The Hovercraft Revolution And Finding The Right Niche For A Technology

In the world of transportation, some technologies may seem to make everything else appear obsolete, whether it concerns airplanes, magnetic levitation or propelling vehicles and craft over a cushion of air. This too seemed to be the case with hovercraft when they exploded onto the scene in the 1950s and 1960s, seemingly providing the ideal solution for both commercial and military applications. Freed from the hindrances of needing a solid surface to travel upon, or a deep enough body of water to rest in, hovercraft gave all the impressions of combining the advantages of aircraft, ships and wheeled vehicles.

Yet even though for decades massive passenger and car-carrying hovercraft roared across busy waterways like the Channel between England & mainland Europe, they would quietly vanish again, along with their main competition in the form of super fast passenger catamarans. Along the English Channel the construction of the Channel Tunnel was a major factor here, along with economical considerations that meant a return to conventional ferries. Yet even though one might think that the age of hovercraft has ended before it ever truly began, the truth may be that hovercraft merely had to find its right niches after a boisterous youth.

An example of this can be found in a recent BBC article, which covers the British Griffon Hoverwork company, which notes more interest in new hovercraft than ever, as well as the continued military interest, and from rescue workers.

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Unexpectedly Interesting Payphone Gives Up Its Secrets

Reverse engineering a payphone doesn’t sound like a very interesting project, at least in the United States, where payphones were little more than ruggedized versions of residential phones with a coin mechanism attached. Phones in other parts of the world were far more interesting, though, as this look at the mysteries of a payphone from Israel reveals (in Hebrew; English translation here.)

This is a project [Inbar Raz] worked on quite a while ago, but only got around to writing up recently. The payphone in question was sourced from the usual surplus market channels, and appears to have been removed from service by Israeli telecommunications company Bezeq only shortly before he found it. It was in pretty good shape, and was even still locked tight, making some amateur locksmithing the first order of the day. The internals of the phone are surprisingly complex, with a motherboard that looks more like something from a PC. Date codes on the chips and through-hole construction date the device to the early- to mid-1990s.

With physical access gained, [Inbar] turned to the firmware. An Atmel flash chip seemed a good place to look, and indeed he was able to pull code off the chip. That’s where things took a turn thanks to the CPU the code was written for — the CDP1806, a later version of the more popular but still fringe CDP1802. This required [Inbar] to fall down the rabbit hole of writing a new processor definition file for Ghidra so that the firmware could be reverse-engineered. This got him to the point of understanding 1806 assembly well enough that he was able to re-flash the phone to print debugging messages on the built-in 16×2 LCD screen, which allowed him to figure out which routines were being called under various error conditions.

It doesn’t appear that [Inbar] ever completed the reverse engineering project, but as he points out, what does that even mean? He got inside, took a look around, and made the phone do some cool things it couldn’t do before, and in the process made things easier for anyone working with 1806 processors in Ghidra. That’s a pretty complete win in our books.

The Math Behind The Music Of The 80s

Although there might have been other music produced or recorded in the 1980s, we may never know of its existence due to the cacophony of all of the various keytars, drum machines, and other synthesized music playing nonstop throughout the decade. There was perhaps no more responsible synthesizer than the Yamaha DX7 either; it nearly single-handedly ushered in the synth pop era. There had been other ways of producing similar sounds before but none were as unique as this keyboard, and for ways beyond just its sound as [Kevin] describes in this write-up.

Part of the reason the DX7 was so revolutionary was that it was among the first accessible synthesizers that was fully digital, meaning could play more than one note at a time since expensive analog circuitry didn’t need to be replicated for multiple keys. But it also generated its tones by using frequency modulation of sine waves in a way that allowed many signals to be combined to form different sounds. While most popular musicians of the 80s used one of the preset sounds of the synthesizer, it could produce an incredible range of diverse sounds if the musician was willing to dig a bit into the programming of this unique instrument.

There were of course other reasons this synthesizer took off. It was incredibly robust, allowing a musician to reliably carry it from show to show without much worry, and it also stood on the shoulders of giants since musicians had been experimenting with various other types of synthesizers for the previous few decades. And perhaps it was at the right place and time for the culture as well. For a look at the goings on inside the chip that powered the device, [Ken Shirriff] did a deep dive into one a few years ago.

[Wills] and his purple DIY sorting hat

From Felt To Fate: Building Your Own Sorting Hat

Ever wondered how it feels to have the Sorting Hat decide your fate? [Will Dana] wanted to find out, so he conjured a bit of Hogwarts magic, and crafted a fully animatronic Sorting Hat from scratch. In the video below, he covers every step of bringing this magical purple marvel to life—from rapid joystick movements to the electronics behind it all.

