic element that served both as pressure sensor and power supply. The current generated by the piezo element is used to power the memory device and record measurements.

Then there is the somewhat more wild ‘FlexRAM’ idea pitched by [Ruizhi Yuan] and colleagues in Advanced Materials who describe how they created a device consisting out of flexible polymer called ‘EcoFlex’ with pockets in it for a ‘liquid gallium-based metal’ to create a flexible memory device. At millimeter-sized structures it’s hard to see practical applications for this technology, even if the associated PR article in IEEE Spectrum goes pretty hard on breathless speculation.

Unlimited Cloud Storage YouTube Style

[Adam Conway] wanted to store files in the cloud. However, if you haven’t noticed, unlimited free storage is hard to find. We aren’t sure if he wants to use the tool he built seriously, but he decided that if he could encode data in a video format, he could store his files on YouTube. Does it work? It does, and you can find the code on GitHub.

Of course, the efficiency isn’t very good. A 7 K image, for example, yielded a 9-megabyte video. If we were going to store files on YouTube, we’d encrypt them, too, making it even worse.

The first attempt was to break the file into pieces and encode them as QR codes. Makes sense, but it didn’t work out. To get enough data into each frame, the modules (think pixels) in the QR code were small. Combined with video compression, the system was unreliable.

Simplicity rules. Each frame is 1920×1080 and uses a black pixel as a one and a white pixel as a zero. In theory, this gives about 259 kbytes per frame. However, to help avoid problems decoding due to video compression, the real bits use a 5×5 pixel block, so that means you get about 10 kbytes of data per frame.

The code isn’t perfect. It can add things to the end of a file, for example, but that would be easy to fix. The protocol could use error correction and compression. You might even build encryption into it or store more data — old school cassette-style — using the audio channel. Still, as a proof of concept, it is pretty neat.

This might sound like a new idea, but people way back in the early home computer days could back up data to VCRs. This isn’t even the first time we’ve seen it done with YouTube.

Replacement PCB Replicates Early 80s Modem

It’s certainly been a few decades, but plenty of us remember a time before widespread access to broadband internet, when connections were generally made over phone lines using acoustic modems. In the 90s these could connect you to AOL and Napster well enough, but in the early 80s the speeds were barely enough to read text as it loaded. A company called Hayes set out to change this with some of the first useful, widely-available modems for the PCs at the time. While they couldn’t keep up with the changing times there’s still a retro community that has these antiques, and to modernize it a bit this drop-in replacement for the PCBs replicates these old modems almost exactly.

The new PCB is equipped with everything needed to get a retro computer online again, including all the ports to connect a computer without any further modifications. It houses a few modern upgrades beyond its on-board processors, though. Rather than needing an actual acoustic coupled phone, this one has an ESP32 which gives it wireless capability. But the replacement PCB maintains the look and feel of the original hardware by replicating the red status LEDs at the front, fitting into the original Hayes cases with no modifications needed at all, and even includes a small speaker through which it can replicate the various tones, handshakes, and other audio cues that those of us nostalgic for this new online era remember quite well.

For those looking for a retro feel without the hassle of getting antique networking equipment functional again, this type of upgrade that preserves the essence of the original hardware is an excellent way of keeping retro computers functional on modern networking equipment. But if you absolutely must get the networking equipment exactly right down to the last patch cable, you might end up having to build your own ISP from scratch.

Continue reading “Replacement PCB Replicates Early 80s Modem”

A large array of triangles and colored lines showing the folding pattern of the origami computer

Turing Complete Origami

Origami can be an interesting starting point for a project, but we weren’t expecting [Thomas C. Hull] and [Inna Zakharevich]’s Turing complete origami computer.

Starting with the constraint of flat origami (the paper folds back on top of itself), the researchers designed a system that could replicate all the functionality of the previously-proven Turing complete Rule 110 automaton. The researchers walk us through the construction of AND, OR, NAND, NOR, and NOT gates via paper as well as the various “wires” and “gadgets” that connect the operators or filter out noise.

Everything ends up a large mess of triangles and hexagons with optional creases to make the whole thing work. While the origami computer probably won’t be helping you slice 3D prints anytime soon, much like a Magic computer, the engineering and math involved may prove useful in other applications.

We’re no strangers to origami here, having covered origami machines, medical robots, or using a desktop vinyl cutter to pre-score your project.

FLOSS Weekly Episode 771: Kalpa — Because Nobody Knows What Hysteresis Is

This week, Jonathan Bennett and Dan Lynch talk with Shawn W Dunn about openSUSE Kalpa, the atomic version of openSUSE Tumbleweed, with a KDE twist. What exactly do we mean by an Atomic desktop? Is ALP going to replace openSUSE Tumbleweed? Are snaps coming to Kalpa?

Shawn gives us the rundown of all the above, and what’s holding back a stable release of Kalpa, what’s up with Project Greybeard, and why Kalpa really doesn’t need a firewall.

Continue reading “FLOSS Weekly Episode 771: Kalpa — Because Nobody Knows What Hysteresis Is”