The heart of the project is two 9g servos—one actuates the mouth, and the other controls the eyebrows—powered by an ESP32 microcontroller. Communication between two ESP32 boards ensures smooth operation via the ESP-NOW protocol, making this a wireless wonder. The design process involved using mechanical advantage to solve jittery servo movements, a trick that will resonate with anyone who’s fought with uncooperative motors.

If animatronics or themed projects excite you, Hackaday has covered similar builds, from a DIY BB-8 droid to a robot fox.

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A Potential Exploit With The Ext Filesystem

The extended filesystem, otherwise known as ext, has been a fundamental part of Linux since before the 1.0 release in 1994. Currently the filesystem is on its fourth major revision, in use since its release in 2008 thanks to its stability, reliability, and backwards compatibility with the other ext filesystem versions. But with that much history there are bound to be a few issues cropping up here and there. [Will] recently found an exploit with this filesystem that can cause a Linux kernel to immediately panic when a manipulated USB drive is inserted into a computer.

[Will] discovered this quirk when investigating the intricacies of the filesystem for problems and other vulnerabilities. A tool called tune2fs, used for administering and modifying ext filesystems, includes the ability to pass certain commands to the Linux kernel when certain situations arise with the filesystem itself, including that the kernel should panic. One situation is that the ext filesystem itself becomes corrupted, which can then cause the kernel panic. Armed with this knowledge, a USB drive can be purposefully given a corrupted ext filesystem which, when plugged into a Linux machine, can cause the computer to shut down.

The post linked above goes into some discussion about how this exploit could be used maliciously to gain access to a Linux system, including rebooting computers where no access to a power button is otherwise enabled or making other changes to the system before needing a reboot to apply the changes. In general, though, it’s good to assume an attacker could take any route to gain access to a machine. This exploit from a few years ago, for example, allowed another Linux tool to be used to gain root access.

Thanks to [Timothy] for the tip!

Flying Drones That Can Walk And Jump Into The Air: An Idea With Legs?

When we look at how everyone’s favorite flying dinosaurs get around, we can see that although they use their wings a lot too, their legs are at least as important. Even waddling or hopping about somewhat ungainly on legs is more energy efficient than short flights, and taking off from the ground is helped by jumping into the air with a powerful leap from one’s legs. Based on this reasoning, a team of researchers set out to give flying drones their own bird-inspired legs, with their findings published in Nature (preprint on ArXiv).

The prototype RAVEN (Robotic Avian-inspired Vehicle for multiple ENvironments) drone is capable of hopping, walking, jumping onto an obstacle and jumping for take-off. This allows the drone to get into the optimal position for take-off and store energy in its legs to give it a boost when it takes to the skies. As it turned out, having passive & flexible toes here was essential for stability when waddling around, while jumping tests showed that the RAVEN’s legs provided well over 90% of the required take-off speed.

During take-off experiments the drone was able to jump to an altitude of about 0.4 meters, which allows it to clear ground-based obstacles and makes any kind of ‘runway’ unnecessary. Much like with our avian dinosaur friends the laws of physics dictate that there are strong scaling limits, which is why a raven can use this technique, but a swan or similar still requires a bit of runway instead of jumping elegantly into the air for near-vertical take-off. For smaller flying drones this approach would however absolutely seem to have legs.

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3D Printer Eliminates The Printer Bed

Anyone who has operated a 3D printer before, especially those new to using these specialized tools, has likely had problems with the print bed. The bed might not always be the correct temperature leading to problems with adhesion of the print, it could be uncalibrated or dirty or cause any number of other issues that ultimately lead to a failed print. Most of us work these problems out through trial and error and eventually get settled in, but this novel 3D printer instead removes the bed itself and prints on whatever surface happens to be nearby.

The printer is the product of [Daniel Campos Zamora] at the University of Washington and is called MobiPrint. It uses a fairly standard, commercially available 3D printer head but attaches it to the base of a modified robotic vacuum cleaner. The vacuum cleaner is modified with open-source software that allows it to map its environment without the need for the manufacturer’s cloud services, which in turn lets the 3D printer print on whichever surface the robot finds in its travels. The goal isn’t necessarily to eliminate printer bed problems; a robot with this capability could have many more applications in the realm of accessibility or even, in the future, printing while on the move.

There were a few surprising discoveries along the way which were mentioned in an IEEE Spectrum article, as [Campos Zamora] found while testing various household surfaces that carpet is surprisingly good at adhering to these prints and almost can’t be unstuck from the prints made on it. There are a few other 3D printers out there that we’ve seen that are incredibly mobile, but none that allow interacting with their environment in quite this way.

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